
Chapter 735: We just arrived in Samar, and... Victor happened.

Chapter 735: We just arrived in Samar, and... Victor happened.

Have you ever heard of the term Dystopian Middle Ages?


If you haven't heard it, no problem, I'll explain it to you.


Starting with the word 'Dystopia', what does it mean?


Dystopia characterizes a dark imaginary society. Dystopias usually are societies controlled by the State through extreme means of oppression, which create unbearable living conditions for individuals. It is generally based on current reality idealized in extreme conditions in the future.


This is what Dystopia means.


Now what does Middle Ages mean?


The Middle Ages was the period between the deposition of the last sovereign of the Western Roman Empire, Romulus Augustulus (476, 5th century), until the conquest of the city of Constantinople by the Turks (1453, 15th century), putting an end to the Byzantine Empire.

