
The U.A Entrance Exams And Inheritance...

Chapter 2 - The U.A Entrance Exams And Inheritance...

{For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.}

[February 26, The morning of the U.A Entrance Exams]

The sun rose. The ocean waves moved. The seagulls flew in the sky. It was a peaceful sight this morning at the Dagoba Municipal Beach. It was quiet… the only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of nature. When the public heard that the once dumpster of a beach, returned to its original alluring and prepossessing state, people wondered just how it was cleaned up and by whom.

Citizens hypothesized that maybe a diligent Hero cleaned it up for maybe some sort of volunteer for community service. But when they tried to think which Hero could have done such a feat, nobody came to mind. All of the possible candidates were just too busy to have the time to clean up some beach with no particular reward in return. However, there were rumors being spread around about some civilians passing by and witnessing a skinny lanky blonde haired man yelling at a tall, muscular teenager with green hair as he picked up various types of trash and disposed of them at an inhuman rate. Some even proclaimed that they still saw the same teenager training and practicing his Quirk. Everytime someone would try to go near him and question him regarding the state of the beach, he would almost instantaneously disappear out of their sight, as if he were never there in the first place.

Who were those two individuals? And were they the ones responsible for returning the beach to its true glory?

The world may never know…

Nonetheless, today was a beautiful day. Well, it may seem like that on the surface. But in reality, this day is going to be a very significant and important day. The reason for this is that this is the day of this year's U.A Entrance Exams. U.A 's Entrance Exams are the hardest to pass of any high school with a Hero Course. Only 3 in 100 applicants pass every year. For young ones aspiring to be Heroes, it is an opportunity to prove themselves and show they have what it takes to be a Hero. However, it is easier said than done because there are numerous applicants with only so little seats. The events of today will determine the future generation of Heroes…

A red truck pulled up on the parking lot of the beach. The driver of said truck none other than Toshinori Yagi, the Number One Hero himself. He was wearing a long black coat. The reason he was here is because he texted Izuku last night telling him to meet him at the beach just before the Exams.

Toshinori walked on the sand and looked around for his young protégé. His eyes was finally able to lock onto him.

Izuku was floating a few meters above the ocean in a lotus position. His eyes are closed as he was meditating deeply. The milky white aura of his Ki would be seen as the ocean currents reacted to the power as they moved in various directions. Alongside his Ki, was the green lightning aura of One For All. Izuku is currently using 20%. He sensed Toshinori's presence but he didn't let it stop his flow.

His two auras came close to touching as they were nearing each other in the middle of Izuku's body. The two Quirks were close to merging with each other. But right before that can happen, the auras completely disappeared with Izuku opening his eyes soon after.

'Damn it, I messed up again,' Izuku thought with a frustrated and disappointed facial expression. Izuku's frustration was caused by the fact that he was unable to combine his One For All: Full Cowl mode with his Ki throughout his whole body and use the two powers simultaneously. He is able to use the two only in certain concentrated points of his body. For his example, he is able to infuse One For All energy into ki blasts and fire them from his hands or feet to increase the power output. Or he could also infuse Ki into an attack like a Detroit Smash and increase the punch's destructive capability. But he isn't able to combine the two all around throughout his body like Full Cowl. And he really wanted to achieve a mode like that. The reason being that when he combined the two Quirks into one attack, it would cost him a decent amount of his stamina and limited his versatility, control, and efficiency. Similar to how it was when he used One For All before he had Full Cowl.

This was something Izuku has been trying to succeed in for the past couple of weeks now, but no matter how hard he concentrated, focused, or tried, it all ended in the same result. Both of his Quirks shutting off, and each time making him feel more annoyed. Izuku tried to use a similar strategy to unlock One For All: Full Cowl. But for some reason, this was just a lot more difficult than he expected.

"You struck another dead end huh," Toshinori said to his successor, knowing full well that he just had another failed attempt in combining his Quirks. Izuku told Toshinori of his shortcomings with combining the two powers. Toshinori was intrigued at the idea and thought it was actually a very interesting assessment. In theory, if he managed to use One For All and Ki simultaneously, it would make him stronger many times over. But to be able to control two Quirks with such high levels of raw power was no easy feat. It took Toshinori years until he fully mastered One For All, and even then, it still cost him a considerable amount of stamina to maintain. So he could only imagine how hard it was for Izuku to control both One For All and his Ki. It HAD to be strenuous, especially for Izuku who has only had his Quirk for 10 months.

"I don't know what's the problem,Toshinori-Sensei. I've tried everything I could but I keep on coming up short. There has to be something missing, but I just don't know what." Izuku flew back to the sand and stretched his legs out. They were a little stiff, from the intense and long meditation session.

Toshinori sighed. He understood Izuku's frustration but there are other important matters at hand. The Exams are going to begin in about two hours, and it would not serve well for Izuku if he is distracted and unfocused. It could cost him dearly if he is not careful, and he could not afford to be off his game. Not today.

So to cheer him up, Toshinori transformed. "WORRY NOT YOUNG MIDORIYA! I understand your frustration and concern, but maybe you can try again later. As for right now, you've got bigger fish to fry. The Exams are going to commence soon, and it would do no good if you were distracted! You have to bring your A-Game! This is what you have been training so hard for. You said you want to excel above your peers and become the Number One Hero and the next Symbol of Peace right? Are you willing to throw all of that away just because of a failed attempt at controlling your Quirk which you've only had for 10 months now?!"

Izuku tightened his fists. He knew that what his Sensei is saying is 100% true. He shouldn't let something like that discourage him. Of course, there are things in life he won't succeed in at his first try. Nobody is perfect. He's a human for crying out loud!

Or is he…?

"You're absolutely right Toshinori-Sensei! I didn't come this far to only come this far! All of the hard work I've done these past 10 months will be all for naught if I let this one little thing get to my head. Don't worry about me! I WILL pass, the U.A Entrance Exams. And not only will I pass and get accepted to the Number One Hero Course, but I will be the Number One applicant and outperform anyone else! And that is because I will be the Number One Hero." Izuku exclaimed as he had a cocky smile full of unmatched confidence that actually surprised All Might as he never heard Izuku be so sure of himself. Usually, he would be very modest, timid, and shy. But it seems that All Might successfully brought the young man's spirits up to where they need to be.

