
Searching for The Suspects


"Try to be discreet but find the Lady and her servant and bring them to me," Lord Emilio ordered his troops before they spread out to search the town.

Taking in deep breaths, Emilio combed through the area with the other Nephilus Guards. They looked at every house, not wanting to miss any place where the King's Royal Wife and her court lady could be found. 

Emilio tried to appear as if there was nothing wrong as he knocked on every door, looking for Rosalia's family or anyone that she knew. 

"A pleasant evening, sir. I apologize for interrupting you. But are you familiar with a woman from the Felis Clan named Rosalia? She is with -" he was about to say, a female human. 

But he decided to press his lips. He knew it would just add to Lady Aisha's already tarnished reputation.

"Another female companion," he added instead.

But the man of the household shook his head, "Forgive me, my lord. But we do not know her."
