
Successful Operation and a New Invasion

At the moment, Berengar was standing in the middle of the Grand Hall of Sterzing; after a well-fought siege, the enemy had conceded and was kneeling before him. With the collapse in the defenses of the city the night prior, it did not take long for the cowardly Regent within to surrender the Castle and the City to Berengar, a few bombardments on the castle's walls, and he quickly flew the white flag, scurrying for Berengar's favor.

With Sterzing and Meran won, all that remained in operation Trident was the fall of Schlanders, and news of victory in that area would soon follow. As such Berengar was smiling at the defeated Regent, which happened to be one of the Brothers of the Baron who ruled over this area. Though the man was trusted with the region's defense by his elder brother, he had utterly failed in that regard.
