

He tasted surreal. Sweeter than fresh spring, smoother than the most intoxicating wine. I suppose I should've expected none less from what an immortal had to offer. What HE had to offer. Slowly sliding my lips, I licked him clean until he fell to his knees, almost tumbling us over together with the crate.

His eyes were half-closed and unfocused as he leaned against me, chest heaving while the residual tremors continued to pulse through him. Heavens, this was too sensual a sight for me to take. It stirred the flaming heat inside my body, sending it roaring so high that I completely forgot about the original intent of my revenge … Until he lifted an unsteady hand and clutched my waist. The half-pinch, half-tickle made me whimper over his shoulders.

"I hope you're ready for your payback when we get home," he breathed.

"Payback?" Thrust back into reality, I pretended not to understand what he meant. "Did I do something wrong?"
