
100 Years/quest

"The name of the Dragon is Drago, The Fusion Dragonoid, from Bakugan"[Not that I dislike any other dragon, but he is special. Though I guess my start was pretty late, the first thing that could cure my depression was a kids show...]

"Fifth, Knowledge of different worlds, weapons, blueprints and a family photo together with you."

"Very well. It shall be done."

"But to address the elephant in the room, Will you be able to keep your sanity for a 100 years?", Vi asked, the tone of his voice a little too familiar with the concept.

"I honestly don't know. I will invest this entire time to train. But before that, I will study. I was not born a genius but it's not too late to become one. I will be making my own equipment, essentials and plans from now on. Enough taking things handed to me by others. If i am going to do this, we will do it my way. Only time will tell if my decision was correct."

"Don't worry. Whatever happens, we will always be by your side.", Infi said with a smile.

"Let's not keep Hiro from his journey, Infi. Let's prepare his last request.", said VI as the family stood side by side each other in front of a camera. A photo was clicked, and with the flash, Hiro had completed a phase of his destiny.

"A last hug, will you?"

"Without a doubt..."

<Later that day>

As Hiro looked back at them with saddened eyes while standing in front of the chamber, Vi felt a different kind of urge. The kind that was telling him to stop the boy from going in, to tell him he didn't deserve to die for their failures, to hide this little dimension in the dark corners of the Neoverse, to say, "Fuck Zero and it's evil plans. Fuck this mission and this broken world!!!", away from harm and live peacefully with his family.

But he couldn't, the boy was chosen before he even knew. That's why he chose to remain silent, to remain firm, because otherwise there would be no one left to support Infi.

If the flood of tears were no indication, her quivering hands gave her away. He was sure that she was inches away from doing what he was urging to do.

And that is why he maintained a steel but gentle grip on her arm.

"Vi, let me go!!", whispered Infi silently yet didn't try to break away from his grip.

"You know I can't do that Infi...You have to let him go. Because that is what the world wants....the world needs desperately... and you can't endanger the world He gave his life for."

Hiro didn't need to listen to know about the contents of the conversation. He faced forward and walked straight into the chamber without looking back.

<Inside the Chamber>

As soon as he entered the chamber, he was greeted by clear blue sky and vast meadows. This place's Sun also greeted him with warm light. He had planned ahead but he could only move forward after he assessed his current situation. This place was definitely not like the regular time chamber. the regular one didn't have a beautiful scenery inside it. He had guessed that this was their try to make his training as real as possible.

[Well time to roam around and see what I have got.]

Hiro had assumed this place had other places with different weathers and conditions. Hiro still hadn't calibrated Unimatrix properly but even without it, he managed to travel at fair speeds.. He had also visited some other areas but had returned to the mountains to camp for the night.

The raw materials really ranged from lot to lot. Fortunately they seemed to respond to his thoughts. When he had looked into his dimension for tent materials, he had found them immediately.

Hiro had been thinking about where to find food for quite sometime but didn't see anything on the way. [Man..sigh..I can't see anything edible within miles from here. Am I really gonna have to eat fire every time?] Being able to eat fire was great and all but it didn't feel like he was eating real food and he would still feel somewhat hungry later.

[I can only distract myself until I figure something out.]The stars were out in night sky. It was a beautiful sight. Deciding to call it a day, Hiro let himself recollect some happy memories.

For as long he had lived, Hiro had dreamed of going to a mountain. But as the orphanage couldn't afford it, Hiro's dream had remained a dream. But it will all change now!! Though he couldn't achieve it for his whole life, he will get to live his dream after his death(Whatever that sounded like).

But the orphanage had really outdid itself in the aspects of the education. He and other orphanage kids were sent to one of the best schools in their locality. He had tried to learn as much as he could everyday, as did his other family members. He already considered them family, even if many of them didn't. He was quite shy for a kid and he would get teased a lot.

The 'big-bros'/older kids would do mock battles with each other and many a times he would end up in one of those fights. They would train the smaller kids like army-instructors and would organise various teams for doing a variety of works across the household. His diligence had earned him the title of 'Scout' among his peers.

The 'big-sisters' would look after everyone and were responsible for teaching all required manners and proper behaviours. He was shy but he did his work well. Not that it mattered when they would embarrass the hell out of him.

Their mother, Casandra, would always sooth him when those she-devils asked him which girl he liked. He would always end up beet red and would hug his mother until all of the devils went away.

Casandra, she was a mother first and caretaker later. It was impossible to budge her over the wellbeing of her children. Such stubborn lady she was. She would stay awake all night if anybody fell ill, sooth them to a peaceful sleep afterwards. He had watched her give away her own food to any children the orphanage itself couldn't help.

He had watched her that fateful day as she stood between him and death. He was standing beside her when it happened. She had protected his life while she gave away her own.

Hiro shook his head today for the 7th time. His thoughts were turning too negative and he couldn't focus on anything else. He had missed those scoldings and teases time to time. Hey, it was not like he was completely dense like they called him out to be, he did like a girl. She was among the kids from the nearby orphanage that came to play with them. He had never asked for her name but whenever she came, his mood would be lifted automatically, though it was more like a childhood crush than real love.


"Ok boys. Today we will do combat training. Remember, you will have to be strong to protect the family. This training will help you become a man!!!", said Instructor Roy. Roy was the oldest and also had some training from who knows where. After he learned all he could, he took it upon himself to impart his precious wisdom upon the illiterate masses.

"Scout, will you step out for a minute?", Roy asked Hiro. He would deliberately ask Hiro just to see him beet-red. Still as he did it for fun, not for any ill intent, Hiro forgave him.

But what was stopping him from extracting some revenge. Roy was the only person he could probably pull this off safely on. The other members of the childish 'Council' were too scary for him to approach. They were kind, sure but they didn't have the approachable 'aura' Roy had.

Thus to achieve his teasing, "Are you sure you aren't doing this to impress sister Aya by looking cool~?", asked Hiro in a sing-song voice loudly.

"Wha-What g-gave you t-that idea?", Roy quickly turned around from the mass and tried to hide his embarrassed face but to no avail. Even though Hiro was sure probably everybody knew about Roy's poorly hidden crush, Roy was too dense to notice.

But Roy was quick to backtracked the source of his embarrassment and pulled Hiro by the ear to the corner, away from the buzzing crowd who seeing their instructor busy had sneaked away to play ."Why you! I shouldn't have talked with you about it. Now I am doomed! O I can see the Satan rise from the ground to claim my soul!"

"Ow-Ow-Ow You don't have too be overdramatic...I can even ask sister Aya that you would like girls to cooperate with the boys. That way you can spend time with her...",Hiro tried to bribe his punisher with the idea. All of them were small children and were quite mischievous for their age.

"You...You would really do t-that?", asked Roy as he suspected this to be another joke. But seeing Hiro nod his head, his anger vanished and he was as happy as a miner who had discovered gold,

"Whooo!! You are the best friend I ever made in my life!!... Ahem! I mean of course I would be eternally grateful to you!". [Heh...The escape plan had worked]

</Flashback end>

"Hey kid! Just ask your domain manager. She can give you food. And try to order some chilli fries while you are at it. You do have my personality after all.", said his saviour.

Hiro had thought he was gonna have to starve to death here.

[Wait... I have a domain manager?]
