
Onyxia, Broodmother of the Black Dragonflight

"Are you sure you're ready for this Jaina?"

"I'm sure. I won't let that vile orc's actions define me for the rest of my life. I will always carry their loss with me… but I can do so while still moving into the future."

Harry just inclines his head and raises no further concerns as Jaina teleports him, herself, as well as Sylvanas and Vereesa from her rooms in Dalaran all the way across the world to where it all began… Theramore Isle.

It feels like it all happened a lifetime ago. To be fair, it HAS been years since Harry arrived in this world, since he arrived on Azeroth. Indeed, his arrival had been somewhat bittersweet. He'd come in time to give Jaina the emotional support she needed, but not in time to save her home from the monstrous Garrosh Hellscream.

A peaceful port town that had tried to remain neutral despite mounting pressure from both sides, many considered the destruction of Theramore by the horrific Mana Bomb Garrosh had his goblins construct to be the point where open war between the Alliance and Horde truly began again.

Oh sure, there'd been conflict before then as Garrosh had been militarizing and industrializing his armies from the moment that Thrall handed over the position of Warchief back during Deathwing's Return, but it wasn't until the loss of Theramore that even the most peaceful types realized there could be no peace so long as Garrosh led the Horde.

Jaina Proudmoore, Lady of Theramore Isle, had been one of those 'peaceful types'… and had certainly suffered the most before coming to that realization. Still, it was years in the past and Jaina was right. She couldn't let the destruction of Theramore drag her down forever. She couldn't avoid it and still be able to move forward, to have a future.

And so here they were, the four of them arriving at the edge of the Theramore Ruins. Harry, admittedly, feels different emotions looking down upon the crater than the others do. This wasn't just the place where Jaina lost her home and family after all. On HIS end, it was the place where Harry had landed after falling so, so far.

Had he gone too far back on his home planet of Earth? Had he pushed the limits too much and ultimately caused his own downfall? Sometimes Harry wondered… but at other times, he felt merely like he'd made a few missteps along the way and simply stumbled. Rather, he couldn't honestly bring himself to feel all that guilty for what he'd done back on Earth… after all, while he might have mellowed out a LITTLE here on Azeroth, he hadn't changed all that much as a person.

He was still the same man he'd always been, and that man did not suffer fools lightly. Likewise, he was a man who loved his woman. Perhaps, in that way, Harry had landed right where he belonged. Jaina had been a good tempering force early on for him, a great counterweight to his overwhelming personality. But also at the same time, Azeroth was a world of savagery and violence… Draenor even more so.

In comparison to the modern world of Earth with all of its modern morals and the like, Azeroth catered to the Strong above all else. And Harry was nothing if not Strong.

As they stand there on the edge of the crater, he offers that strength to Jaina in the form of a one armed hug, allowing the beautiful Archmage to lean into his side. She does not cry; she does not sob. She simply looks on, as do they all, in absolute silence. The carnage and destruction wrought by the Mana Bomb… it's mostly dissipated by this point. But the crater remains, and nothing will likely ever be built within Theramore's crumbling walls ever again.

"Oh! My instruments picked up a group teleporting into the area, but I thought it was just some adventurers! My sincerest apologies for the disturbance, Lady Proudmoore and friends!"

The foursome all turn their gazes to what seems to be a human woman with short choppy black hair, clad in white, gold, and black robes with a circlet hovering over her head. It's not hard to place her though, not after the experiences Harry has had already with the Dragonflights. This is a Bronze Dragon in disguise, and indeed after a moment of their staring, she confirms it as she gives a deep bow and introduces herself.

"I am known as Zidormi, of the Bronze Dragonflight. The Aspect of Time has tasked me with allowing adventurers to transport back and forth through space time… t-to before the explosion, if they like. Um, unfortunately, I do not think it would be good for there to be two Jaina Proudmoores in Theramore at one time so…"

Harry feels Jaina stiffen against his side and hears the sharp intake of breath from his Archmage lover. He's just considering how best to punish Zidormi for her careless words when the Bronze Dragon suddenly looks even more nervous than before… and even goes so far as to poke her fingers together.

"T-That said… if you four wouldn't mind acting the part of adventurers for just a moment, I could really use your help with something! See, due to its magical nature, the destruction of Theramore Isle has brought the Infinite Dragonflight here. They've been snooping around the area in an attempt to alter the timeline! N-Not Theramore's specifically mind you… but more notably, they've been snooping around Lady Onyxia's old lair, you see. I'm concerned what they might be trying to do with her…"

Jaina stiffens even more at that, while Harry cocks his head to the side and wracks his brain. Onyxia… Onyxia was a Black Dragon, wasn't she? More than that, she'd been involved in some serious bullshit long before Harry ever came around. She'd also died and then been brought back as a zombie and then died again before Harry had ever come around too, from what he recalled.