"I would expect nothing less from you my boy. That drive and will to win is one of the many reasons why you are deserving to be the rightful 9th Holder of One For All. I like the confidence Izuku Midoriya! Let it fuel you to do what you do best and that is make people's jaw drop. Always remember that I am proud of you and no matter what may happen in the Exams, just know that I take Pride in calling you my Successor." All Might said honestly as he truly is happy that he met Izuku. Without him, he may never had found the right Successor to pass on One For All. But everything happens for a reason, and All Might had no doubt in his mind, heart, and soul, that Izuku is destined to be a Hero.

'Pride huh? Why does that word make me feel so strong and motivated?' Izuku questioned in his mind. But he smiled and replied with, "And always remember Toshinori-Sensei that I feel pride in bearing One For All and that you have chosen me to take your mantle as the next Symbol of Peace. I promise you that I won't let you down and I will you use the power you have given me to SMASH any obstacle in my way!" Izuku yelled with life as he lifted his right fist that was sparking with green lightning.

All Might just smiled. He loves this kid!

All Might then checked the time on his phone and saw that the Exams are only about an hour and a half away from starting.

"You should go back home and get ready. The Exams will start in an hour and a half. For this special occasion, I'm going to allow you to take off your training weights. I want you to perform at your absolute best and be the Number One applicant. So feel free to go all out if it is necessary to do so. But even if you do as well we're hoping for you to do, I don't want you to get cocky and slack off on your training. That's how you get rusty and sluggish. Understood?" All Might said with a stern and strict tone. He may be the Hero who always has a smile on his face, but that doesn't mean he can't toughen up and get serious when he has to.

Izuku smiled and rolled his eyes. He was used to it anyway. After being forced to carry around 50 tons on his limbs 24/7 for several months and with that same weight on him, having to spar with the Number One Hero practically everyday who has the strength to change the weather with a single punch, it didn't really bother or affect him anymore. On the contrary, he is actually grateful All Might is strict in that sense. He would expect nothing less from the Number One Hero, and if he himself wants to be the next Symbol of Peace, he's going to have to have standards to uphold.

"Yeah, yeah I know. You slack off on your training and the next thing you know, you're out of shape with man boobs." Izuku replied as he gathered his belongings.

"EXACTLY! That's my Successor! Keep working harder than anyone else, and no one else will be on your level!" All Might said as laughed and pointed his finger up towards the sky.

"Well, I'll talk to you later Toshinori-Sensei, I'll let you know how it all went after the Exams finish. See you later and don't over exert yourself fighting Villains!" Izuku said right before he blasted off towards the sky.

All Might stood there for a second as his eyes followed Izuku's milky white Ki trail he left in the sky flying until he was completely out of sight.

"Show them what you're made of kid. I'll be watching you and supporting you every step of the way… "

"Man, I haven't felt this loose and light for a while," Izuku said as he walked towards the U.A building. He was dressed in his middle school uniform with his yellow backpack on. When he went back to his house, he took off his training weights and immediately felt an extreme amount of looseness and relief. It was so much easier for him to move around and he realized why All Might made him wear the weights 24/7. The results were a dramatic increase in dexterity and agility. Immense amounts of raw strength and power means nothing if you can't move as fast or faster than your opponent. All Might wanted to make sure that Izuku would have practically all physical advantages over all of the other applicants. It just made Izuku more grateful for how much All Might has changed his life.

Earlier, he received a text from Momo wishing him good luck. Izuku replied with a thanks as his mother also wished him luck in the Exams. Izuku is extremely happy that he has people supporting him to succeed. It just made him a lot more motivated. He made a promise to himself that he will make into U.A no matter what.

Izuku finally reached the entrance to U.A. Izuku sensed a familiar energy signature walking behind him. He smiled and turned around, knowing exactly who it was.

"Good morning Kacchan! Are you ready for the Exams?" Izuku asked cheerfully. Over the past 10 months, Izuku got over his fear of Bakugo. It isn't necessarily because Izuku thinks he's now stronger than him. It's because Izuku realized that now he has power. His own power. Power that he will use to become a Hero. And in reality, the same could be said for Bakugo. Izuku sees Bakugo as his equal not as somebody superior to him. Once upon a time, he may have thought of Bakugo that way and some could say he even had an inferiority complex. But not anymore. Izuku now has the confidence and pride in himself needed to not have to fear his former childhood bully anymore. They were both just two kids aspiring to be Heroes. And really, Izuku just wanted to be friends, not enemies.

Katsuki Bakugo looked at Izuku, up and down, sizing him up.

"You've gotten taller Deku." It was funny seeing as how Bakugo always figuratively looked down at Izuku for not having a Quirk. Labeling him worthless and good for nothing. It's how he came up with the name Deku. However now, Bakugo has to literally look up to Izuku whenever he spoke to him because he was about 7 inches shorter than him now. That fact alone annoyed Bakugo to almost no end. Just how in the hell did he get so much taller dammit?! Is his Quirk like a miniature version of Mt. Lady's or something?

"It's good to see you too," Izuku replied sarcastically as he laughed at Bakugo's behavior. Izuku knew that Bakugo hated the fact that Izuku now stood taller than him. He would occasionally tease the Explosive Quirk user that now Izuku had to look down at him. Everytime he mentioned this, Bakugo would usually yell and curse at him saying that he will set Izuku on fire. Izuku would always respond with, "If you can reach me." It would piss him off even more, and Bakugo's reactions will always cause Izuku to start cracking up.

Katsuki merely scoffed, "Whatever, just don't you dare even thinking about trying to get in my way Deku! I'll show you and everyone else why I'm Number One, and that anyone else is just an extra!" After his little proclamation, Bakugo went inside as he left Izuku standing there. Other people who were also applying for U.A recognized Bakugo as a student in middle school who was a hostage of the Sludge Villain 10 months ago. They were amazed that someone his age could have survived such an attack.

'Some things just never change huh Kacchan?', Izuku said in his mind. 'But I'm not defenseless anymore. I have to remember all of the work I put in. Thanks to Toshinori-Sensei, I'm actually going to be a Hero!' Izuku began walking but then he accidently tripped on his own feet.

