
18. Ranking.

"Its pretty hard to determine where I'm at without other examples to judge by, well atleast in ninja standards." I comment reading over the training scrolls.

Genin need to have the ability to do the basic 3 jutsu, should atleast know how to walk on walls and strengthen thier body with chakra. So that's done. Basic stealth capabilities, basic taijutsu skills. Check.

Chuunin level I should be able to use a C ranking jutsu like grand fireball atleast once, I also need to have to have the capability to teach what I know, have picked a specialized skill set and excel at it. Currently that would be assasination, kenjutsu or taijutsu. Which according to the training manuals I'm doing rather well in. So that's a check. I however am missing some skills such as tracking, information gathering, trap setting, I havent really had any opportunity to kill anything yet either. The only sparring partner I've had is Valerie. Maybe I should ask her to take me out of the city to get some experience.

I would send the Paths however there is a limit on how far away they can be from me.

I fold up the scrolls and toss them into my gate before heading off to find Valerie.

She's actually outside trying to do the Rasengan. She had long mastered water walking and requested for a more advanced training method. I figured I could trust her so I gave her the rasengan to train along with chakra threads.

"Valerie want to take me and the paths to go and destroy a goblin village? I need to test some things." I request.

"I was wondering when you were going to ask. You do need some hands on training." She admits while stopping her training.

"I want to practice some tracking, trap setting and assasination. I figure goblins would be the easiest to find and I can't train those skills in the higher dungeon floors." the dungeon floors were basically just hallways so not much help with assasination, traps or tracking.

"Alright, do you have everything you need? I already have the location of a goblin village from the guild." Valerie says.

The Paths were already geared up, i wasn't planning on using the 7 swordsmen blades, i was planning on a more stealthy approach.

"Yes. Just take Animal out of the city and then we can be summoned to your location." I would rather not attract attention with my group.

Animal was dressed in some simple looking adventure clothes that didn't stand out at all. A brown leather vest, a ninjato over the shoulder, some simple linen pants with a strap belt that had pouches on the hip and back of the waist. He also had on some black fingerless leather gloves with metal plates over the back.

"Alright. Follow along."

Valerie and Animal, left the mansion before starting to hop roof too roof towards the entrance of the city.

There wasnt ant problem leaving the city however you have to pay a few for entrance.

Once they arrived outside of the city, Animal placed his palms on the ground and the other paths and myself felt a tug as we were directly summoned.

"Well let's get going, shouldnt take us more than 20 minutes to reach the goblin village at our pace." Valerie says before hopping off.

The most embarrassing thing in my entire life was having to run Naruto style because it was actually really effective for running at high speeds. As for tree hopping? That's just bullshit! Trees dont have fucking perfect landing spots to jump around on. Trees in Naruto were probably maintained or trimmed or something for fast travel. That shit doesn't work here.

However running and jumping through the woods does work and you can push off tree trunks to move quicker.

It didn't take long before we arrived in front of a rather crude looking village. There was a wooden fence around the village made mostly out of things like sticks and branches, some ot them were sharpened so it wasnt too bad.

There were a couple of goblins walking around outside the gate with sharpened sticks or wood clubs and the rare rusted metal weapon.

"Well then I figure this is the perfect opportunity to check your skills out." Valerie says.

There were probably 100 or so goblins in the village if I could guess correctly.

"Perfect." I flip through some hand signs.

"Water Style: Hidden Mist Jutsu." I mutter before spewing our a dense thick vapor that slowly filled the entire area.

My paths also flip through hand signs. "Earth Style: Hiding Like Mole Jutsu."

They sunk quickly into the ground and I followed thier chakra pathways to the confused patrol goblins.

"Earth Style: Head Hunter Jutsu."

Various, hands grabbed the ankles of goblins pulling them under before blades were pushed into thier chests killing them. The bodies quickly vanished into spatial rings leaving only small holes behind in the ground.

"How are can you even see anything in this mist?" Valerie asks squinting her eyes.

"Its actually pretty ingenious, it's a chakra sensing technique, the mist is made completely out of my chakra, so any creatures inside are enemies. That's and the mist blocks my scent and masks my chakra. I could do it with my eyes closed." I explain. "Add the fact that I move in complete silence. Then its truly a nasty ability."

"But what about the surroundings?" She asks once more.

"Since the mist is my chakra then I can feel it. I can also pulse my chakra and get feedback on solid objects." I watch as my paths swoop through the guards like ghosts.

Surprisingly I didn't feel much when the Ninjato the Paths used rolled the heads of goblins. Kinda just grossed out a bit by the blood spurting out.

"This is boring I can't see anything." Valerie says with a pout.

"Well I do want to check out some of the paths abilities like the chakra cannons." I ponder before letting up the most jutsu which slowly starts to drift away.
