
Chapter 38: It Was A Joke


Dissonance: Clashing notes that do not fit.


Single and ready to mingle? Heartthrob rocker KT Parker tweeted this weekend that he's been looking for love in all the wrong places, and while he's been having fun doing it, he might be ready to settle down. His feed blew up with fans offering to fill the role of Mrs. Right. One fan was shocked when her tweet asking for a prom date was answered with, "I never went to prom. Why the hell not."

Of all the tweets that'd gained attention, it'd been that one. KT had tweeted, "Haven't been on a real date in years. Wil says that's strange. It's not, right? Maybe I should go on one just to shut him up." Somehow it'd all been taken out of context and skewed as him wanting to date and settle down. The number of retweets and responses he got to that tweet were crazy. He had to turn off his notifications because he couldn't take it anymore.
