
Two years of war

Two Years of War

You have slept in your own bed! HP & CP Restored by 100%

Never again will I dismiss that notification without gratitude.

Seriously, that goddamn rabbit can burn in hell for all I care, but, now that I thought about it, didn't I get a jutsu scroll from it?

You cannot learn [Inaba Rabbit] Jutsu. REQUIREMENTS: DEX 70+

Well… damn, even in the pits of hell that rabbit is giving me difficulty, still though, might as see what it would do if I go through the trouble to meet the requirements.

[Inaba Rabbit](Active/Passive)[Level 1-100] - Increases base movement speed by 100-300%, costs 100-1 CP/per Second

Oh… oh my, that… that is very helpful.

Before I could contemplate it any longer I heard the front door open and close. "I'm home!" my father's voice called out to the house.

"Dad!" I called back as I bolted out of bed, uncaring of the fact that I was only in a t-shirt and shorts to barrel into my laughing father who returned my tight hug with his own.

"Hey kid, Hokage-sama told me you were home, and that you were being promoted, congratulations," my father told me, looking tired, but proud as he looked down at me.

I felt my heartbeat flutter at his acknowledgement as my face hurt from the smile that was on my face. Stepping back I let him take off his shoes and walked with him into the kitchen where I promptly told him to sit down while I made breakfast.

"You're reminding me more and more of your mother every time I see you," he told me warmly as he watched me cook. "So, I heard a rumor you've created a new technique?"

I blushed a bit in response to commented before grinning and applied [Chakra Flow: Chakra Scalpel] on one of the kitchen knives to show him, the knife didn't carry the chakra well, but it was enough to get the technique across. "It's actually really simple," I explained as he studied the knife with his sharingan active. "[Chakra Flow] and [Chakra Scalpel] are both already similar techniques in nature, this just takes advantage of that, once I get comfortable with chakra nature manipulation I'm going to start trying to mix that in with it to see what happens."

My father nodded in understanding, letting his sharingan fade as I dropped my own technique. "Still, impressive, you are living up to everyone calling you a genius," he said, making me blush even further as I turned back to my cooking.

"I don't feel like one," I mumbled in response, apparently loud enough for him to hear, getting a chuckle. I was silent for a few more minutes as I focused on cooking us breakfast. "So… you and mom know about… my abilities?" I questioned, breaking the silence.

"We do," he confirmed calmly, his voice accepting. "You brother was the one who caught into it at first, he spotting you learning a jutsu in a scroll without even opening it."

"And here I thought I was being careful with that," I grumbled with a pout. "But… yeah, it'll be easier to show you, invite Genai Uchiha to party."

My father blinked and stared at the box that appeared before him with a dumbfounded expression.

Yuriko Uchiha has invited you to her Party?

Accept? Y/N

Curious he hit the accept button. "Now say [Status]," I prompted, getting him to follow through.

Name: Genrai Uchiha

Level: 48

EXP: 15,987/25,000

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Title: Jonin (+50% to all reputation gains)


HP - 10,709

CP - 8,200

STR - 103

INT - 90

DEX - 90

VIT - 103

WIS - 90

LUK - 45

Ryo - 5,921,763

"How curious," my father said as he looked over his stats. "It's accurate I take it?"

"As far as I can tell," I replied with a shrug as I began placing our breakfast, simple eggs, bacon and hashbrowns. "When I gain a level, I get stat five stat points to distribute, and when I do distribute them I do feel stronger."

My father nodded slowly in response. "What else can it show?" he questioned with a raised eyebrow, now completely attentive to what it can do.

"Try saying [Perks] it should bring up modifiers," I replied, trying to find the right words to explain how they worked. "They're either natural born, or appear because of events, like I got a perk for [Genius] when I got back to Konoha because everyone kept calling me one apparently."

My father made a noise of acceptance as he opened the perks menu with only a handful to his name.


[All-Rounder] - +1 to STR, INT, VIT and WIS per Level when stats are within 15 points of each other, perk lost when balance is lost

[Interceptor Fist Master] - +100% Damage when using [Uchiha Interceptor Fist] taijutsu style

[Fire Ninjutsu Expert] - +25% Effectiveness with Fire Ninjutsu

[Uchiha] - +1 DEX and WIS per level, potential to unlock the [Sharingan]

"Very accurate indeed," my father mused as he looked over the perks. "And how long have you had this power for?"

