
Golden Fury

Planet - UGF-P02

In the meeting hall of the 1st Quad's Army, Boudicca fidgeted from time to time as she waited for the General. She looked at the Colonel who had brought the surprising news. The middle-aged man looked like an epitome of a statue with his straight back seated opposite to her.


The door opened with a clicking noise as Boudicca saw General Eydis entering the hall. She stood up and saluted as per the protocol. Boudicca had been seeing little of Eydis since her promotion. The Lt. Generals were getting rotated from post to post within a Quad. And this was Boudicca's turn to be in HQ. She couldn't help but say out what was eating her up as soon as the midget slumped down in the oversized chair.

"General, the timing seems way too coincidental with this one."
