
Exterminating The Kobold Village!

Stone and company followed the Kobold army right after resting.

Spike was taking the lead as he was still feeling the bitter taste of defeat, and so he wanted his revenge.

The party ran and ran for a long time until they found a huge Village with Kobolds going and coming out of it non-stop.

"It seems like those guys are prepared for war, Huh?" Spike said as he looked at the Beasts full of killing intent and Armed to the teeth.

"I never thought beasts this weak could be so smart..." Stella added.

"Anyways, from what we see, It looks like those guys that fled informed the Village about us, So we have to be prepared for a long and hard battle." Stone said.

"Although I don't think so as these guys are weak, It won't even take one full day." and he continued.

"Alright, We have to kill the boss and Level up so we can advance quicker, So... Time to exterminate this Village!"

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

"Oh, You already learned how to [Dash]? Seems like I have to teach you [Darkening Slash] soon." Stone smiled lightly when he saw Spike dash.

Although the 3 could directly attack the kobolds as they were already aware of their arrival, they still chose to go with the silent slaughter.

The party dashed towards the left side of the Village and sliced through the sturdy wooden wall.

Stone slowed down for a bit and then caught up to the 2 once they entered through the hole they made in the wall.

They noticed nothing...

"Remember, this is Team Hunting so we won't go our separate way, we protect each other." Stone said as he caught up to the cautious Spike n Stella.

"Roger!" The two silently replied.

"We don't know how many beasts are here, But, it's obviously more than a thousand, and some of them might be as strong as us." Stone continued.

"Indeed, when we entered the village I noticed that the two halves looked different. The strong kobolds probably live here." Spike added as he pointed towards the right.

"It must be kobolds who surpassed Level 15..." Stella said.

"Mhm. Alright, so Although fighting a lot of weak beasts is a pain, if they're followed by strong ones it will be even harder.

In this case, we'll kill as much of the Strong Kobolds as we can before the Weak ones arrive. Which I don't think will happen... any soon." Stone stated.

"Roger!" Spike and Stella said with a slightly strange expression on their faces.

"Anyways, Time to Itachi their Race!" Stone rose his hand to the sky with a wide grin and rushed towards the right side where they speculated that the strong kobolds live.

*Fwish* *Fwish* *Fwish*

3 moving shadows could be yet could not be seen traversing from shelter to shelter and from 'Street' to street.

wherever the shadows passed, A blood rain occurred!

Now that the 3 were working together and were as cautious as ever, Adding to Stone's sensing skills it was close to impossible for the Kobolds to find them.

For many hours, the party killed and killed and killed until the Kobolds noticed the sudden massive decrease in their numbers.

"It's strange how they only noticed us now, What about the dead bodies and the blood?" Spike said as he looked at the panicking fully armed Kobolds from an empty shelter.

"Who knows, Maybe something devoured them, Like the earth for example." Stone said jokingly.

"Are you the one who did it? I noticed that you were always behind us when we were speed killing." Stella said as she glared at Stone fiercely.

"Who knows... Who knows..." Stone said as he smiled at her glare.

"Anyways, Now that we rested, I think it's time to finish this once and for all. Only the big boss and some lackeys are left right now." Stone added.

"What about the Weak ones?" Spike asked.

"Already taken care of. Let's go!" Stone then got out of the shelter and headed towards the largest building that was as big as The Dark Lion King's Territory, Maybe even bigger.

*Fwish* *Fwish*

"Huh? Wait, What? Whe- Gaaa, Wait for me."


The 3 entered through the Large Gate and Stone once again slowed down before he entered the Gate.

And they noticed.

*Tak* *Tak* *Tak*

The 3 looked around at the Building that was more than 10 times bigger than any of the shelters the Elite Kobolds lived in.

The strange thing was, It was empty, Only some pillars that held the Building strong.

"This wasn't made by Kobolds for sure..." Stella said.

"Yup, It was probably created by the ones who made the Test World." Stone replied.

"Makes sense!" Stella nodded.

"Hu... Mans!" A loud voice reverberated inside the whole Building shaking it in the process.

"Wooow! Wh- What's that? Scared the Fu- out of me." Stella jumped out of her place and shouted.

"The Big Boss has awoken! Hehe, hope it will be a good fight!"

