

Jason was just sitting on the mat meditating since the bracelet insisted that he read a little before they continue with the training and he was already getting bored from all the waiting.

"Hey don't you think it is taking too long for me to begin my train" said Jason

"Is this the right place for one to practice martial art" reply the bracelet.

"If that is what you are worried about then I can always leave the tent and go into the wood to practice" said Jason.

"There won't be any need for you to go to the woods" reply the bracelet.

Jason wanted to ask him why but it didn't take him long to understand what the bracelet meant. Getting up from the mat, Jason was out of the tent slowly as he tries to walk out without making a sound.

After getting outside, Jason walks a few steps away from the tent since he doesn't want to disturb their sleep.

"I am outside now, so can get this over with" said Jason after taking a few steps from the tent.

"Alright, remember how you have been moving your spiritual energy around your upper body the other day, now try moving that energy into your legs but don't move too much into your legs else you are going to end up crippled if the energy becomes too much for the legs to handle" instructed the bracelet.

With a nod, Jason took a deep breath before closing his eyes as he focuses his attention on the spiritual energy inside him. Controlling the energy was already an easy task for Jason now but channeling the energy to his leg was not as easy as it seems. For whenever he tries to move it down, he will lose control over the energy and it is really annoying him.

"Why isn't it working" complain Jason after tryna multiple times with a sign of him channeling the energy into his legs once.

"That is because you are doing it forcefully. Now take a deep and do your possible best to remain calm before giving it a try again" advice the bracelet.

Doing as he was told, Jason begins to relax before giving it a try once more and this time around he was able to move the energy halfway into his legs.

"See that wasn't hard right, now with just a little more time, you will be able to move it into your legs" said the bracelet.

Giving it a try once more, Jason was still not able to move it completely into his leg until he has tried much time that he was able to move the energy into his leg and in joy that he could finally move the energy into his legs, Jason said to the bracelet.

"You see that I can now finally move the energy to my legs".

"Don't be happy too soon for that is just the beginning of the whole thing. Now try controlling the energy to stay at your legs for ten minutes" reply the bracelet.

Jason closes his eyes again as he begins to move the energy into his legs before doing his almost best to keep the energy in place and he was doing a good job doing but he couldn't hold on for long as the whole energy flow back to where it came from.

"Let's try that again" said Jason in anticipation as he begins with the process again only for it to return back after holding it in place for five minutes.

"Urgh, what am I doing wrong here" said Jason in anger.

"Nothing kid, you are not doing anything wrong besides I am even surprised to see that you were able to learn to control your energy in few days which is not the case for others" reply the bracelet.

"Are you saying it is really difficult to control one spiritual energy at an early stage?" asked Jason.

"Of course it is which shows how talented you are but it is quite unfortunate that there is no one to groom you" reply the bracelet.

"Alright, I have made up my mind. If I can't hold it in place for ten minutes, I will just have to try again and again until I can finally hold it in place" said Jason.

"Now that is the spirit kid, with this attitude of yours, becoming one of the strongest practitioners shouldn't be a problem for you" encouraged the bracelet.

Resuming with his training, Jason begin to channel the energy into his leg and tried holding it in place only for it to return back to its original location but Jason was not angry about this but instead continued with the process. After many failed attempts, Jason understands the trick behind it all.

"I think I understand how this thing works," said Jason with a smile on his face as with his body being soaked with sweat

"Then tell me what you have discovered" reply the bracelet.

"The reason why I have not been able to keep it in place for so long was due to my breathing. If I were to breathe like I am not under any pressure, the energy will stay calm but the moment my breathing changes, I begin to lose control over the energy" said Jason as he continued to keep the energy in place while explaining to the bracelet and just like he said, his breath plays a huge role in keeping the energy in place.

"You seem to be learning new things as you proceed with your training kid, but you can't only rely on your breath alone since you also need to stay focus also" reply the bracelet with a light chuckle.

Using his newfound method, Jason was finally able to hold the energy in his legs for ten minutes before letting it flow back to where it came from. He didn't feel like he has been training all night after finding the secret behind the whole thing.

new chapter is out. please don't forget to vote and leave a review. thank you as you do so...

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