
An Outcast

A Hundred And Six Years Later....


I groaned loudly when I heard my mum call me.

It's been three bad days and I haven't even eaten a thing. My stomach hurts so bad and it's not like they can do anything about it cause they act like they don't care.

Meanwhile, they do. Can you believe it?

I am Raven, daughter of Xuvicer, a demon.

Yes, I know... I am a Demon which is a bad thing because demons only feed on blood and the flesh of people.

I am a hundred and six years old (My parents are thousands of years old, you can guess how many years they have stayed alive... It surpass 600 thousand years, that's cool)

I am Raven, their only daughter, and child and I am the most bored person, I mean Demon, here and can you please tell me how eleven Demons can make three thousand demons?

The fact that it's only males and one female makes it even more confusing.

"Here I am" I grunted and my mother turned to look at me.

Her wings flap like those of a giant butterfly and it send a movement of a type of heavy air across my face and swept almost all the dirt in the kitchen in my face.

That's a real good one mum... A real good one.

"Sorry honey... I just thought you were sleeping again so I called, to make sure you aren't sleeping"

Can you imagine the demons' law? No sleeping every time and I am the only one that finds that hard.

I boil inside me as my red hair swiped across my face due to the wind passing through the kitchen.

My wings are white, I wonder why the others are black, it kinda makes me feel like an outcast.

I pass so many rooms until I get to my dad's workplace.

My Dad, his name is Xuvicer, is the head of the Demons. It's said that he is the only one that is expected to see the real Demon. They call him the devil.

And he is scary to me, because of the tales I've heard that he got horns and he comes out only when the moon is bloody red.

Who comes out when the moon is that color if not for some devil. Urgh!

"Good morning Dad" I greet my father.

He turn to me with a beautiful smile that I am quite flattered with.

Most times, I fall for my Dad. I know, I know, it's stupid. But when I remember that he is my Dad, I feel pride rise in me for having such a beautiful and flawless man as my Dad. He is so beautiful that you can't detect any flaws no matter how hard you try. It's like he's perfect. He got no cheekbones exposed and he looks like a certain being that I can't describe. His face is one of a kind and... Well...

He is just so nice and good.

"Good morning, Raven. How was your training?"

What training?

"What training?" I ask innocently. My Father's smile turned upside down.

"What do you mean? Ronhard didn't come to train you?" he asks.

I am getting scared now. Xuvicer's anger is not good. I can't even imagine how he will look like when we go to battle with the beings in the heavens.

It's quite.... Scary.

"No... No one came"

My father's wings flapped greatly, causing a dark wind that looks like smoke to fill the air.

"Come with me," he say and flew out of the room through the opening in the high caves.

Well, what option do I have left?

I prepared my wings and flapped it once, causing dust to take everywhere by surprise, and then I flew out of the room where he meditates, and into the sky.

This is how my life has been.

Almost every day is filled with tragedy.

Xuvicer flaps his large wings and everywhere is filled with dust and the dust looks more like smoke.

All the Demons assembled because they know Xuvicer when he is not in the right position to order anyone when you know what to do.

The Mother of Raven, Golsie, held her chest and one can sense that her heart is beating right out of her chest because of the face Xuvicer has on right now.

"Ronhard!" My father's deep voice echoed and all the Demons stood at attention in thin air, flapping their wings slowly, everyone releasing sighs of relief that they're not the people that got into trouble.

The Demon called Ronhard with black long hair came out of the midst of the other Demons with his head bowed as he went on one knee in front of Xuvicer and on thin air. His wings are flapping slowly, just to maintain stamina and balance in thin air.

"Where were you in the time of training my daughter?" Xuvicer asks

"Your Majesty, Her Highness was in her room in her study and-"

"And is that any reason for you to make her miss the period of training?" Xuvicer asks.

All eyes are on Raven now. Most of the men are glaring at her, thinking that she is the one who deliberately reported, just so one of the men gets into trouble.

Raven's eyes settle on those of her mum and her mother is also angry with her.

She did nothing to deserve anger from everyone, did she now?

"Raven is going to be a leader someday and here you are... Messing with your leader" Xuvicer says and all the glares turn into smirks.

Raven felt tears rise rapidly in her eyes. She always gets bullied because her father always says that she is going to be the next ruler of the Demons.

She has never felt so downcast in her life before.

The only people that believe in her are her parents and Loy. A childhood friend of hers.

Loy use to pick flowers for her when they were kids but as they grew up, both of them had no intention to be married but to just be friends.

But seeing their closeness from when they were little, both the father of Loy and Xuvicer made up their minds to make both of their kids marry when it's the right time.

The mothers are not pretty comfortable with the idea though, but what can they do.

Xuvicer decides without thinking sometimes, and his wife gets annoyed by it every single time he does it.

"But since all of you feel like my daughter is not a Demon in your category, fine... I'll train her myself"

Everywhere is filled with gasps.

If the head of the Demons take responsibility on himself just because the other Demons don't want to take it on themselves, and because it's his daughter that caused it, then bad things will start happening to everyone in the Kingdom, except for the head of the demons and the person that he is training.

"Xuvicer... " Golsie called but Xuvicer just flew back to his study.

The Demons eyes Raven and pass deadly glares that send her a death message before they went back to the ground to continue whatever they're doing.

Raven stares at her mum with tears flowing down her eyes.

What has this young demon done to deserve such hatred? It's quite impossible to tell.

"Raven" Golsie whispers but Raven flapped her wings once and went higher in the sky.

"No one needs me" She whispers as she flew to the ground where she knows no one will dare come to ask for anything or tell her anything stupid.

And that place is where Loy lives.

Another Chapter!

novel_lightscreators' thoughts