
I've been made


"You're on your own on this one." She was eager to change the subject.

Shadow appeared propped on the chair by the PC, its glowing purple eyes opened, they were very expressive, they didn't hide Shadow's excitement of seeing a familiar face again.

"We have a problem"

"And what is that?"

"I'm not in the same school as you are."

She swiveled on a chair playfully, I slapped my forehead.

Skylar Henshaw High

Zeke was still having a kick out of deceiving other students with his scam-gram, that's what he called it. He passed out papers to the others grinning.

"As promised"

Everyone wanted to know who their love interest was or whether to skip school tomorrow. I saw most people with papers in their hands chattering leaving the class.

"So accurate...I knew it..."

"And one for you." Zeke plastered one to my face. I squashed the paper in my hand.