'Or I'll just die,' Izuku closed his and waited to feel the pain coming from his face hitting the pavement, but for some reason it never came. Being confused, Izuku opened his eyes to see himself actually floating off of the ground. But he didn't activate his Ki though. So how in the world was he in midair defying the laws of gravity?

"Are you okay?"

Izuku heard a sweet and high pitched voice beside him. He tried to look towards to where the sound of the voice was coming from. But he was stuck in midair and couldn't move properly. So he started panicking and flailing his arms around as he tried to regain his balance.

The same voice laughed as said person helped Izuku up back to his feet. Izuku immediately calmed down as he felt gravity return to his body, thus he again had control over his body.

"I stopped you with my Quirk. I'm sorry I didn't ask you first, but I figured you wouldn't mind me catching you. I don't think you would've enjoyed kissing concrete."

Izuku was able to get a good look at his savior. She is a girl standing at a height of about 5'4. She is a normal weighted girl. She has fair skin, big round brown eyes, and shoulder-length brown hair which sports two long locks beside her face and a short bob at the back. She also has little pads on the top of each of her fingers similar to the pads on an animal's paws. She was currently wearing a brown coat, with a pink scarf and a black bookbag. She also had two permanent pink blush marks on each cheek.

Izuku face began to flush a little. He had to admit, the girl in front of him is highly cute and attractive. And the fact that she saved him from tripping over himself also made him a little embarrassed. But he did his best to keep his cool.

"No, it's fine. You don't have to apologize for anything. Thank you for preventing me from falling on my face. It would've been a terrible omen." Izuku responded as he sheepishly smiled and rubbed the back of his head out of habit.

"Well then, you're welcome! It happens when you get really nervous, and sometimes we may trip and fall on the way. Well, guess I'll see you inside. Bye!" The girl proceeded to enter the U.A building.

Izuku stood there as he just processed what just happened…

'HOLY CRAP! THAT'S THE SECOND GIRL I JUST TALKED TO RECENTLY!' It is true. Excluding his mother, Izuku doesn't have much communication or interaction with the opposite sex. It was not until he met Momo, that he actually started to have a little more socialization with females. After so many years as being deemed a social outcast, Izuku got used to being pretty much anti-social. He really doesn't have any friends aside from Momo who he just met 2 weeks ago,and if you really want to go there, you could count Bakugo, but that's really it. As a result of being deprived of friends, he doesn't have any experience with girls, and if a girl were to talk to him, he would almost freeze up. Especially if the girl is as attractive as Momo or the brunette that saved him.

It also doesn't help that Izuku has been fatherless for pretty much his whole childhood up until now. A father would be needed for teenage problems like this. But as fate would have it, Izuku's father can't be around. Apparently he works abroad and has a full schedule where he can't even come to visit for like one day. However, he makes sure to support Izuku and his mother financially. But at what cost? Izuku is not even sure, his father was aware that he was Quirkless!

Izuku shook his head as he cleared those thoughts out of his head.'I have to focus, i can't let such trivial things distract. I have an Exam to take that could dictate my future as a Pro Hero!' And with that last thought, Izuku went inside the building.

[U.A Hero Course Entrance Exam Orientation]

The Written Exam was a breeze. Izuku felt full confidence that he aced it. All those hours spent on his Hero Journals weren't for nothing! During his 10 month training, Izuku made sure to focus on his studies as well. When he wasn't training or cleaning up trash, what do you think he was doing? What good is godly strength, if there isn't an intelligent mind to understand how to use it? When Izuku said he was going to excel above all other applicants, he didn't just mean physically, but mentally as well. Izuku understood that mental strength is just as, if not more, important as physical strength was.

"I guess being a nerd and fanboy helped me out in the long run." Izuku muttered to himself as he found his assigned seat in the auditorium. He saw that the person adjacent to his right was none other than Katsuki Bakugo. Izuku concluded that it must be because they were from the same middle school.

As the last few people entered, the lights turned out, and out in center stage was none other than the Voice Hero, Present Mic, also known as Hizashi Yamada.

Hizashi is a tall, slender man with long, spiky blonde hair and a small mustache. He wears a pair of headphones with the word "HAGE" written on the headband and a pair of sunglasses. When his eyes are visible, they appear as concentric circles. He is almost always seen with a large smile on his face. Present Mic's hero costume consists of a black jacket with an upturned collar complete with studs. He sports a tan, studded shoulder pads, black pants with a red studded belt, black boots, and black fingerless gloves. His neck is completely covered by a directional speaker.

"What's up, U.A candidates! Thanks for tuning into me, your school DJ. COME ON AND LET ME HEAR YA!" Present Mic shouted to only receive silence as a response.

"Keeping it mellow huh? That's fine, I'll skip straight to the main show. Let's talk about how this practical Exam is going to go down okay. ARE YOU READY!?"

Again, silence.

"Oh my goodness, it's the Voice Hero Present Mic! So cool! I listen to his radio show everyday of the week. It's so crazy nuts that all of the U.A teachers are Pro Heroes!" Izuku however, was nerding out as usual as he was thrilled for the fact that if and when he gets into U.A, he will have the opportunity to meet all of his favorite Heroes in person.

"Will you shut up?" Bakugo growled in annoyance. Knowing Izuku as well as he does, this pretty much is an everyday occurrence. And it will always drive him bonkers. Seriously, could he stop fanboying for 5 minutes?

"Like your application says, today you rocking boys and girls will be out there conducting 10 minute mock battles in super hip urban settings. After I drop the mic here, you'll head to your specified Battle Center, sound good?"

For the third consecutive time, Present Mic was responded back with silence. Wow tough crowd today. It must be because of the pressure and anxiousness that comes with these types of tests.

"I see. They're splitting us upso that we can't work with any of our friends," Bakugo said as Izuku looked at his and Bakugo's cards to see that they were in fact assigned to different Battle Centers. Izuku's card says Battle Center B, while Bakugo's card read Battle Center A.

"Yeah, you're right. Our Examinee numbers are one after the other but we are assigned a different Battle Center." Izuku replied as he took a peek at Bakugo's card.

"Get your eyes off my card! Damn. I was really looking forward to crushing you."

Izuku just smiled and shrugged, " Of course you were. Why would I expect anything less from you."

