
Chapter 58: Gilded Egg Shells, Out to Sea, Part 1

Dickory barked and hung his head out the window as Katya and Cyrus neared Gate 4 in the Southampton docks. There were signs that hailed the QE III, but the new ship was out on cruise.

As they approached the water's edge, they saw the object of their attention. Tied securely onto several pilings was the grandest ship of them all. On her aft side read the words "Liverpool" and "Titanic." The vessel looked brand new. There was a crowd gathered near a makeshift gangway, as the original wooden structure still existed, but only in part.

"No, boy," said Katya to Dickory as she exited the car. "You have to stay here. I'm sure they won't let dogs aboard. It was hard enough for the Callahans to get us the proper authority to examine the ship."

They could still hear him barking as they walked up to the man standing guard at the gangway. Cyrus showed him their paperwork, and once the contents of his pack were examined, they were allowed to walk up and enter the grandiose ship.