And yet… that didn't matter to the Infinite Dragonflight, did it? The fact that Onyxia was long dead… rather, all THEY had to do was travel back in time to when she wasn't dead YET and attempt to change her fate. And unlike their Bronze counterparts, they were all too willing to do so.

"We'll handle it. I won't let them save that monstrous bitch."

Jaina's voice is tight and angry, and Harry senses that the Archmage and leader of the Kirin Tor MIGHT be using this as an outlet for her emotions… but all the same, he'll support her through it. Slipping his arm down off of her shoulder, Harry laces his fingers through her hand instead and squeezes, giving her a comforting smile when she glances in his direction.

Zidormi, meanwhile, brightens up considerably.

"Oh! Thank you very much, Lady Proudmoore… Ranger-General Windrunner… Banshee Queen…"

As if JUST truly cataloging the others with Jaina, Zidormi's voice grows progressively fainter as she realizes who else is in Jaina's party. She doesn't even give voice to HIS presence… but then, she doesn't have to. As her eyes finally properly fall upon him and she registers who Harry is, the atomic blush that spreads across Zidormi's face makes it clear that the Bronze Dragon knows exactly who he is. His reputation clearly precedes him, and his exploits with her superiors has likely reached her ears.

Squirming under his wicked grin, Zidormi tries to ignore the glint in his eyes. But Harry hasn't forgotten her callous words. Jaina might be willing to set them aside for the time being, but he would remember that Zidormi had something to make up to the both of them.

"R-Right. W-Well, I suppose I don't have to tell you all that keeping your footprint on the timeline at a minimum is d-definitely preferred! B-But! Um, mistakes definitely happen, and slight deviations here and there are allowed! Just… pleasedonttrytowarnyourselfaboutTheramore'simpendingdoomLadyProudmoore!"

It takes a moment for the four of them to parse through Zidormi's rapidly spouted words, and Jaina's face grows somewhat stormy and closed off as she growls.

"I won't."

Her biting tone makes it clear to the Bronze Dragon that she's officially ran through any good will she has with any of them, and without another word, Zidormi sets about transporting them to the past. However, before she can finish the spell, a sudden woosh of wind takes them all off guard… and a sudden tall, dragon horned Night Elf woman stands before them all, dressed scantily and wearing a green shawl that goes well with her glowing green eyes.


Zidormi sounds gobsmacked as she calls out the Aspect of Dreams arrival. Ysera, the leader of the Green Dragonflight, stands before them with a slight smile on her lips and one hand on a cocked hip.

"Mm, I couldn't help but learn of this little adventure… and decided it was only fitting for me to tag along. If you're afraid of the Lady Proudmoore disrupting the timeline too much little Zidormi, I'll be sure to keep them on task."

Ysera's words might have caused more irritation and anger if not for the actions she took right alongside them. Even as she spoke about keeping them on task, the Green Dragon Aspect had sauntered right over to Harry and brazenly stroked his crotch right then and there in front of all of them. Harry couldn't help but blush a little bit at the looks he was getting from all of his companions as well as Zidormi.

In the end, there was really only one response to give to a literal Dragon Aspect when they showed up in front of you like this and demanded to be allowed to go along on your time travel adventure. Harry had been happy to let Jaina take the reins overall, but now… well, now he had to say something, to do something to get things moving again.

"… Welcome aboard, Ysera."

Beaming brightly, Ysera turns to Zidormi and raises an eyebrow, causing the much younger Bronze Dragon to hastily begin performing her spell once more. This time it went off without a hitch. It's a strange feeling, time travel… but it's done a moment later, with them standing out of a reborn Theramore Isle, Zidormi on the small hill in front of them still with a hesitant, somewhat fearful, somewhat hopeful smile on her face as she points in the opposite direction of the reconstituted city.

"Um… Onyxia's Lair is that way?"

For a long moment, Jaina stares at her long-destroyed home, remade once more. Harry is half-tempted to suggest that they put on some illusionary disguises and spend a day just walking around it, but before he can do so, the Archmage jerks and turns away.


With Jaina leading the way, they begin making their way down the road out of Theramore, away from Zidormi and deeper into Dustwallow Marsh. It was time to deal with Onyxia and the Infinite Dragonflight's machinations.


As Onyxia rests within her lair, she can't help but fume and brood. To say the Broodmother was pissed would be the understatement of the century. She was honestly livid with how things had turned out. Her grand plan, to take control of the humans via the Throne of Stormwind and guide them to more useful impulses and a more… servitude-focused lifestyle… it was in danger of all being for naught. Indeed, it was in danger of being undone by the damnable human who was supposed to be the linchpin of her entire plan!