"A couple of months ago," I admitted. "It started a month before I graduated from the Academy, I didn't say anything… because… well… I don't know if it's just me… or if it would be passed on."

"Understandable, this power could easily be abused by many in the village, and I am not eager to see my daughter used a tool," he nodded in understanding. "Have you told anyone else?"

"Just Sakaki-nii-san when we met up at Tensei Bridge," I informed him with a sigh. "Nobody else… I'm not even completely sure I want to tell anybody else."

He nodded. "Then we won't say anything," he told me calmly, I had to blink a few tears away, just like mom he was showing a level of acceptance I'd never experienced before, I couldn't help but wonder… was this because of the [Honored] Reputation status I had with them?

Shaking my mind out of it I simply smiled at him happily. "Thank you," I whispered gratefully. "Um… I'm planning on doing some training later today… would you be able to help me with it?"

"Of course," he replied warmly. "If you want, I can help you find your chakra nature and show you the basic level of the Nature Manipulation training for your chakra elements."

"Sounds like fun!" I chirped in agreement, feeling the tension that I had never realized was in my shoulders release. "I look forward spending some time with you, dad."

The smile my father sent my way warmed my heart as he chuckled a bit. "I'll only be in Konoha for a week, but I look forward to spending time with you as well, Yuriko-chan," he told me kindly.

Beaming a smile at him, I turned back to my meal, looking forward to the coming week with my father.

I stared at the paper that I held between my thumb and index finger contemplatively. "How do they make these?" I questioned as I looked up at my father with a confused look. "I get how they work, they're like the metal we use for weapons like the kodachi you got for me, or [Tsuki no Usagi], but what I don't get, is how paper is made for it?"

My father chuckled at my questioning as I inspected the paper that he had handed me. "Well, I'm not exactly sure on this, but from what I can recall, the Shodai gifted a neutral country's hidden village with a seed he infused with his chakra," he explained, frowning as he tried to pull up the memory. "When it grew, they found that it absorbed chakra and shifted based upon the dominate elemental nature of that chakra, so they decided to use it as a way to find one's element, which at the time was far more difficult. Harvesting sections of the tree they turned it into paper which we now use to figure out elements."

"Huh, so basically almost everything is the Shodai's fault?" I questioned, getting a chuckle from my father, it was an old joke in Konoha used in a light hearted manner, mostly originating from the Shodai gifting the other villages the Bijuu that he sealed, save for the Kyuubi.

"Exactly," he confirmed with a nod. "Now stop dallying and channel your chakra into it."

Rolling my eyes I did as he instructed, causing half of the page to turn soggy while the other half caught fire and met in the middle.

Congratulations, you have discovered your chakra affinities!

[Natural Water Affinity] Perk Added!

"So… fire and water, right?" I questioned, looking up at him.

"Indeed so," he confirmed with a chuckle. "Not exactly a common combination considering water beats fire, but I think the water chakra comes from your grandmother on your mother's side and your grandfather on my side."

"Neat," I said, brushing the small bit of ash off of my arm. "So, what's my training exercise for them?"

"Well, for fire chakra you need to ignite a leaf using chakra, while with water chakra you drain the water out of it," he explained, reaching up into the tree in our backyard to pick a leaf and holding it in his hands, turning my sharingan on I watch as he gathered chakra into the leaf before it shifted into a reddish color causing the leaf to burst into a small flame. "Want to try?"


Learn the [Fire Nature Manipulation] and [Water Nature Manipulation] skills while training with your father!


+2,500 EXP and +1000 Reputation with Genrai Uchiha per skill learned


Level both skills up to Level 5


Random D-ranked ninjutsu scroll in each element

"Definitely," I confirmed as I took a leaf of my own, although I had to jump up to pull one off a branch, before sitting down onto the grass and concentrated on my chakra.

With my experience with the [Fire Release: Chakra Flow] it was fairly easy for me to mould my chakra into fire natured chakra, the real challenge, however, came with trying to ignite the leaf like my father had, all I was getting at the moment was some steam wafting from the leaf as it began to dry up.

"Hmm, not a bad first attempt," my father commented approvingly as he watched my efforts. "Your experience with the [Fire Release: Chakra Flow] is definitely showing, but a leaf isn't as sensitive to the different elements as chakra metal," he explained calmly as he took a new leaf down to replace with my dried out one. "So when you mould your chakra into the fire element, you need to make it more intense than normal in order to actually catch the leaf aflame. When you mould your chakra, try and keep the image of an intense fire inside of your mind to help you focus on it."

