
Boss Fight!

"Now, Would you still like to join my party?" Stone said as he looked straight at Stella's eyes.

'This Motherfu- I've never been so humiliated. I Will Kill Him... Someday!" Stella grunted her teeth and clenched her fists in helplessness.

Stone then headed towards the unconscious Spike, But he hid the dead bodies first.

"Don't call me by my Last name in front of him.

"Just call me Stone or David, Even Hoi is fine. Otherwise, I'll kill you!" Stone looked at Stella again with menacing eyes

Then he turned back to look at Spike.

After that, he squatted down caught Spike from his neck, raised his hand, and...


Stone slapped Spike waking him up frightened.


"What the heck bro! What happened?" Spike touched his red cheek and cried.

"I don't know, You just suddenly fell unconscious, I even Got you a Waifu while you were knocked out!" Stone said jokingly as he pointed at Stella.

"What the-" Spike inclined his head to look where Stone was pointing.

Stella didn't hear what Stone said and when she saw Spike looking at her, She reflexively waved her hands while awkwardly laughing.

"How did you?"

"Well, I don't know, She just said she wanted to join our party."

"What about the Knights the 3 that were with her?"

"I don't know, They just left in a hurry after they saw us. Maybe they got scared, Haha!"

"..." Spike looked at Stone strangely.

"You sus, Bro!" Spike said as he got up.


"Hoi, Stone. Can you add me to your party already?" Stella said as she walked towards Stone and Spike.

"Huh?" Stone turned his head to look at the disrespectful Stella.

"... Please..."

"Alright!" Stone then turned his head back and got up.

'What's with this guy? Didn't he say I can just call him Hoi?' Stella smacked her forehead and shook her head.

"What's your name?"

"Uh? Stella, Stella Endevior."

"Mhm, Alright! [Invite Stella Endevior]!"

{Party Info:

<Party Rank: 74,591st>

[Leader -Stone David- Level 9/Exp: 900/900- Rank: 65,516th.]

[Member -Stella Endevior- Level 9/Exp: 900/900- Rank: 68,922nd.]

[Member -Spike David- Level 9/Exp: 900/900- Rank: 89,004th.]}

'Huh??? Why is his Last Name not Nem? Can he change it? No, no, no! Impossible!' Stella was gazing at Stone ferociously with a slightly open mouth and her hands on her chin.

Strange, Really!

"Umm... Are you hungry?" Spike caught Stella looking at Stone and thought.

"Huh? No... Why?"

"Well, you looked like you wanted to eat Stone... So I thought maybe you're hungry..." Spike looked down as he stated, He looked so unconfident and sad as if all his joy and confidence were stolen.

"Haha, Well..."

"Alright guys, Let's go! Time to kill the Boss and get out of this forest!" Stone said as he looked at Spike and Stella.

"Alright!" Spike got up from the ground, cleaned the dirt from his pants, and followed Stone.

and like that the 3 of them headed towards the Boss of the Forest, The Dark Lion king.


After 5 minutes of walking, The 3 finally reached the Core of the Forest where a huge rock with a Large hole was stationed.

The area around the rock was free of trees or grass, It was just rough dirt and stones all over the 150-sum S.m.

"Hmm, It seems to be asleep..." Stone said as he looked at the large Hole located in the Rock.

"Do we wake it up?" Stella asked while looking at Stone.

Stone bent down took a small stone, and got up.

"Of course we... WILL!"

*Tak* *Tak* *Ta...*

"ROOOAR!!" A loud intimidating roar reverberated throughout the whole forest scaring the birds away from the Trees meters away.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

"Damn, It's a walking giant, not a beast!" Stone said as he looked at the Humungous Lion that got out of its cave.

"Okay, let's not be noobs and get one-shot killed. Everyone disperse!"


*Fwissh* *Boom* *Boom*

Stone dashed to the right, Stella to the left, and Spike just rushed towards the boss.

Stone took out his Bow and Arrows.

He started making Arrows while they were coming.

3 Stage 15 Sharp Arrows, and 3 Stage 10s.

As his skill leveled up he only needs 4 seconds to make an arrow, and with increased strength and piercing power for Sharp arrows as his Mastery Increased too.

"ROOOAR!" The huge Dark Lion locked his eyes onto Stone as it sensed the evilest and killing intent from him, as well as, He was the strongest!


The Lion Dashed towards Stone as he Half-Vanished to the point only a visible flash could be seen moving at high speed.

"Haha, This will be Fun!"


Stone [Dash]ed too but towards the rock.