Varian fucking Wrynn… the man vexed her so damn much! All of the effort she'd put into ensorcelling his court, all of the work she'd put in to turning Stormwind into a powder keg. The dissent she'd fomented between the Stormwind Nobles and the Mason's Guild had led to riots that cost Varian's Queen her life!

That should have been enough to destabilize everything, but instead Varian had managed to overcome his grief in a show of sheer willpower and determination that had thoroughly infuriated Onyxia. As Lady Katrana Prestor, she should have been able to puppet a broken King with ease. When Varian had refused to break and indeed had been slow to even properly bend, Onyxia had seen fit to get rid of him.

If she could not puppet a broken King, then she would puppet a child King and his ensorcelled regent, Lord Bolvar Fordragon. All had been going according to plan after Katrana had Varian kidnapped by the Defias en route to a diplomatic summit at Theramore Isle. She'd even managed to complete the ritual that had allowed her to split the King's less desirable traits off into another body, giving her a weak-willed, cowardly, and altogether pliant tool to return to Stormwind and use as her puppet.

They might have known her as Lady Katrana Prestor for many, many years, but she was Onyxia! Of the Black Dragonflight! Daughter of Deathwing, Broodmother of hundreds upon hundreds of Black Dragons! It was her duty to expand the influence of their Flight, just as it was the duty of the humans to bend over and submit to their rightful draconic overlord, much like the orcs in Blackrock Mountain had for her brother!

But no… no, the other half of her darling puppet King had managed to survive all attempts to end him. The violent, aggressive, and altogether confident version of Varian Wrynn had returned as Lo'Gosh, an arena pit fighter who nevertheless had climbed his way back up until he and his companions had exposed the truth of her in view of the entire Stormwind Court.

Yes, to say Onyxia was furious would be an understatement… but, not all was lost. In her flight from court, the Broodmother had snagged a lifeline, so to speak. There was still a possibility that she could make her original plan work… that she could make Varian Wrynn himself submit. Both Varians, even, as she had the thing most important to both halves of the man in all the world… his son.

Looking over at the cage where she still had Anduin Wrynn in a magical ensorcelled sleep, Onyxia allows herself a wicked draconic smile. Yes, the boy would be of use to her after so long. His father would bow to allow him to keep his life. He would submit and SHE would return to Stormwind, all those who had seen her true form would be executed as traitors, and Onyxia would finally control the humans as her brother controlled large swathes of the orcs.

Of course, it would take some time for Varian and his party to get here. They would no doubt bring an army in order to besiege her lair. Onyxia would greatly enjoy forcing the King to slaughter his own subjects in return for his son's life so that the secret of her existence could be properly maintained. Indeed, the plan was still salvageable, and salvage it she intended to-


Torn from her thoughts by one of her dragonspawn guards, Onyxia's eyes widen in shock and surprise.

"What?! They can't be here yet!"

"N-No Broodmother, it's not the King, it's-!"

Whatever the guard might have said, he ultimately never gets out. Instead, he's cut off in a choking gurgle as a spray of blood erupts from the front of his neck and then immediately freezes around the massive shard of ice that penetrated through the back of his skull. As the dragonspawn falls forward, dead as can be, Onyxia raises up to her full height, nostrils flaring in anger.


Clawing at the ground beneath her, Onyxia gets ready for a fight to the death. This is, after all, her lair. It's the place of her power… the place where her clutch resides. She will die to protect them. Even still, there's no preparing the Broodmother of the Black Dragonflight for just who comes sauntering through the entrance into the cavern she resides within.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore wouldn't be much of a surprise, given that the Ruler of Theramore Isle has already proven to be a thorn in Onyxia's side, and indeed had been instrumental in delivering Lo'Gosh to Stormwind so that he could expose Onyxia's gambit as Katrana Prestor. The Broodmother had always expected to face down Lady Proudmoore alongside the two halves of Varian Wrynn and had still been undecided about whether she was going to force Varian to kill Jaina as well, or force Jaina to submit alongside the King and add Theramore to Onyxia's fiefdoms.

Except… this is not the young Jaina Proudmoore that Onyxia is familiar with. This Jaina Proudmoore might as well be the elder sister to the one that Onyxia left behind in Stormwind not but a day before. With a streak of stark white hair through her golden locks and a weathered set of features that make it clear she's seen many more experiences then the Jaina Onyxia is more familiar with, this… this Lady Proudmoore smacks of Bronze interference. Of time travel magic.

Of course, if it was just a time traveling Jaina Proudmoore, Onyxia would be ultimately unconcerned. It's her companions that leave the Broodmother short for breath. She of course recognizes the Ranger-General of the Silver Covenant and the Banshee Queen of the Forsaken. The high elven sisters had been torn apart by undeath and should have been at each other's throats, but instead the Windrunners were here, seemingly united against her for some reason Onyxia couldn't fathom.

