
Preparations and Minister of Propaganda

"Is this all the Protection Squadron of the party?" When Ernest looked at the group of militia donning their new uniforms, standing straight and looking mighty.

A smile beamed across his face, these people were trained-soldiers who fought in the war against the Empire, and as the loser of the war, the Kingdom was forced to reduce its military troops to 100,000, leaving most soldiers unemployed and they'd like the UNSP and it was only natural for them to join the Protection Squadron.

Now they are standing before him, gazing up to their supreme leader who wears the same uniform as them.

"After you toppled Lord Enrico from power, most of the knights who swore allegiance to the party joined the Protection Squadron. Their current numbers are 350 and the number of applicants is still increasing as we speak." Sophia reported, reading the file in her hands.

It was expected. In the failing country whose economy is kaput, most people would immediately hunt for a job so that they can survive the day and put food on their tables. The description of the job doesn't matter to them, as long as they can get paid and can get them a loaf of bread.

And since the start of the industrialization act, people who were trying to make ends meet applied for a job the employment rate skyrocketed from 10% to 89%.


As one soldier shouted among the ranks of militia, they immediately lined themselves in a perfect horizontal line and stood straight. In their hands, the main armament of the Protection Squadron, the M1 Garand.

The man who just ordered the militia was no other than Mike.

"Thank you, Mike."

Mike saluted, by placing his fist on his chest, looking proud. The militia followed suit. It was the standard salute of the Crentis Kingdom.

Ernest wasn't impressed by how they saluted. It wasn't as powerful compared to the army back from Earth. He propped up his chin and thought of something that could replace their current salute.

He thought of one.

"We're going to change the salute. I'm going to show you what it looks like."

Ernest straightened his back and extended his right arm from the neck into the air with a straightened hand. "And chant "Hail Ernest!' That way sounds mighty and proud." Ernest explained.

After he demonstrated the new salute, the Protection Squadron saluted like he did, raising their arm and chanting "Hail Ernest."

"Perfect." A satisfied look crept across Ernest's face. "Sophia, that will be the official salute of the party, be sure to let others know about the new formal greeting."

"Understood." Sophia bowed her head, but Ernest' cold gaze

reminded her that she did something wrong. "Ah...the salute."

Upon realizing it, Sophia faced Ernest. with a serious expression and raised her arm, performing the new salute. Ernest returned the salute.

He faced the militia. "Now you are wondering why I am here right? The reason why I came here is to know the progress of your performance. My first meeting with you was that you wasted a lot of ammunition by not hitting your target. Let's see if all of you improved."

Ernest and Sophia went to the shooting practice area where a line of straw dummies can be seen across the field. Ernest wanted to know how effective his paramilitary was. Since the industrialization act, most of the workers producing weapons and ammunition lessened due to the prioritization of roads and underground pipelines.

And even if there was 350 Protection Squadron, some of them are not equipped due to the lack of weapons. When the construction of underground pipelines and roads is finished, then the factory workers can focus primarily on producing weapons. So to complement those who didn't carry an M1 Garand, they were handed the M9 Beretta instead. This is good, considering that this world is still using medieval warfare.

There's another problem the Protection Squadron is currently facing, the chain-of-command. Ernest acts as the supreme commander of the Protection Squadron but he can't look after them due to administrative work. Soon, he'll have to find a talented general that can lead his troops who are loyal to his cause.

*Bang bang bang.

Shots were fired from the shooting area, most of the shots hit their targets. It was impressive. To think that they can now shoot from a distance without missing is a great improvement.

Ernest clapped his hand. "Amazing, simply amazing." Ernest praised the soldiers who hit their mark in his heart.

"We are glad that you like it, Supreme Leader."

Now all that's left is to address them. He's not here just to see how well they can shoot, of course, there is a hidden agenda.

The Protection Squadron created a wooden platform for him to address the militia. Since the order was sudden, it could face a stability issue, but Ernest trusted them.

