
Backstabbing Ministers


Leandro was taking in the afternoon sunlight, hoping it would clear his thoughts about the situation.

He was glad that Lady Aisha has no ulterior motive in introducing Riso as the alternative staple food of Gaea, as he doubted it because of the recent happenings.

But the crisis has already stirred up the people against her. It was like a stone that the enemy threw to test the waters. And then they were readying the next larger stone once they believed that the first stone was effective in creating chaos within their enemy's ground.

He inhaled a lungful of air as he recalled why he was a little indifferent to her during their first encounter. Leandro knew that his enemies could use her against him once he allowed himself to be vulnerable because of her.

He was at the Castle patio, since it was still a few hours before the next meeting.

Leandro encouraged Lady Aisha to rest, so she could be prepared for what's coming for her. 
