
Chapter 107: You're Chopped Liver

Planning for the annual Harvest Festival is underway. The committee still needs your help. This year's chair, Millie Simmons, said there's no one too young or old to lend a hand. Still need your arm twisted? If you help out, you'll be entered in a drawing to put a pie in Mayor Ross' face. Now get out there and make this year's festival the best one yet!

"Unc Nate, can we go to the park?"

Nate looked at Reece in the rearview mirror and smiled. He never imagined he'd find someone like Dani, and that she came with Reece made the deal even sweeter. Some guys might run away from women with children, but not Nate. He was head over heels in love with Dani, and Reece had him wrapped around her finger.

"I'm sure we can go to the park. I need visit your Uncle Austin, and I thought we'd go see what your Granny was up too. Should we go to her house too?"

"Granny! I love her. We have to go see her."