But most shockingly of all… they had the Aspect of Dreams with them. They had the leader of the Green Dragonflight walking alongside them in her Night Elven form, as if this was a perfectly normal thing for Ysera to do. As if she wasn't completely upturning dozens of Onyxia's preconceived beliefs about her by showing up here out of fucking nowhere.

Onyxia's jaw is hanging open at this point, and NOT to unleash a gout of dragon fire. Meanwhile, the group in front of her, which includes some human mage she's never seen before, are all smirking as if they know something she doesn't… which clearly, they do.

But before Onyxia can say or do anything else, there's a sudden pulse on either side of her and two portals open up, disgorging some strange looking dragonkin.

"Lady Onyxia! We of the Infinite Dragonflight will support you! Rise up! Do not allow these adventurers to- what the fuck, is that Ysera?!"

What follows is a slaughter. There's no doubt about it. Ysera steps into the cavern fully and starts to transform into her true, titanic draconic form. As she surges forward, Onyxia is forced to defend herself as best she can against the larger Green Dragon. Which is to say, not much. Ysera is more active than the Broodmother has EVER seen the Aspect before. For a dragon who spent so much time sleeping and dreaming, she was startlingly fast and incredibly aggressive, leaving Onyxia unable to find the upper hand, let alone seize it.

Meanwhile, the so-called Infinite Dragonflight wasn't faring any better from the few glimpses Onyxia got of the fighting all around her. As she was wrestled into submission by the closest thing she had to an Aunt, the humans and high elves that had come along were able to make short work of the dozens upon dozens of strange time-twisted dragons pouring out of the portals, easily tearing them to shreds until ultimately, the portals snapped shut.

Around the same time that those portals snapped shut, Ysera finished dominating Onyxia into submission. As only one dragon can do to another, the greater of the two of them pinned her lesser to the floor with her massive fangs encircling Onyxia's throat in a clear display of power befitting her status as an Aspect of a Dragonflight. Indeed, Onyxia knows power quite well and knows when to submit to it and so she goes limp, a massive Broodmother nevertheless made to feel quite small as her Aunt remains mere inches away from tearing out her throat if she so chose.

Penetrating her mind is Ysera's voice in her head, the Dreamer's words leaving no room for an argument as she gives Onyxia her commands.

You will take on your human form immediately or die.

Shuddering, Onyxia does as she's told, retaking the form of Katrana Prestor for the first time since she was exposed the day before. However, when she tries to constitute her usual dress along with the transformation, Ysera, who is shrinking alongside her, grabs her by the throat and choke slams her into the ground.

"No clothes, dear niece. You won't be needing them."

With a whimper, Onyxia finishes regaining her human form, squirming weakly beneath Ysera as the Green Dragon Aspect in turn takes her own Night Elven form. Almost immediately after doing so, Ysera's hand closes around Onyxia's long black locks and she drags the Black Dragon's head up, forcing her mouth into her Aunt's muff. As she grinds her cunt down onto Onyxia's face, Onyxia's eyes go wide in response, completely shocked by the sexual assault.

"Lick, niece. Show me that that tongue of yours is good for more than just making a mess of things over in the Human Kingdoms."

With no other choice, Onyxia does as she told… not that she's spared further humiliation. Forcing Onyxia down onto her back, Ysera kneels on either side of her head and begins to ride her mouth, while at the same time forcing a hand into each of her other orifices. The Broodmother of the Black Dragonflight can do nothing but squeal as she's so thoroughly dominated by her physically larger Aunt, as well as used like some washed up whore.

"Truly, if only Deathwing wasn't so weak-willed to succumb to the Old Gods, perhaps his daughter wouldn't have turned out to be such a useless bitch."

Muffled squealing is Onyxia's only response from beneath the Dragon Aspect's fat Night Elven ass. Smirking evilly, Ysera continues to degrade and deride her, seemingly having no end of quips and jabs prepared for her niece.

"You know, I remember a story that dear young Chromie tells about approaching you for help with her Visage. I remember her telling me that you said a Visage is meant to be one of strength. Do you feel strong now, dear niece? Are you yet regretting your choice of this weak human body?"

She was, just a little bit. Not that it would have helped one bit if she had chosen anything else. Ysera would still be stronger than her, and the Dragon Aspect would still be fisting her cunt and ass while forcing Onyxia to eat her out. Still, Onyxia remembered the encounter she spoke of. She remembered advising Chronormu at the time.

She'd told Chronormu that their Visage needed to be a form that would best allow the Dragonflights to maintain control over the lesser, mortal races. She and her brother had followed in their father's footsteps of choosing a human Visage because of all the mortal races, it was humans who posed the greatest threat to dragonkind. While true that they were neither the strongest nor the smartest, they were the most unrelenting.