Accepting the leaf I took in a calming breath before closing my eyes, repeating my actions I channeled the chakra into the leaf before I started moulding it again, this time remembering the flames I released against the rabbit, gritting my teeth as I focus I could feel my chakra shifting before I felt something briefly burn my fingers, pulling a yelp from me as I let go of the now burning leaf and shook my hands to try and cool them to my father's amusement.

"That's the way!" He cheered, clapping his hands. "That's exactly how you do fire manipulation!"

Your hard work as rewarded you with a new Skill!

[Fire Nature Manipulation](Passive)[Level 1 - 0.00%] - +10% Effectiveness to Fire ninjutsu

"Yes!" I shouted as the new skill window popped up in front of me, laughing a bit in my excitement, making my father chuckle my my excitement.

"Want to try it with water now?" he asked me with a raised eyebrow, holding out a leaf in a challenging manner. "I won't be able to give you an example this time."

"You know it, I'll get it down in no time!" I shouted as I snatched the leaf, riding the high of getting [Fire Nature Manipulation] down.

Once I was settled I took some more calming breaths to center myself as I started channeling my chakra into the leaf.

It was tough at first, trying to get it down while holding the image of water in my head - specifically a memory of swimming in the lake near the compound with my brother - and I could feel something happening with the leaf and my chakra did feel like it was flowing differently, a liquidy feeling on my hands broke my concentration as I opened my eyes to see the leaf had split open and was gushing out water from the split. "That's… not what's supposed to happen, is it?" I questioned as I look up to my father who shook his head in response.

"No, the leaf is supposed to be dry when you have completed the exercise," he informed me gently. "Instead of pushing the element in, you need to pull it out."

Nodding, I accepted the new leaf before closing my eyes and concentrating again. I changed my method this time, instead of pushing as much chakra as I could into it, I only push a little in to connect my chakra to the leaf and experimentally tried pushing the water inside of it around. I jolted when my father tapped me on the shoulder to bring awareness to the fact that part of the leaf had been broken.

Accepting the new leaf I restarted the process. My father, bless his heart, was a very patient man because it took me nearly an hour and a pile of leaves to finally get the exercise down enough for a popup to appear before me.

Your hard work as rewarded you with a new Skill!

[Water Nature Manipulation](Passive)[Level 1 - 0.00%] - +10% Effectiveness to Water ninjutsu

"Finally!" I shouted as I flopped back onto the grass. "My word that was hard!"

"I'm not surprised by that," my father informed me, a small grin on his face as he took a seat beside me, crossing his legs comfortably as he looked down at me. "From what I've learned when studying Nature Manipulation those who have opposing affinities like yours will have a hard time learning how to manipulate the opposite one after learning the first due to how different it is and the conflicting nature of it."

Humming, I thought about what he told me. "So if I had say an earth alignment rather than water then it would've been easier?" I questioned, looking up at him.

"From what I can tell, yes," he confirmed with a nod, smiling at me. "But now that you have the feeling of it, you shouldn't have as much trouble with it, and once you master them, I'm sure you can use them in ways that even the Sandaime could only dream of."

Giggling at the thought I grinned widely before leaping to my feet. "Well then, only one way to master them then!" I shouted, a fire burning inside of me. "Time to start training."

My father laughed at my enthusiasm, looking like he deaged a few years as he relaxed with me, coaching me with my attempts at manipulating the elemental chakra, even explaining how to do the other Nature Manipulation exercises as I focused on my training.

It was… nice spending time with my father. While he didn't have my brother's teasing attitude or my mother's inner fire, he was like a solid rock that had soaked up the sun's heat. A strange approximation, I know, but it was the only way I could think of to describe him. He was patient with me, explaining in depth anything I asked him, showed me little tricks that made chakra manipulation easier and even helped advance my [Intermediate Kenjutsu] to [Advanced Uchiha Style Kenjutsu].

When I had completed the quest at the end of our training time together, he handed a pair of scrolls to me. [Fire Release: Blazing Skull] and [Water Release: Water Mantle], which ended up reminding me I wanted to learn the [Inari Rabbit] jutsu which in turn reminded me of the stat points I needed to distribute, causing my father to laugh as I ranted about forgetting something so basic.

