

It was hard to tell how much time had passed inside the Storehouse. Based the trio's internal clocks, it had at least been overnight. Fortunately Zan had dried food and water inside his Guardian's cloak, so they were not going to die of hunger or thirst just yet.

Every so often they would go down the hall to check and make sure the entrance was still blocked. Gandr had told them that he could not get through that thick of a cave-in. The glowstone was magical and very hard on his body. A thin wall was passable, but the sheer volume of magical stone was impossibly overwhelming.

It was the same problem with the passage and the Storehouse. The walls there were carved out by the Fates, and no amount of magic could penetrate them. So they must sit and wait.

Just now the halfling, the Guardian, and the Empress sat pensively around one of the Storehouse tables, trying to pass the time. The males knew that they should not touch any of the books or relics. They did not want the Storehouse to attack them for disobeying the rules.

In the flickering blue light, Aurora read to them aloud from one of the Storehouses books. It was a maneuver both to gain knowledge and pass the time more quickly. Her throat becoming dry, Aurora shut the pages and sighed. Zan passed her the water-skin.

"Thank you," the Empress whispered before she gulped the water. She wanted to polish off the liquid but stopped herself. "Need to save some for later."

"I trust you, Your Majesty," Zan began tentatively, "But I must confirm that you do have a plan, correct?"

"I do, but I am reluctant to share it. You two were not the ones who were supposed to come with me. I fear that my plan may make one of you nervous." Aurora looked at Gandr.

The halfling cocked his head. "I am not afraid of going back to the land of magic. It is not like we will see any gnomes since they are all here…I just do not see how we can get there from the Storehouse without the Fates' help."

The woman bit her lip. "You know how there are multiple necklaces like mine that help different magical creatures enter from the land of magic? Well, I contacted one of those groups. They will hopefully open their doorway soon before someone else finds us."

"I did not know that Bolemir had a Fate's chain," Zan said.

Aurora shook her head, "As far as I know he does not."

"Then he knows someone who does?" Zan's eyes narrowed.

The Empress squinted as she tried to find a way to word her answer. "Well, they may know each other…"

"I do not like how evasive you are being," Gandr began to sweat.

"I know. I am sorry. It's just that…" Aurora was cut off as a soft whoosh of air entered the chamber.

"Was that noise from the Storehouse or something else?" Zan asked.

"I am not sure.." The Empress whispered. She motioned for the other two to follow her. They drew their swords. As they entered the next chamber, a set of purple firefly lights burst into the room and joined the blue lights on the sconces along the walls. The dual colored flames danced wildly on their perches.

"Someone is here," Gandr observed. "I just hope it is the right someone."

Zan moved in front of Aurora to protect her. They could hear someone stepping lightly across the floor in the next room. The trio pushed themselves against the wall that stood next to the doorway. Whoever was coming was moving very quickly.

"I can smell you," a masculine voice said as it came through the entrance.

Zan and Gandr both pounced on the creature before Aurora could stop them. The elf sprawled out on the stone floor before he even knew what was happening. He eyed the two men and their swords with a certain amount of amusement after he saw Aurora.

The handsome elf smirked. "My sister did not mention that I would be attacked if I came to rescue you. Is this some sort of revenge for trying to kiss you all those years ago? I humbly apologize again."

"Your Highness, please forgive them. They only wanted to protect me." Aurora was embarrassed. She quickly forced the men to release their captive. "May I present Crown Prince Ithel of the elven kingdom."

Zan and Gandr were now embarrassed also. They had heard from Brinn about the crown prince, and now they had met him by assaulting him. They bowed their heads in apology, and helped Ithel to his feet.

"Wait! He is an elf!" Gandr realized. "Does that mean we will go out the elven entrance?"

"Yes," the Empress gave a nervous smile.

"Do not worry, Gandr," Ithel assured him. "I have heard tales of how you and Brinn have worked together. I have nothing against you, even if you are a gnome."

Gandr relaxed. Brinn had not mentioned that he was a halfling. "That is good to hear."

Zan was shifting back and forth. "I do not believe I should go, Your Majesty. The Council needs me. I am sure they were captured. I should help them escape."

Aurora shook her head. "Your loyalty is commendable, but I would have to go with you to let you out of the tunnel. I know the gnomes were clearing the stone last time we checked. So even if you are able to get out, the gnomes will catch you before you ever get the chance to reach your fellow Councilmen."

"Then I can wait here for you to return," Zan suggested. "You said yourself you had not planned on taking me."

"Why are you being so nervous? We are not planning to stay with the elves, if that is what you are worried about. I never realized that you found Brinn so intimidating." Aurora teased.

"Do the rest of the elves know you are coming?" The guardian asked.

Ithel shook his head. "I did not even tell my parents. Or should I say, I especially did not tell my parents. I had to borrow this necklace when they were not around, which is why I was delayed." The elven prince held up a metal chain that looked made of reddish bronze.

'So that is what the elf's necklace looked like!' The Empress mused.

"You see? You have nothing to worry about, Zan," Aurora smiled encouragingly.

Zan could think of no other excuse. His shoulders slumped. "I am happy to serve, Your Majesty. Please forgive me. I am prepared to follow wherever you lead."

Ithel gave a quizzical look. "Is that what happiness looks like on humans? It is not how I pictured it."

"Happiness takes many forms," Aurora answered, unwilling to open the discussion about human emotions. She knew that such a talk would be unproductive and was anxious for them to get on their way.

Ithel was kind enough to take her cue. "Yes, well, perhaps you have more to teach me. Too bad my job is only to get you out of the elven land. Part of me wishes you could meet my new bride." The elf's golden, pointed ears turned slightly pink.

"New bride?" Aurora was relieved. Ithel had not been pining after her as she feared. Did elves even pine since they could not feel love? "I am very happy for you, Prince Ithel! Perhaps we can see her some other time."

This pleased Ithel greatly. His face was beaming. "I would like that very much. When you have completed your mission, perhaps we can select a place to meet. Even Emperor Devrim could join us if he would like." The prince noticed that the grey-eyed man was not with them. "I suppose he had to stay behind this time for your journey. That is a pity."

"You have no idea," The Empress responded as a pain gripped her heart. She had no idea where her husband was, or if he was even alive. "Please lead the way. The sooner we can get out of the elven land and on our way, the safer we will be."

Ithel nodded and the group followed him to an exit far from their entrance. It appeared magically as the elf approached and the chain around his neck received the purple firefly lights. Aurora's chain likewise glowed blue. "Follow me closely," the elven prince encouraged the group. They set off down the dark tunnel, which looked exactly like the one from Aurora's home.

No one saw Zan pull the hood of his Guardian's cloak up tightly around his head, making his face disappear in the void. Even if they would see no other elves, he could not be too careful. No one should recognize him.