If only Onyxia could have a smidgen of that unrelenting spirit to use herself right now. But while she might have the naked and beautiful body of Lady Katrana Prestor at the moment, deep down inside she was still just a cowardly Black Dragon, fearful and well aware of just how in over her head she was. With the Aspect of Dreams herself showing up, Onyxia can do nothing but submit and hope to keep her life by the end of all of this.

"Mm, I'd say you're pretty much ready now."

Abruptly, Onyxia finds herself flipped onto her front, her mouth leaving Ysera's muff in order to eat dirt as she's forced face down into the floor of her lair. Her Aunt sits upon her upper body, pushing Onyxia's torso down while her hips… her hips are yanked up into the air by Ysera's stronger Night Elven hands.

Her legs are forced ramrod straight as they splay out, and her lower orifices are firmly on display. Onyxia expects Ysera to continue to manhandle and abuse her human form in this new, strange pose that leaves her thoroughly exposed and all too vulnerable… but instead, Ysera just grabs her by the cheeks of her perfectly shaped posterior and pulls her ass and thighs apart, spreading her even wider to expose her gaping cunt and asshole.

The reason why becomes quite obvious a moment later when she feels the largest rod, she's ever had in her human form start to press up against her slit. Onyxia's eyes go wide, bulging out of her head as she squeals from the slow penetration, the impalement of her human form on a man's massive phallus reminding her of one simple fact… her Aunt had not come alone.


Harry couldn't help but be a little bemused by everything that had taken place so far. But at least now he was starting to get… back into the rhythm so to speak. Certainly, sliding his massive cock into the extremely tight cunt of the late Lady Katrana Prestor when she was alive and well in front of him was a pleasurable experience.

When Ysera had started in on Onyxia, the battle ending and the Green Dragon Aspect forcing her 'niece' to shrink down to a more manageable form before beginning to dominate her sexually, Harry and the others had not been idle. Instead, Harry had been subjected to a delicious high elven blowjob as Vereesa and Sylvanas had both knelt before him, taking turns sucking his cock.

Jaina, meanwhile, had taken up position behind him, rubbing naked tits into his back and hugging him from behind as she leaned her chin on his shoulder, watching the so-called Broodmother of the Black Dragonflight get fisted and dominated into submission right alongside him. In the meantime, Jaina had told Harry ALL about Onyxia and the crimes of one Lady Katrana Prestor.

The Archmage had already clocked young Anduin Wrynn, safely asleep and snug in his cage. She'd cast some protective magics around that cage the instant they'd entered the cavern, and from what Harry had seen Jaina had been smart to do so because there had been more than one of the Infinite Dragon stooges who had made an attempt on Anduin's life once they realized just how utterly fucked, they all were.

Anduin's presence though, gave Jaina a proper timeline to work with. And so, she was able to bring Harry up to speed on exactly where they were and what Onyxia had just got done doing as Lady Katrana Prestor. It was clear that Jaina's hatred for the Black Dragon was powerful, with only Garrosh Hellscream managing to beat Onyxia out. If not for Jaina's intervention in the original timeline, Onyxia might have gotten away with her plans to take over Stormwind and thus a large swathe of the human kingdoms.

Ultimately, the picture Jaina had painted for Harry was a purposefully grim was. Onyxia was a tough nut to crack and an evil bitch through and through. This wasn't like Sylvanas, where the Banshee Queen had her regrettable circumstances forced on her by tragedy and awful, awful fate. No, while there was some rumors in the Kirin Tor that the Black Dragonflight as a whole had been as corrupted mentally by Old God influence as their father, there was no denying the plain and simple truth… Onyxia was bad news and had to go.

However, Jaina had an idea, and as Harry sinks into Onyxia's cunt and makes eye contact with a grinning Ysera, he can see in the Green Dragon Aspect's eyes that she likes Jaina's idea very much. While they COULD just kill Onyxia… it was far less than the evil bitch truly deserved. No, she deserved to experience the same level of violation, abuse, and all around degradation that she had forced on so many others. And Harry was nothing if not good at violation.

Placing his hands atop Ysera's where they continue to grip tightly at her niece's buttocks, Harry begins to jackhammer in and out of Onyxia's quim with all due speed and might, grinning as her squealing and shrieking soon fills the cavern. He fucks her hard and fast, almost relentlessly, his libido already off the charts thanks to Vereesa and Sylvanas' efforts with their mouths and tongues.

Having left them with a fresh load on their faces for the Windrunner sisters to clean off one another before he walked over, Harry is more than ready to fuck Onyxia for quite some time, no matter how tight and sopping wet her human quim already is. He pounds her in that strange pose that Ysera is forcing her to make without hesitation, ramming his cock into Onyxia at a breakneck speed with a violence that comes straight from hearing of her crimes from Jaina's mouth.