Stone was way faster than the Lion so he reached the Rock In a flash.


Stone made a small crater on the rock with his strength and speed as momentum.

He used that to stick to the rock for a moment and...


He shot the first arrow.


"ROOOOAAAAR!!!!" The Lion cried out in pain it looked at Stone ferociously.


It dashed yet again, But so did Stone.


With the Rock as his dashing point although he didn't use the Skill he was as fast as the lion.


"Haaaaa!" Stella dashed too.


The Dark lion and Stone clashed in the sky, as Stone changed his Bow to a Blade and the lion used his Long Claws.


Stella slashed the Lion on his Torso.

"ROAR!!" The Lion recovered his Arm in pain.

"Good Job!" Stone used that chance to fall to the ground and Dash again.


"ROAR!" The Lion tried to attack Stone with its claws, but, alas, he was too fast!


"ROOOOOOOAAARR!!!!" Stone sliced the Lion's eye making him cry blood in pain.

The Lion King started going Berserk.


*Swish* *Swash*

The Lion King started slashing everywhere, It couldn't think anymore.

"Now!" Stone shouted As he took the [Darkening Slash]'s Posture.

*Tak* *Tak* *Tak* *Swiisshh*

Spike was rushing towards where the 2 were fighting,.

The first reason why he only showed up now was that they were too fast, he couldn't catch up, and the second reason was that he could only fight like this, On this condition.



Spike jumped on top of the Lion, He used its leg to reach its top, Then he rushed towards its head.

It was hard to keep his balance as the lion was moving too much.

*Tak* *Tak* *tak* *boom*

He jumped again.



"ROOOOAR!" The Lion raised its head and cried out again, Spike took its Second eye, and as he was still on top of it, it started to shake its head aggressively.

"Wooah!" Spike caught the lion's hair to try and not fall.

"Jump!" Stella shouted as she moved to the other side where Spike was about to fall from.

"Alrightyyy!" Spike jumped from the Lion's head the moment it shook its head to the left.

"Hopp!" Stella caught Spike like a princess and she quickly threw him to the ground.



"Sorry!" Stella said when Spike cried out in pain.

"No problem, Thank you!"

Then they looked at Stone who was still concentrated on his Posture.

"What is he doing?" Stella asked.

"I don't know..."


Meanwhile on Stone's Mind a few moments earlier.

'Hmm, What If I use Mana to strengthen my Body, Lik just slightly, I know I couldn't but, Maybe I can use it to upgrade the technique, Can I?

{Yes, Host! Your [Mana Control] Mastery is good enough for you to use Mana on your body, But, You can only use a small amount and you will need to have more proficiency over the [Mana Reinforcement] Skill as it will be the one you'll be using.}

"Mhm, then I'll try and use it on my whole Body, But that might take a while, And It might not even work..."

{I recommend using it only on the body parts you'll be using most, Like your legs and Arms.}

"True! The Blade is already Reinforced with Mana, So I only need to use it on my body."

"Alright, Let's begin!"

Stone then started to circulate the Mana on his body and then moved it towards his Legs.

After nourishing them enough with Mana and leaving a few on them, He moved it towards his Arms, and lastly a bit on his Torso and his head so it doesn't go off when he experienced a sudden increase in speed and strength.

In the end, He ended up using Mana on his whole body, But it was only Concentrated on his Legs and Arms.

After he was done, He started taking the Mana out of his body to strengthen its outer parts.

Stella and Spike were Surprised to see streams of light coming out of Stone's body and enveloping him.

The Lion still didn't calm down, It became even more berserk when the Atmosphere got silent, and a dangerous intent started to linger around.

Stone opened his eyes and a faint Light flashed out.

"[Crescent Slash]!" Stone shouted.



Stone totally vanished his body could not be seen anymore, He left a small crater on the ground where he dashed from.


*Fwsh* *Boom* *Tshhhhhh*

Stone cleanly cut the Lion's Head, Blood started raining from its body, and...


It fell.

"Finally not a Plop!" Spike and Stella stated as they sighed, It was a fun and hard battle.


Stone Descended to the ground and took a huge breath.

'What a fun fight that was!'

<Congratulations On Defeating The Boss: [Dark Lion King]!>

<You've Leveled Up!>

<You've Unlocked the [Job Function]!>

<Please Select Your Job!>


I'm Tired, Gonna sleep!

Hope you liked the chap, And thanks for reading!

I'll change the Release Time Starting from tomorrow or after.

It will be around 3:00 GMT+8 or 20:00 GMT +1 My time.
