
Budding Scientist

The ladies riding on horseback caught the attention of passerbys, but thankfully no one tried to approach them. While Mairwen gave off a friendly air, the other two held a protective stance around her and stared daggers at any who looked their way. The princess was blissfully unaware, happy to be out in the sunshine.

Brinn caught sight of the girl's contented look and could not resist the urge to tease her. "Thinking about finally meeting your boyfriend?"

Mairwen's far off gaze snapped to the present. She crinkled her nose and pulled her mouth to one side. "For the thousandth time, Renat is not my boyfriend."

"So you knew who I was talking about!" Brinn wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

"Only because you keep bringing him up." The Princess's voice was steady as she turned facing forward, but her ears were burning red. The girl realized too late that she had fallen into the elf's trap. "Anyway, that boy has not given me a second thought since sending me the glasses."

Sadness was etched on the girl's face. Brinn's heart wrenched. Being around the humans had affected her in ways she hated to admit. Before in the elven kingdom, she could ignore the feelings of those around her and move on unhindered. Now, she felt the irresistible urge to fix her faux pas. The elf's lips curled upward. "I beg to differ; I bet he even dreams about you in his sleep!" Brinn mimicked the sleeping boy, "Mairwen! I must see Princess Mairwen!"

As Brinn hoped, the princess perked up. "Do not be crude," she said as she blushed.

The spymaster shifted the conversation to Eira, who was painfully quiet. The soldier knew that every word she used held power, and after Junayd's dressing down over her outburst, the woman planned to speak as little as possible. That is why Brinn calling her name startled her. "Eira! What do you think? Has the self-proclaimed scientist been thinking about Her Highness?"

Shifting on her horse, Eira regarded the other two. What should she say? Sensing her discomfort, Mairwen intervened. "You do not have to answer that!"

"Why not? It was an innocent question!" Brinn responded knowing that it was definitely not innocent.

Eira smiled politely. "Anyone who knows the princess admires her. If this man has seen any of my mistress's brilliance, he would be a fool not to contemplate it."

Brinn rolled her eyes. "You missed your calling as a politician, Eira. I cannot even make fun of you for it." The elf was beginning to be in a sour mood.

"Do not worry too much. I am sure that the fort will give you plenty of new things and people to shower with your sarcasm." Mairwen smiled sweetly.

As the conversation was not going in her favor, the elf changed the subject. "I have been thinking about your necklace. Have you gotten it to work again since your birthday?"

Touching the silver pixie with her forefinger, the princess shook her head. "I have asked it to do all sorts of things with no luck. I have tried doing it in private because I do not think it likes an audience. Nothing I have done has worked."

Brinn pulled at her chin. "Very strange. Keep at it. As I have said before, it reminds me of something but I cannot put my finger on it." The elf tried to focus but still came up empty. "I may have to resort to contacting someone about it…" Pulling out one of her precious message balls, Brinn whispered something to it and let it fly. Eira pretended not to notice, but her mind was racing at what she just saw.

"What was that?" The princess did not hide her amazement.

"A message ball. Hopefully it will be waiting for us at the palace with an answer when we get home."

"Why did you not send it to the fort?" Mairwen asked.

"I am not sure how the soldiers would react to a little flying ball." The elf tilted her head toward Eira.

"And I do not want to lose it. I only have two left, and your father has the other one right now."

After a few minutes of riding in silence, the military fort could be seen on the horizon. As they drew near, it took shape. Whatever the princess had been expecting, this place was much bigger. The walls were tall and wooden, and many men could be seen traipsing along the walkway at the top. "It is so big!" Mairwen exclaimed.

Brinn laughed softly, "Just because your mother rules the world does not mean that it is not unruly at times. The soldiers not only make sure the law is being kept, they are agents of peace in times of trouble." The princess nodded. Soldiers had kept the townspeople safe from pirates and aided them while they rebuilt.

"I am happy my parents garner such loyalty." The princess straightened her back proudly as she looked fondly at the troops before her.

"They have our loyalty and our trust, Your Highness," Eira interjected. "I can think of no better leaders."

Three soldiers on horses came near them to ask their business. The town was not far off, but only those who had business with the fort tended to come so near to it. After confirming the identity of the three ladies, one of the men bolted full speed back to the base. The other two troops flanked the trio and escorted them proudly. "Quite a welcome!" Brinn said using her wind magic so that only Mairwen could hear. "I should bring you places with me more often. The whole fort must be scrambling to get in order before we arrive." Indeed, the escort had set a slow pace. It could have been out of deference to the ladies, but it was more likely a stall tactic so that things would look more presentable upon their arrival. The princess giggled as she pictured the soldiers tucking in their shirts and straightening their helmets.

Finally, the group made it to the large wooden gate, which swung wide to admit them. The ladies quickly dismounted and their horses were taken by waiting stable hands. The general of the fort stepped forward along with his second in command to greet the visitors. "Glory to the Empress! Greetings Princess Mairwen and Spymaster Brinn. We are honored to receive your visit." The general smiled warmly.

"General Beadu, I am pleased to see you here. It has been many years since you have been at the palace." Mairwen smiled and bobbed her head. Brinn had briefed her on who would be at the fort, but the princess had a good memory and recognized the general instantly. "And Lieutenant Mund, I am not sure I have had the pleasure of your acquaintance."

The lieutenant bowed deeply. "The pleasure is all mine, Your Highness. Welcome!"

The two men waited for instruction. Had it been only the spymaster, they would have easily made inquiry. Royalty, however, was allowed to lead the conversation however they saw fit. Not caring for protocol, Brinn happily took charge. "I have come to discuss the fort and its defenses. Her Highness would like an audience with the budding scientist, Renat."

There was a ripple of laughter among the soldiers. General Beadu fought a smile. "Do you mean the kitchen boy?"

Brinn gave him a warning look. "Budding scientist is a more fitting moniker, I believe. Now where is he?"

Lieutenant Mund answered. "Look for the smoke."

"Excuse me?" The princess did not understand.

"Whether he is cooking or completing one of his 'experiments', there is always smoke, Your Highness," General Beadu explained,

The girl scanned the skyline. Sure enough, a pillar of smoke curled lazily a short way off. 'There he is,' she thought excitedly. Mairwen bowed graciously. "Thank you, gentlemen."