A glance over at the Archmage in question shows she's touching herself to the sight, and eager to put on a show, Harry speeds up again… something that causes Onyxia to yelp even louder, squealing all the more wantonly as her body betrays her, as her pussy walls clench around his cock in an orgasmic manner.

Finally, with a grunt, Harry unloads his first load of white, hot seed into the Black Dragon's human form. But even as he pumps the thick, viscous jizz right into her womb, creampieing her most thoroughly and inflating her once taut abdomen until she looked like she was already a few months pregnant, Harry knows… this first load is far from the last.

Laughing uproariously, Ysera looks back over her shoulder at her niece's pinned head, continuing to grind her own pussy lips and buttocks into the middle of Onyxia's back.

"Enjoying the taste of a real man's cock, niece? I'm sure that you loved laying with your brother for these clutches of eggs all around us, but I assure you, once Harry is done with you, you will never be able to look at Nefarian the same way ever again. He's positively tiny in comparison, isn't he?"

Harry can't help but snort in amusement at the thought of his size being compared to a hulking Black Dragon. Comparatively, perhaps he was bigger when being felt by Onyxia's human form then Nefarian was when fucking Onyxia's dragon form, but even still, it was an odd comparison to make. The Broodmother pinned beneath them seems to agree as she tries to refute Ysera's words.

"H-He's just a human, D-Dreamer! No matter how big his cock, no matter how much seed he produces, i-it is nothing compared to the majesty of a true dragon!"

Ysera just giggles though, her glowing eyes filled with mirth as she gives him a wink and a grin.

"Oh? Is that so, dear niece? Do you think that you can handle this human in any way he decides to take you? Shall you stake your freedom on it?"

"… F-Fine! I can handle him! I can handle anything a m-measly human can throw at me!"

Given how thready and wavering her voice was already with him just fucking and creaming her cunt, Harry was pretty sure Onyxia had just been conned into writing a check with that mouth of hers that her body simply couldn't cash. Indeed, Ysera's smirk becomes a truly frightening grin in how wicked it is as she grips even harder at her niece's rounded bubble butt and spreads the ass cheeks of the Broodmother Onyxia of the Black Dragonflight even farther apart.

"Try here next, Harry. I can assure you, someone like her has never experienced THIS before."

As if to confirm Ysera's words, Onyxia sputters and then yelps the moment she feels the messy lubricated head of Harry's massive bitch breaker pressing against her sphincter.

"W-Wait! It'll never fit there!"

Yes, Harry could easily see how the Black Dragon had never experienced anal before. As the Broodmother of the Black Dragonflight, her primary purpose was to lay more eggs. As Lady Katrana Prestor, she had likely used sex to get what she wanted, but always maintained control. So even though she was easily thousands of years old, Onyxia was an anal virgin.

Cackling wickedly, Ysera has a positively evil grin on her face as she keeps Onyxia pinned down in the incredibly erotic pose she forced her niece to take. Her hands remain tightly gripping at the perfectly rounded buttocks of Onyxia's clearly carefully crafted human form.

"I thought you could handle anything that my 'measly' human friend could throw at you, dear niece? So quick to walk back your words… but then, what could anyone expect from the Black Dragonflight? How far you've fallen."

Before Onyxia can respond, Ysera gives Harry a sharp nod of her head and Harry, taking that as permission and encouragement all in one, thrusts forward into Onyxia's ass with all his might. A mighty, mighty squeal exits Lady Katrana Prestor's throat as the Broodmother of the Black Dragonflight experiences her first anal sex.

But not just anal, of course. No, for a monstrous bitch as unrepentantly evil as Onyxia, there's only one way for Harry to fuck her ass, and that's painal. And so, he pounds into her back door most violently, ramming away at her asshole with even more strength and ferocity then he had her cunt. Onyxia's squeals quickly become screams of agony and sobs of pain as she begins to beg for mercy.


But Ysera just shakes her head at Harry, and Harry nods, understanding the unspoken message easily enough. Frankly, he would have likely caught it even without Ysera's help… Onyxia is play-acting. Oh certainly, her poor little tight ass is currently in a world of pain thanks to his comparatively massive cock. He's plunging in and out of her depths at breakneck speed too, absolutely plowing her ass with all his might so there's no doubt that she's feeling it.

But she wouldn't break so easily, and they both know that. Onyxia of the Black Dragonflight is a social chameleon, a complete narcissist, and the type of bitch who knows how to blend in. She's been acting the part of a human noblewoman for years after all, and even if she hasn't ever had to do it before now, she knows how to stomach her pride and try and give her captors what they want.