"Okay okay! Let's check out your targets. There are three types of Faux Villains in every Battle Center. You'll earn points based on their level of difficulty, so you better choose wisely. The goal in this trial is to use your Quirk to raise your score by immobilizing the faux Villains. But check it! Attacking other examinees and any other unheroic actions are strictly prohibited!

"May I ask a question?" One examinee asked.

"Okay!" Present Mic pointed towards the examinee as a spotlight was put on him.

"On the printout, there are four types of Villains. If that is a misprint, then U.A, the most prominent school in Japan, should be ashamed of that foolish mistake! We examinees are here in this place because we wish to be molded into exemplary heroes." The person who said that is a tall (179 cm/5'10") and muscular young man. He has black hair and wears rectangular half-rim glasses, which go with his serious attitude. His eyes are also somewhat rectangular, as is his jaw.

He turned around and pointed towards Izuku, "In addition, you over there with the curly and spiky hair! You've been muttering this whole time. It's distracting! If you're here on a pleasure trip, then you should leave immediately!"

Izuku covered his mouth in embarrassment, "I'm sorry... " he muttered. Everybody other examinee present began to chuckle and snicker.

"Okay, okay, Examinee Number 7111. Thanks for the great message. The fourth type of Villain is worth zero points. That guy's an obstacle, so to speak. There's one in every Battle Center. It's an obstacle that will go crazy in narrow spaces. It's not impossible to defeat, but there's no reason to defeat it, either. I recommend that you listeners try to avoid it." Present Mic said, finishing his explanation of the fourth Villain.

"Thank you very much! Please excuse the interruption." The serious kid sat back down.

"I see… It's like the obstacles you avoid in video games, huh?"

"The whole thing is like a video game." Said other examinees in the auditorium as they absorbed the information they just learned about the upcoming Practical Exam.

"That's all from me. Finally, I'll give you listeners a present-our school motto! The hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said: 'A true hero is someone who overcomes life's misfortunes.' Go beyond… PLUS ULTRA! Now everyone, good luck suffering!"

[U.A. High School Hero Course Entrance Exam Battle Center B]

The bus arrived at the the Battle Center, and Izuku was immediately mesmerized. The setting for the Practical Exam is a giant mock city with many tall buildings and structures. It just goes to show how topnotch of a school U.A. is. To be able to afford to have access to all of these building sites is incredible. And this is only for the ENTRANCE EXAM! Imagine what kinds of things actual students get to do in Hero Training. It just made Izuku all the more motivated to ace this test.

As soon as Izuku stepped out, he took a deep breath. He is wearing his green training tracksuit. He put 10 whole months of grueling and strenuous work into this same attire when he was training under All Might. So, Izuku thought it was only fitting to make sure that hard work didn't go to waste by wearing the same garb that got him there in the first place. A good luck measure, to put it simply.

'It's time to do it. It's time to give everything I got from my training with Toshinori-Sensei these past 10 months. I will become the Hero I always dreamed of being!' Izuku said in his head as he began shaking. 'Why am I shaking? I know I'm not nervous, because I know I have full confidence in my abilities and so does Toshinori-Sensei. Wait a minute… this shaking. It isn't from anxiety… it's from excitement!'

It's true. For some reason, Izuku couldn't explain it, but the idea of going out and fighting robots and showing the world what you're capable of…. The whole concept just filled Izuku with a sudden urge to just rush out and destroy everything in his path. This violent nature… it feels similar to the primal nature inside his core that he felt when fighting the Sludge Villain. It was so bizarre. It's almost like it was embedded in his DNA. As if it he was born for the sole reason of fighting…

Whatever it was, Izuku couldn't help but admit that he liked it. The rush of excitement, he can feel it fueling him preparing him for the battle that's to come in a few moments. His patience was running thin. He just wanted to start right now and Detroit Smash every single robot that dared come in his path.

"Mock Battles... " Izuku muttered to himself as he looked around at his competition. "Everybody seems to be confident. They even have equipment to go with their Quirks…" Izuku kept on wandering his eyes until he saw a specific person. "Oh, it's the person I met at the school gates! The nice person! She was assigned to the same Battle Center, huh? Oh yeah, I have to thank her for earlier." Izuku began to walk towards the girl's direction until he felt a hand on his left shoulder stop him right in his tracks.

Izuku turned his head to see it is the same kid with glasses that called him out for his muttering earlier. 'He's here, too?' Izuku thought embarrassingly as he hadn't forgotten what transpired in the auditorium not even 30 minutes ago.

"That girl appears to be trying to focus. What are you doing here? Are you taking the Entrance Exam to interfere with everyone else?" the boy asked with a stern voice with a stern glare that that put Izuku on edge.

Izuku jumped and began to flail his arms around, "N-N-No, of course not…"

"That guy's the one who was about to trip in front of the school gates, right?"

"The one who winced after being called out."

"He may seem like a tough competitor given his height and extreme muscular figure, but he seems to be a nervous wreck. At the very least, we have one less rival to worry about, huh?"

"Lucky for us!" All of the other examinees who saw the interaction between the two said simultaneously as they didn't see Izuku as a threat.

'I feel like the others think they lucked out because I'm here, huh? Yeah, I guess my nervous stuttering and muttering may give off that kind of impression. I may have mostly gotten rid of my self-confidence issues, but I still need to work on my nervousness and stuttering and muttering. No wonder why I have social issues.' Izuku thought in his head as he felt a smile to creep on his face.' But…. I could use this to my advantage. They already wrote me off as a non-threat. So now, I have the element of surprise in my arsenal. So they think I'm nothing to worry about, huh? Okay then, let me show them a portion of what I can do.'

The familiar scent of ozone filled the air, as Izuku's body began to emit green sparking lighting which immediately caught everyone's attention as they didn't expect for Izuku to activate his Quirk before the practical officially began.

'I'll start with 5%,' Izuku mentally said as the green lightning became slightly bigger as he went form 1% to 5% One For All: Full Cowl. Everybody was so immersed into Izuku's light show display, questioning whether he had some sort of electrical Quirk, that they didn't notice Present Mic above them.

"Okay, start!" Present Mic shouted.

Everybody stood there confused as they failed to process what was going on.

"What's wrong? There are no countdowns in real fights! Run, run! The die has been cast, you know! Look, there's already one examinee who's way ahead of all of you!"

The examinees looked ahead shocked to see Izuku already running and jumping over buildings as he already found robots to destroy.

