

Chapter 37: Smile.

Kein's POV

"Urgh my head..."

I groaned feeling like my back was being stabbed by a thousand needles and my head feels like it's been hit by a bat.

Did I drink too much again?

"Young miss, you're awake."

I looked up calmly recognizing the voice. Alfred was sitting quietly holding a book somehow reading it fondly. My body was slowly relaxing as I stretched and yawned.

"Alfred what time is it?" I asked standing up from the bed realizing my armor had already been taken out yesterday and polished into one of the stands.

My armor was customized by my father just for me having a dove carrying a rose on its beak for my armor crest. It was silly but... I really can't forget about her and I wanted to honor my family at the same time.

I kept my promise that day like I said.

I looked to the side, my two swords were also safe and on display. I breathed a sigh of relief. I was thankful that Natasha and Vincent were with me when I got drunk or else.