Namely, she thinks that if they hear her begging, they might be more lenient to her, or might give her an opportunity to escape. Indeed, she's giving in so quickly not because she's actually giving in, but in the hopes that pretending to submit will lessen her torment and make it easier for her to get away later on.

Well, unfortunately for her, neither Harry nor Ysera are quite so… gullible. Harry keeps fucking Onyxia's ass with all his might and in turn the Black Dragon's begging eventually peters out… to be replaced instead by loud cursing and threats of bodily harm.


Harry can't help but snort in amusement, even as Ysera nods approvingly.

"We're making progress, Harry. That was much more honest of my darling niece. Still, I'm afraid she's quite the… broken individual. You're going to have to escalate things further to shatter her before we can begin the rebuilding."

Despite her rage from a moment before, the reminder that an actual Dragon Aspect is sitting on her back suddenly makes Onyxia a lot more subdued as she yelps and squeals.

"T-That's not necessary! Please, Dreamer… s-surely you do not intend to side with this human over your own kind?!"

Ysera just laughs and rolls her eyes, and even Harry chuckles. For a time after that, the Black Dragon they're dominating between the two of them falls silent as she seemingly realizes that nothing she does or says will sway either of them even slightly. Of course, almost as soon as she does fall silent, Ysera endeavors to make her vocal once more… namely by beginning to treat Onyxia's pearly white butt cheeks as a pair of drums to beat with her palms.


As Harry continues to plow in and out of Onyxia's anus, the Black Dragon's shrieks and squeals once more fill the air from the powerful spanking she's receiving from her Aunt. Ysera's eyes twinkle merrily as she makes Onyxia sing a loud and hoarse song, while Harry, incredibly aroused by the sight, finds that he really can't hold back any longer.

With a loud groan of his own, Harry thrusts forward one final time and creampies Onyxia's anus, pumping a second hot thick load of seed right into her bowels then and there. With both of her lower orifices positively stuffed with his ejaculate at this point, the Black Dragon's head lolls as Ysera yanks her up by her hair from the ground, spinning them both around and forcing Onyxia's lolling jaw to accommodate his sizable shaft.

"G-Gughk?! Glughk! Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Onyxia's eyes, rolled back in her head, don't understand what's going on at first as Ysera begins to face fuck her niece upon his cock. Then she starts to choke and gag and gurgle along his massive length and her eyes roll forward as she takes in the situation, she finds herself in, rapidly approaching a point of zero air to breathe with.

Staring up at him, Harry seems some slivers of defiance left in her gaze even now… but there's a lot more fear. There's some lust as well, but no devotion, no adoration. She's far from broken… and that's perfectly okay because Harry is far from done with her. So is Ysera from the look of things, as she grinds her niece's face into his crotch with a sneer, once again utilizing her Night Elven form's physical attributes to thoroughly abuse and manhandle Onyxia however she likes.

"Take it, you little bitch. Your father is a worthless piece of shit who serves a filthy Old God! You might as well serve someone better! Your entire Flight were clearly made to be slaves, so here and now I declare you this man's property. I declare you the property of Harry Potter!"

Involuntary tears streak down Onyxia's human face as she's skull fucked on his cock. Harry, meanwhile, decides to put Ysera's claim into practice. Lifting a hand, he grins as he points a finger at Onyxia's neck. Her watery eyes widen when she feels a thick leather collar suddenly form around her bulging throat. It adds a new level of delightfully constrictive feeling around his cock as Ysera pumps her up and down his shaft, but the collar is much too thick and unwieldy for him to snap it with his bitch breaker. Instead, it bites into Onyxia, furthering her pain and reminding her yet again who's in charge.

But that's not all, of course. Reminded of what he'd done to a few of his bitches back in his old world, and indeed how he'd branded a few in this world as well, Harry reaches out and grabs one of the great Lady Katrana Prestor's tits. He squeezes it viciously, drawing a gurgling cry of pain from the currently choking woman as he brings his other hand over and presses his finger rather forcefully into her breastflesh.

Then, with the point of his finger, he brands her with his initials, a stylized 'HP' with the signature lightning bolt coming off of the H and the P. His symbol, after a fashion… his brand. Onyxia screams around his cock from the pain and agony of being branded, and her screams don't stop as he forces his magic into the fresh markings, as he forces his magic into HER.

It's all too easy to grab ahold of her soul and take it for himself, much like Voldemort had done with his own Death Eater followers so many decades ago. The Dark Mark was a nasty piece of soul magic that gave the marker almost total control over the marked. And with as evil a bitch as Onyxia, why shouldn't he mark her and make her his property? Ysera had already offered her up on a silver platter, after all.