"Everyone, in two days there will be a visitor coming from the north. An ambassador of Duke Gustav Elm, they are here to make a business by buying our crops, mineral ores, at 70% lower than the normal price. By having all the information hidden in the mansion I found that this city is exploited, instead of paying us real money they pay us with spoiled wheat. Which is frustrating to think of. Comrades, do you accept this humiliation and unfair trades?"

"No!" Shouted everyone.

"And what should we do?"

"We will fight them!"

"Yes we will fight them, but not today. Though the fight between Duke Gustav and the City of Eighbury is inevitable, I want to show the power the city had grown for the last one and a half years. To do that, we will conduct a powerful messenger tool to strike fear into our enemy! And that is…"

Ernest paused for suspense.

"Military march!"

Declaring that, the militia looked at each other, mumbling indistinctively. It looks like they haven't done a military march before. How perfect, because today Ernest will teach them the most badass military march ever.

The soldiers saluted at his decision and saluted. Raising their arms, they chanted powerfully in unison.

"Heil Ernest!"

"Heil Ernest!"

"Heil Ernest!"

Ernest saluted back.

The practice of the military march took five hours to perfect. Thanks to their commitment, they were able to perform it perfectly. Now they'll have to practice for tomorrow so that the formation won't break when the real show starts.

The enemy will be seeing humans and beastman marching down the street hoisting the UNSP banner and flag while radiating confidence, pride, and power.

Back at his mansion, there was one visitor waiting for him in his office.


The pro-empire noble whom he left in exchange for valuable information.

He stood up and performed the new salute. Which surprised him.

"Hoh? You know the formal salute of the UNSP."

"Sophia told me beforehand that this is the official salute of the party. I learned so that I won't displease you."

"You're right, but that salute is only used to those who are part of UNSP. If you are using that, does it mean that you?"

"That's right Sir Ernest. After pondering for a while, I've decided to join your cause. I, Lex Regulus, swear his undying fidelity to the United National Socialist Party. Order me something and I will finish it with the best of my ability."

"Hmm…Very well."

It seems like Alexa had successfully convinced him.

Ernest thought of something for him to work on. He had one idea.

"Perfect, just perfect," Ernest said. "You, as the former pro-empire faction, I have a perfect job for you."

"What is it, Sir Ernest?"

"I want you to share the wisdom of UNSP throughout the country. Use any means necessary to export our ideals of cleansing this world of Empire and rule over those who do not share the vision of UNSP." Ernest paused. "Before I give you an official position, what lead you to side with the UNSP faction? Are you convinced by your wife?"

As Lex received that question, he bowed and answered truthfully.

"No, I was not convinced or forced by anyone. At first, I thought you were just a renegade mob trying to disrupt the peace of the Kingdom by bringing the ire of the Empire. But when I saw the power of Protection Squadron, the ongoing projects of the party, and the sudden change of lifestyle in the city of Eighbury. I was amazed. I thought all your speeches were just to hype people and lead them to a blind path. But when I witness you taking action. I was enamored and I told myself that you're the man worth my loyalty." Lex said and continued.

"I was in the pro-empire noble faction because I was afraid of losing my nobility. I sincerely hate the empire but what can we do? We have no power to defy the influence of the Empire. But today it all turned around. Sir Ernest, I'm willing to serve you for the rest of my life, and I'll gladly take any position you will put to me."

Ernes was moved by his speech, he didn't know this man was enlightened of his ideals.

"Hmm, perfect," Ernest said. "Hearing that reason of yours is very moving. With that, I have a perfect job just for you. Since you're enlightened and a former pro-empire. You will enlighten the people through propaganda."

"Propaganda?" Lex tilted his head to the side, puzzled.

"As of now, I will give you an official position. Since you worked in administration in the past I believe that you can do this job. The official position that I'll be giving to you is Minister of Propaganda."

And at that moment, Lex Regulus, a former pro-empire noble became the Minister of Propaganda of UNSP.

