
Chapter 46 - Thane

Almost as if I could hear the wheels spinning in Stretch's head, I surrendered myself to the idea that she was going to jump on this like white on rice. She'd constantly put the needs of us, our protection, our safety, ahead of her own. Even though it resulted in her being kidnapped.

But there might be a particular hiccup based on something Brigid had said. I cleared my throat. "Brigid, you said that the three of us are dragons. Is that correct?"

The goddess nodded. "Yes. Of the Old Faith. Clan Ladon was one of the highest ranking clans in Eire."

I nodded. Glad to know our ancestors had been top of the barrel back then. "Well, when Hollyn here touched us the first time, each of us had a strong reaction. None of them similar."

I looked at Tagan, our middle brother. I wasn't up to date on all dragon lore, but I was pretty sure fangs and sucking blood weren't characteristics of them.