"Woah, he's so fast! He was right next to me, and yet I didn't even notice when he moved!" The boy with the glasses said as he and the rest of the examinees, who were still shocked at Izuku's pure speed, raced ahead to begin the Practical Exam.

Meanwhile, with Izuku, as he was running down a street, a robot came in front of him and cut him.

Izuku stopped and grinned,"So you're the One Pointer."

"Target acquired. I will kill you!" the One Pointer said as it charged straight at Izuku.

"Bad mistake... " Izuku said as he flicked his finger towards the robot.

"Delaware Smash!"

The force of the finger flick was so potent, that it was able to create a sharp gust of wind that completely obliterated the robot in half and barely left any scrap metals left.

"Really that's it? That was barely even a warmup. If the rest of the robots are like this, then this test will be a breeze!" Izuku exclaimed as he began running and leaping looking for more victims. At the top of a building, Izuku saw a whole pack of 10 Two Pointers, waiting for a fellow examinee and to catch them off guard. Izuku saw this as another opportunity and leaped high above the building and yelled…


Izuku brought his fist towards the floor of the roof and it created a shockwave that reduced all 10 of the robots to absolute scrap metal.

"Hmmm, so that's 20 points plus the One Pointer is 21 points. Yosh! I'm kind of getting the hang of this!" Izuku said cheerfully as he jumped off the roof and landed on the ground. There, he found 5 Three Pointers and 3 Two Pointers already waiting for him. They must have heard the shockwave of his Texas Smash, and began looking for him.

The Faux Villains circled Izuku as they seemed to be planning to jump him and attack him all at once. Izuku realized this and just smirked, "Come on bring it on! Give it your best shot!"

After hearing this, the robots charged all at once hoping to corner him and end his life right then and there.

"You fell for the bait... "

Right as the robots were inches away from capturing Izuku, he began to spin around at overwhelming speeds.

"Oklahoma Smash!"

The result was a whirlwind that immediately sent the the robots flying as they were completely destroyed by Izuku's smash just like their kin before them.

"I've been dying to test that move out ever since Toshinori-Sensei used it on me during that spar one day." Izuku said as once again commenced to run and count his points. "Okay so that's 35 points now, if I did the math correctly. Man these robots don't seem to be a challenge at all. That's probably because these were meant for untrained teenagers with sub par Quirks to be able to beat them. Not for someone who trained directly under the Number One Hero himself and inherited his awesome Quirk." Izuku concluded as found another pack of 5 Three Pointer robots who were coming directly to him.

"Let's try this!" Izuku yelled as he fired five yellow Ki blasts at each of the Three Pointers with deadly precision. The yellow blasts melted through the metal and vaporized their circuits as they began to malfunction and fall to the ground completely dying out.

"Man, I'm having a field day out here!"

[Meanwhile in the Judges' Room]

"In this Practical Exam, the examinees have not been informed of the number of Villains or their locations. They have a limited amount of time in a vast area. They have to draw the Villains out from there." It was a dark room with many monitors showing each of the examinees and how they are conducting in the Practical Exam. There were U.A. staff members sitting in chairs as they assess the performance of the examinees and how they decide to adapt to the conditions that were just previously stated.

"Information gathering ability to understand the situation before anyone else."

A monitor showed a big bulky examinee with what seemed to be tentacles on a rooftop using his arms to scan or look for something.

"Mobility that can be used in many different circumstances."

Another monitor showed the serious guy with the glasses, using his speed to pick off enemies one by one.

"Discernment to be able to stay calm in any situation."

A blonde french kid is shown shooting a laser from a device on his waist and decimating the Faux Villains with complete and utter confidence.

"And pure combat ability."

A monitor screen shows Bakugo in a path of utter destruction as all around him are fallen robots with smoke all around them. He looked like he was constipating as he was maniacally laughing like a crazed psychopath who has been let out of his cage. Everything that came in his way, he destroyed using his Explosion Quirk which is an ability very suitable for this Practical Exam. He just wished Deku were there. If he saw him, he would've destroyed him too and anyone else who dared to try and stand in hs way. Honestly, his actions and attitude kind of freaked some of the Judges out. But they couldn't ignore the pure combat prowess and potential that the kid was showing as he seemed to be one who was a unique card.

"These basic abilities needed to keep the peace in the streets are turned into points in this test."

"Doesn't this year's group look promising?" a feminine voice said

One monitor showed Izuku flying and smashing and dashing around as he kept on racking up the points with no seemingly end to his chaos. His efficiency was off the charts as he kept on earning so many points in so little time at a constant rate. He was sweating as he kept the fast pace up. He wanted to earn as many points as possible as he was serious about his declaration earlier stating that he was going to be the Number One Applicant. No Faux Villain was safe as they got smashed by the power of One For All or got blasted to smithereens due to Izuku's potent Ki blasts. His display of dominance surprised the staff members as they never seen anything like it. The way he moved… it was as if he were born and bred to fight. Like it was in his blood. A wild Lion that was finally let go from his civilized cage and set free to roam in the wild as he caught his prey. If anything, it was like they were witnessing a mini version of All Might!

"Especially that young man right there. He just oozes raw power and is a cut above the rest," said the same female judge seductively as she licked her lip hungrily when she saw Izuku's defined muscles through his tracksuit

"Well, we can't know for sure yet. Their true test is still to come," said another staff member as he pressed a large red button…

[Back with Izuku]

"DETROIT SMASH!" Izuku shouted as he punched a Three Pointer square in the face. It fell down and short circuited completely, making its red eyes turn off and it could no longer function. "Alright, I think that's like 141 points. I should try to find some more robots and see if I can boost my score up to 150." Izuku said as he began to walk down a street to look for more Faux Villains. Throughout the whole Practical Exam, izuku has only used 5% of One For All. He saw no reason to change how much power he was using since the robots weren't much of a challenge and it was provided him with a large amount of quickness which is one of the main reasons why he was able to rack up so many points. It also didn't spend much stamina as the higher the percentage of One For All he uses, the more stamina and energy is required. So Izuku deemed it best to just remain at the level he was at for now. It's best to save his energy.

"Okay, so where are the little critters at," Izuku said but before he can start moving, the ground began to rumble as buildings around him began to collapse. The other examinees looked up to see what was going on and what they saw, scared the living daylights out of them.

