
More Questions Than Answers

No. It couldn't be!

Jocelyn tried to think back on everything she knew about both Keith and Delta. He changed jobs frequently, was a busy person, and was looking into settling down into a career. 

Delta was thinking about retiring and trying to plan for it. He mentioned he changed jobs a lot too and had a conversation with her that was almost identical to what Keith was telling her right now. 

But the two of them had so little in common! All she could think of was blue eyes and the fact that they both teased her aside from the oddness surrounding their very similar career issues happening at the same time. 

Keith was way goofier…though hadn't Delta said something about how he was more serious as a hero than he was normally? Their voices weren't exactly the same either. Keith's was animated where Delta's was flatter (though not as flat as hers) but that might be a situational issue. 
