
Chapter 582 - Truth or Dare (pt. I)

He had no idea what that vile gaze meant, but he could sense that something bad was about to happen to his father when he saw the demon shift his gaze towards Robert.

"I'm sure you've heard of the game called Truth or Dare before." Kyran said, chuckling as he walked further until he got into the middle of the crowd. "It's really a simple game. You pick truth, answer with the truth. You pick dare then do the dare." 

The crowds gasped as they immediately split and formed a circle upon the blond's intimidating presence. 

Against his delicately beautiful figure they dared not take a breath nor blink, for the slightest wrong deed would definitely earn them a painful torture and the most pathetic death they could ever imagine.

"Woah, woah, woah. You guys got your own weapon?" Kyran said, pretending to be shocked as he looked at the few guests whose shaky hands subconsciously reached out inside their tuxedos. 