Standing taller than all of the buildings was a humongous green robot with eight red eyes. It had hands the size of trucks that effortlessly crushes the top of tall buildings. It had a base the size of a tank with about 12 to 16 wheels and along its body, it had missiles that can be fired simultaneously in all possible directions. It looked like all three types of robots combined into one but then multiply the size by like 100, and there you go.

"HOLY CRAP, ITS HUGE! That must be the Zero Pointer. Isn't it a little too big?" Izuku said as the Zero Pointer proceed to throw a punch towards the ground which caused a giant dust wave that momentarily blinded all of the examinees as they were forced to cover their eyes. When the dust wave settled, all other examinees began to run for their lives as they didn't want to be in the Zero Pointer's path of chaos and destruction. Izuku looked up at the monster killer robot and started to shake. It wasn't the nervous kind of shaking, but the strange exciting kind of shaking that Izuku got right before the Exams began. He didn't know why he was starting to have this sensation again. His mind was telling him to run as he knew he had way more than enough points to pass. But his body… his instinct was telling him otherwise. It was like a strange voice in his heart and soul that was yelling at him to fight the Zero Pointer and smash it down. But his more rational and logical mind was telling him to do the opposite. Izuku was frozen. He didn't know what to do. Should he run and hide? Or should he stay and fight?

"An overwhelming threat. How people act after they've seen this shows their true nature."

The young man with the glasses that called out Izuku before, ran by Izuku who was still standing there frozen. He shook his head and kept on running away from the Zero Pointer along with everyone else.

"LESS THAN TWO MINUTES LEFT!" Present Mic shouted as he reminded the examinees how much time they had left. Not that it mattered. It seemed everyone besides Izuku wasn't going to try to gain any more points as their main priority was to get away from the giant killer Zero Pointer as soon as humanly possible.

"Less than two minutes!?" Izuku said in shock. 'Dammit I wanted to get to 150 points! But it seems I can't since there's a God damn freaking metal godzilla in the way. I guess I won't be able to to get 150 points after all.' Izuku thought in his head.

But just about when he was going to turn around and fly away, he heard something…


Izuku stopped and turned back around. Under a pile of debris and pieces of buildings was the same cute brown haired girl who saved Izuku from tripping at the school gates earlier today. Her leg seemed to be stuck and she couldn't get out.

(Music: My Hero Academia - You Say Run | Epic Plus Ultra Cover! By Friedrich Habetler Music.)

"I stopped you with my Quirk. I'm sorry I didn't ask you first, but I figured you wouldn't mind me catching you. I don't think you would've enjoyed kissing concrete."

Izuku remembered vividly the words she uttered when she saved him from falling onto the ground. And right when he remembered those very words… something in Izuku snapped! And he began to run towards the girl and the Zero Pointer.

"There is absolutely no merit in taking on that Faux Villain. But that creates opportunity for it to shine brightly... "

Izuku used 20% One For All: Full Cowl, to get to the girl as fast as possible. Once he reached her, he lifted up the debris effortless and picked her up bridal style and carried her away to safety.

Once Izuku found a spot where he knew she would be safe, he told her, "Stay here and don't come near the Zero Pointer!" Izuku then used 20% to run back towards the robot. Meanwhile, the girl had a blush on her face, as she could still feel his touch and the way he carried her to safety.

"… and rise to the surface."

The staff members of U.A. widened their eyes as they saw what was transpiring in Battle Center B. They certainly weren't expecting an examinee to face the Zero Pointer directly all by himself.

Izuku proceeded to fire two Delaware Smashes at 20% to distract and flinch the Zero Pointer. And he succeeded as he was able to push the Zero Pointer back a considerable distance. Izuku took this opportunity to open his hands place his open right hand above and his open left hand below and place them together. He then brought this pose down towards his right side and begin to say…


The Zero Pointer began to lock his eyes on Izuku as it realized he was trying to do something. So not wasting any time, it began to move again. And this time, its target was none other than Izuku Midoriya.


The U.A. staff members began to wonder what exactly the spiky green haired young man was trying to do. As they never seen a pose like that before. Just then, a blue colored energy like Ki blast was starting to appear inside Izuku's hands. This intrigued the Judges as they were now really curious on what exactly Izuku was going to do with that.


The other examinees began to get nervous as they saw the Zero Pointer begin to near Izuku. They didn't know what he was trying to do, but he better hurry up, because with each second, the Zero Pointer was getting closer and closer as each step was almost like an earthquake. Each one getting louder and louder as the Zero Pointer began to get closer and closer. Each step symbolizing the doom that was about to fall on Izuku Midoriya if he doesn't act soon.


The brown haired young girl became to worry and get more worried as the Zero Pointer was only two or three steps away. She wanted to help, but she overused her Quirk way too much during the Practical Exam, that she pretty much couldn't do anything. Plus the fact that Izuku gave her a stern warning to not come near the Zero Pointer at all, pretty much gave her the idea that she couldn't do anything at but watch and pray that he will survive.

Just then the blue energy sphere in Izuku's hand became bigger and bigger. After the blue energy sphere reached its max size, Izuku infused One For All power into the energy sphere as well. As a result, the energy sphere became a cyan color as a green lightning surrounded the energy sphere which amplified its power even more. Just then, the Zero Pointed took one last step towards Izuku and raised its right fist and aimed for a punch directly on Izuku's head.

Izuku yelled, "Eat this! One For All 20%: KAMEHAMEHAAAAAAAA!"

Izuku shot his hands forward and finally fired the blast with all his might. The energy beam was so powerful that it created a shockwave strong enough to push all of the other examinees watching a couple steps back. The cyon energy blast rushed towards the Zero Pointer head on as it was confused on what to do. But it was too late to counter the blast as it already struck the Zero Pointer and the blast was so wide and potent, that it was able to completely envelope the huge robot and blast straight through its entire body. The blast created electrical whirlwinds as it and the blast completely shredded through the Zero Pointer's metal and fried its circuits. The entire Zero Pointer was completely vaporized as nothing was left of it. Not a piece of scrap metal in sight. Nothing of the robot survived the Kamehameha…

"That's right. It rises to the surface-The most important qualification of a hero-The spirit of self-sacrifice!"