As the binding, both magical and physical, of the Black Dragonflight Broodmother is completed, Onyxia's muffled screams stop, and her eyes roll back in her head as she goes almost entirely insensate. This doesn't last long, but it does last long enough for Ysera to pull her off of his cock just as he cums a third time, finishing all over the comatose Black Dragon's beautiful human features.

Truly, the body and face of Lady Katrana Prestor is incredibly pleasing to the eye. Clearly, Onyxia chose this form for exactly that reason, but she also clearly never intended to have her beauty used against her in such a barbaric and altogether savage fashion.

And it doesn't stop there either. Even after Harry finishes once in all three of Onyxia's holes, they keep going. Next, with Jaina, Vereesa, and Sylvanas all joining in on the fun. Sylvanas in particular is practically desperate to get some of Harry's cum at this point and ends up eating out Onyxia's cunt while Jaina forces the Black Dragon to eat HER out, riding her face.

Vereesa, meanwhile, gets Harry hard again and then directs him right back into Onyxia's ass, with the second round of painal happening so soon after the first quickly rousing the poor beleaguered Black Dragon from her slumber.

Once he's fucked her ass to completion yet again, Vereesa proceeds to eat the cum right out of Onyxia's back orifice, proving that she's definitely the sluttiest and most depraved of them all. Still, it sets a bit of a precedent, with the other woman ALL using Onyxia's holes to extract as much cum from Harry as possible, before ultimately then going back to suck it out of the bitch after the fact.

This continues for what feels like hours, until Jaina suddenly lurches up, her eyes going wide.

"We need to go."

Everyone looks to her, and she blushes a bit as she explains.

"My younger self, along with the people Varian has brought along to save his son, just teleported into the area. We must be away before they arrive, lest we end up damaging the timeline."

"… What about Onyxia?"

Had they not damaged the timeline already by branding and breaking down the Broodmother in the middle of her very lair?"

"We take her with us of course!"

When no objections arise from anyone, even Ysera, Harry just shrugs and goes along with it. That's how he finds himself walking Onyxia out of her own lair on a leash attached to her leather collar, the naked and branded Black Dragon thoroughly broken down and drunk on lust and cum and a desire to feel more pleasure and bliss like they'd been forcing on her for the past several hours.

The group leaves Onyxia's Lair behind with young Anduin Wrynn still asleep and ready to be rescued, getting out of sight before the younger Jaina and the King of Stormwind's raiding party can arrive. Of course, when they get back to Zidormi, the Bronze Dragon promptly begins hyperventilating at the sight of Onyxia.

"U-Um… a-ah… that's… I-I can't…"

Harry snorts, promptly cutting her off.

"You can't what? Transport our party, including The Aspect of Dreams herself, back to the present? Do you think it wise to let us stay?"

"B-But y-you have…"

Jaina clears her throat.

"We have a new pet. Nothing more. I doubt it will affect the timeline ALL that much if I keep the bitch as a pet in some dark cell in Dalaran. She won't be causing any trouble there, I assure you."

"Oh? You think you get to keep her, do you?"

Jaina startles at Ysera's amused tone and all of them turn towards the Aspect. Zidormi looks positively hopeful that Ysera will put an end to this madness… only for her face to fall when the Green Dragon explains precisely what she means by her words.

"I do believe this over-stuffed Broodmare should go with me once we return to our place in the timeline. After all, if that distended belly is any indication, she'll no doubt give us an entirely new breed of Black Dragons born from Harry's seed. I am the most qualified here to roost and guide them, wouldn't you agree?"

Jaina's face scrunches up as she looks at Katrana Prestor's heavily distended belly.

"… How does that work, exactly?"

Ysera, smiling indulgently, is all too happy to explain.

"Normally, it wouldn't. But I can confirm from experience that normal doesn't count around dear Harry here. Indeed, when Onyxia retakes her dragon form, her next clutch of eggs will be properly seeded by our handsome, well-hung lover. It might just be the key to rebirthing the Black Dragonflight without the insanity and instability that plagued their forebearers."

Nodding slowly, Jaina seems to be accepting this as Zidormi, face pinched in horror, just whimpers. Nevertheless, the Bronze Dragon casts the magic that will take them back to their time, the city of Theramore turning into a burnt out husk of a ruin behind them as a result. Before Harry can comfort Jaina however, and indeed before any of them can do anything… a sudden voice cries out and the wind picks up as the unmistakable beat of gargantuan dragon wings fills the space.


All of them look up to see what's causing the large shadow that's fallen over all of them. Glaring down at them angrily if Alexstrasza the Life-Binder in her full draconic glory. Her gaze grows hateful as she looks upon Sylvanas and Onyxia, and her words were enough to make even Ysera flinch back for a second. As Harry readies himself for a fight if it comes to it, one thing is absolutely certain.

The Life-Binder is NOT happy.


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