(Music End)

Izuku looked over at the girl he just saved and smiled, "She's safe… I'm so glad... " Izuku collapsed and fell unconscious. Due to using One For All 20% and Ki at the same time, it immediately sapped at his energy reserves. Especially since he used one of his most powerful Ki techniques, that being the Kamehameha Wave. Izuku knew that it was a risky move since, he used all of the One For All energy he currently has access to into one he had to protect her. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he allowed an innocent girl to get hurt or worst, when he could have done something to prevent it. No matter the cost.

Right when Izuku hit the ground, Present Mic yelled "Time's up!" As a buzzer went off signaling the end of the Practical Exam. All of the other examinees however didn't pay much attention to that announcement as they still were shell shocked at the display of power from a certain green haired young man with a monkey tail. Never in their life have they seen somebody use a technique like that and on such of a destructive scale. Not even All Might has shown something like that. Usually he would just smash Villains with his thunderous punches. But never have they seen him shoot a beam kile the cyan colored one that they witnessed Izuku fire from his very hands. What kind of crazy Quirk allows somebody to do something like that?

"What was that guy? He suddenly pushed at the Zero Pointer and just completely obliterated it with some kind of laser beam that he shot from his hands. He seemed to have a reinforcement-type Quirk, but that was unusual… "

"But if he had such an amazing Quirk, what kind of life did he live that made him so jumpy? Maybe he was putting on an act to trick others."

"But it doesn't look like he gained anything from doing so."

"Anyway, there's no mistaking that he's an amazing guy... "

Various other examinees continued to comment on Izuku's strength. All were in awe of what he showed and couldn't believe that there was somebody on that level who was amongst them. The consensus was that Izuku will most likely make it into the Hero Course of U.A.

However a certain boy with glasses was having different thoughts, 'They're missing the point. Didn't they see?' He turned his head towards the brunette that Izuku saved,'He jumped out to save that girl. He was aware of the remaining time, his own safety, and the points he needed to pass… And even so, he did not hesitate at all!' He remember vividly how he ran pass Izuku just like everyone else. While Izuku did the opposite and actually challenged the Zero Pointer head on.

'If we had not been in an exam… of course, I would have done the same!' But then his eyes widened as an idea popped into his head.

'Wait. "Exam"... "Of course… ?" 'Wait a minute… '

"Okay, good work. Good work, good work. Here you go. Here are some gummies." A short elderly woman said as she gave out candy to the examinees.

"Thanks." One examinee said. "Yes, yes, you, too."

"That mademoiselle is the backbone of U.A." Said the blonde French kid.

The elder lady walked towards Izuku, "Oh dear, you were hurt this much by your own Quirk?" The reason she said this is because Izuku's arms were bruised and battered as they were a reddish pink color with many cuts and pores open. This was the direct result of using One For All 20% and a Kamehameha Wave at the same time.

"It's as if his body is not used to his Quirk yet." It is true. Izuku's body isn't able to handle the full capabilities of using his Ki and One For All at the same time yet. That's why he's trying to find a way to combine the two Quirks so he could use them simultaneously without having to waste so much stamina and damage his body as a result. Izuku prides himself in efficiency. And what good is a Hero with godly power, when he destroys himself with only one attack afterwards.

The elder woman puckered and stretched her lips to kiss Izuku's head.

"Wh-What was that?" One examinee asked as he and many others were confused at the actions of the elder.

The blonde french examine responded, "U.A. High's licensed school nurse… the Youthful Heroine, Recovery Girl!"

Recovery Girl, also know as Chiyo Shuzenji, is a short, elderly woman with grey hair styled into a bun that has a syringe looped through it. She wears a doctor's lab coat and a dress with yellow and red vest-like designs on either side, two yellow buttons, and a pink belt. She wears pink boots and has a helmet on her head. In addition, she walks with a cane designed like a syringe that she can also use for healing.

After getting kissed on the head, Izuku's arms began to glow with a green light. Somehow the wounds were beginning to fade.

"Her Quirk is the super-activation of healing ability. U.A. can only go through with such a reckless Entrance Exam because of her." All of Izuku's wounds disappeared as his arms looked good as new.

"Let's finish this quickly. Is anyone else injured?" Recovery Girl asked as she went to a couple of examinees who suffered minor injuries during the Practical Exam.

'I see! If this Exam is set up like that... ' the boy with the glasses thought as he placed his thumb under his chin in deep thought.

'Then he's… '

[One week later…]

The following week has been a blur for one Izuku Midoriya…

When he woke, he found himself in Recovery Girl's office. She explained to him what transpired after he took down the Zero Pointer. How she healed him and the fact that everybody present was completely in awe of the feat he was able to pull off when everybody else ran away. He asked her if anybody else got hurt by the Zero Pointer. When she replied with no, Izuku breathed a sigh of relief. Recovery Girl was honestly impressed. She didn't expect Izuku to be so caring of others, even though he was really the only one who suffered major injuries. Kids these days are usually concerned with how flashy their Quirks are, and what not. But Izuku seems to have come from a rare breed. He already had the mindset and spirit of a Hero. And it sure helps that his Quirk is very powerful.

Recovery Girl asked Izuku if he felt alright, and Izuku told her that he felt better than ever. Her also said that he actually… felt stronger after she healed him. Which is weird, but Izuku brushed it aside as it probably being because he was able to get some rest.

When he got home, Momo called him to ask how the Exams went. He told her that the Written Exam was really easy, and he is pretty confident in himself that he got a perfect score. He then went on to tell her that he got 141 points in the Practical Exam. Momo was absolutely shocked and told him that score must be a record. She explained to him that the only people to have gotten over 100 points on the U.A. Practical Entrance Exams were the Number Four hero Best Jeanist, the Number Two Hero Endeavor, and of course the Number One Hero and Symbol of Peace All Might. Izuku was surprised after hearing this, because he didn't know that information before. He felt pride in himself to be one of only four people to get over 100 points in the hardest Hero Course Practical Exam in all of Japan where the acceptance rate is less than 3 in 100. Izuku now knew for sure that he was going to get into U.A.. Izuku told Momo that he would've gotten more points if it weren't for the Zero Pointer creating chaos and endangering a girl's life. He explained to her that he couldn't let someone get hurt or worst when he could do something to prevent it. Momo's face flushed when she heard Izuku's words. She was impressed by the level of selflessness he showed. Even though, he could've gotten more points and possibly surpass All Might's record for the most points in the Practical Exam history, he sacrificed that glory to save another examinee because he knew that was the right thing to do and it was what a True Hero would've done. It just made him all the more attractive in her eyes.

When he told his mother how he did, Inko was delighted with happiness. In order to award him for his performance in the Entrance Exam of the best Hero Course in all of Japan, she made him his favorite meal and quadrupled the size so that he could eat all he wanted until his stomach could not take any more. Izuku cried tears of joy and thanked her over a million times calling her the Greatest Mother in the World.

In the present day, it was evening. Izuku was on the couch lifting weights, continuing his training just like how All Might told him to do. He missed the feeling of looseness and lightness he felt when he took the weights off, but he had no choice but to continue training. He wanted to be the Number One Hero after all and he can't be wasting time slacking off and doing nothing.

Ever since the Entrance Exam, Izuku hadn't been able to contact All Might. He hasn't answered any of his text messages or calls. Izuku at first was worried and thought that maybe he didn't get into U.A. and All Might was disappointed in him and didn't want anything to do with him anymore. But Izuku calmed and just guessed that he was busy with his Hero work. He is the Number One Hero for crying out loud. Of course he would be busy and not have much time to contact Izuku. He just hoped that he will hear from him soon. Izuku promised that he wouldn't tell anyone about One For All. All Might entrusted him with his power. He needed to remain as the Symbol of Peace until it was Izuku's turn to inherit the torch. So, he'll keep his mouth shut.

Just then, Inko came barging into the living room, "Izu-Izu-Izu…! Izu-Izu-Izu… Izuku! It's here! It came! It's here!" In her hand was an envelope with a red stamp showing the U.A. symbol…

[5 minutes later…]

Inko was pacing around outside Izuku's room. She was really nervous for the results. She knew how much getting into U.A. meant for Izuku. She didn't want all of his hard work over the past 10 months be for nothing.

Izuku is inside his bedroom on his desk. He stared blankly at the envelope in the middle of his desk. The envelope that will decide his fate…

"Oh what the hell am I waiting for!" Izuku yelled as he picked up the envelope and opened it by pulling it apart in half. Out of it fell a small metal device that landed on his desk. A light projection showed up and in it revealed All Might in his Hero Form.


"Toshinori-Sensei?! Wait, this is from U.A., right… ? What?"

All Might was in a pink background wearing a yellow suit and blue tie. "I had to do some paperwork that took some time, so I couldn't contact you." All Might coughed and bowed, "I'm sorry. Actually, I came to this town to work at U.A."

"Toshinori-Sensei is working at U.A.?"

"Hm? What is it?" Somebody was trying to talk to All Might behind the scenes, explaining to him that he had to wrap it up soon.

"Wrap it up? But there is something I must talk to him about… It's going to push everything else back? All right. Okay."

Izuku swallowed in anticipation for what his teacher and idol was about to say next.

"Congratulations my boy! You got a perfect score on the Written Exam and 141 points on the Practical Exam. One of only four people in history to score over 100 points, including myself, the Number Two Hero Endeavor, and the Number Four Hero Best Jeanist! Of course that means, you passed with flying colors!"

Izuku smirked, "Yeah, kind of already knew that Sensei."

"... But there was a secret component added to the test… "

Izuku raised his eyebrows, curious to what the Number One Hero was talking about.

"I'm an entertainer as well! First, take a look at this video!"

All Might clicked a button on a remote and it showed a video.

"Excuse me, um... "

"The nice person?" Izuku said in shock as the video showed the brunette that Izuku saved from the Zero Pointer during the Practical Exam.

"She came to negotiate directly in person after the exam! Negotiate what? Keep watching to find out!" All MIght pressed play and resumed the video.

"Um, the person with green spiky and curly hair and freckles… Do you know who I'm talking about? He's very tall and muscular with a brown tail. He also has a handsome face... "

Izuku's face went red, "She's talking about me!?"

"Is it possible for me to give him some of my points? There was still time left and he could've gotten more points if he wanted to. But instead he came and saved me from the Zero Pointer. So I thought maybe he needed more points... "

(Music: Boku No Hero Academia OST 2 - You Can Become a Hero)

"What the hell can you do?"

Izuku heard the voice of Bakugo in his head.

"At least the points he lost because of me… "

"There was absolutely no reason for you to put yourself in danger!"

Izuku also began to hear the voice of Death Arms…

"He saved me!"

Izuku gasped as he stood up from his chair, as he was utterly speechless.

"Please! Please! Please!"

All Might paused the video, "In addition to now having a Quirk, your actions spurred others to act."

All Might turned and looked at the camera, "The Entrance Exam the other day was not graded only on Villain points!" All Might resumed the video.

"Even if you ask to, you cannot give him your points. Anyway, there's no reason to give him any, female listener!" Present Mic said as he patted her head.

All Might paused the video, "How can a Hero Course reject people who save others and do the right thing? Call that lip service? Bring it on! This is a job that requires risking one's life to put that lip service into practice! Rescue Points! And they're given by a panel of judges. It's the other basic ability we at U.A. look at!

A scoreboard showed up displaying all of the examinees scores from top to bottom. Izuku saw his name at the Number One spot.

"Izuku Midoriya, sixty Rescue Points!"

It then showed the Number Four spot. "And Ochaco Uraraka, forty-five Rescue Points! You both pass! And with 141 Villain Points and 60 Rescue Points makes a total of 201 Points. You, Izuku Midoriya scored the highest amount of points of all time in the U.A. Practical Exam. And you're the only one to ever score over 200 points!"

Izuku's eyes began to water as tears were threatening to spill out. "This is too crazy! Its unreal. I must be dreaming. Why am I so blessed?"

All Might opened his hand towards the camera, "Come, Young Midoriya. This your Hero Academia!"

Izuku wiped the tears out of his eyes as he could barely control his tears of joy from exploding. "Yes, sir!"

After receiving a lot of help and waking up with a brown monkey tail one day, Izuku's life changed and will continue to change. And now his dream high school life is about to begin!

However, this is only the beginning of his journey as I almost forgot to mention…

This is the story of how Izuku Midoriya became the Greatest Hero Of All Time...!