Once my points were allocated, all fifteen points going into DEX, I was still short by a single point, making my father laugh even harder as I started cursing like a sailor. Once I was finished ranting he watched as I 'learned' the two ninjutsus, asking me some questions about the process and how much I knew about the jutsus without looking at the skill sheet.

From there, we re-entered the house to start making dinner and started talking about simpler things, that night was one of the fondest memories I hold of my father, and it tore me up, when a week before I was to be released from my medical leave, a week after he left, my mother came home with a haunted look on her face, reporting that he had been killed during battle.

As always, time moved on, I redeployed as a chunin of Konohagakure, unfortunately, it was not to link up with my teammates, but with my mother to a different front that needed more medical support to deal with the number of injured that was overwhelming the current medics there.

The Sandaime had given me a certificate declaring my advancement to Medic, Second Grade, at the same time as my chunin vest, telling me that I earned it with my actions during the battle of Tensei Bridge.

I ended up remaining at that front where we were supporting Sunagakure shinobi against Kirigakure for the next two years - hell it took my mother telling me it was my birthday the second year to realize I had been there a year. It was a blur, my memories sometimes resolving in a medical tent, shouting for another medic to support me as I tried to stop a man from bleeding out from an artery, another memory was cutting my way through what could only be a Hozuki clan member with my [Chakra Flow: Chakra Scalpel] blood sprayed all over my body.

Thankfully, I had rejoined with my team on that front, Hasai-sensei was the same as ever, Chika-chan was quieter than normal and had a tendency to shake in fear when the earth shook for any reason, Aoi-kun was more determined than ever, becoming more vicious when he engaged the enemy.

I knew I changed as well… it was a subtle thing and shook me to my core when I just stopped caring about the injuries I inflicted onto the people I fought, it no longer disgusted me like it once had when I shredded a man's lungs and left him gasping for breath. I was nearly hysterical when I realized this, it took both my mother and Hasai-sensei and hour to calm me down and a month of being restricted to the medical ward before I was able to enter the battlefield again without shaking.

That was when I first met Minato Namikaze, the father of Naruto and future Yondaime Hokage.

We had been hearing rumours of a possible ceasefire being called with Iwa, something that was supported by a lack of Iwagakure shinobi appearing on the field, and was later confirmed as Minato-san walked into the base we shared with Sunagakure. Looking for me.

"I'm sorry, Minato-san, but you want me to be a part of the escort for Sandaime-sama?" I questioned the blond man with an incredulous look. "But… why? I'm not even ten and I'm only a chunin!"

Minato-san smiled at me in response, looking completely at ease. "Simple, you are nine years old, and a chunin," he replied simply. "Plus you have been making a name for yourself out here… 'Sword-Scalpel' Yuriko."

I scowled a bit at the name, but it was nicer than what the enemy had been calling me. 'Bloody Scalpel', can't say they're wrong with it though. "Stupid overblown reputation," I muttered to myself, drawing a chuckle from Minato-san.

"Indeed, they are troubling things," he said knowingly, ah right, Iwa called the 'Yellow Flash' the 'Massacre Flash', suddenly my own didn't sound so bad.


Escort the Sandaime Hokage to the Peace talks with the Sandaime Tsuchikage!


25,000 EXP, +15,000 Reputation with Konohagakure, +5,000 Reputation with Iwagakure, ?







Letting out a sigh I sagged a bit, feeling the weight of my chunin vest weigh down upon me. "Understood, when will we be leaving then?" I questioned, snapping at attention after brushing my now waist length hair over my shoulder, the last person to try and grab it when they had gotten close ended up being castrated with my chakra scalpel, a lot of people avoided going for it since then.

Minato smiled wider in response. "As soon as you're ready," he replied. "Get whatever you feel you may need and meet me back here."

I nodded before turning on my heel and marching out of the command building and into the heat of the Sunagakure desert. Well, more accurately the edge of the desert, but still it was bloody hot during the day and freezing at night. Upside to being here for two years? I was no longer pale as fuck like most Uchiha, I now had a healthy tan going on… once I recovered from my sunburn that is anyways, thank you Iryojutsu.

Twitching my lip at that though I glanced at myself in the mirror, I gave myself a once over to make sure I looked professional enough, the subtle signs of curves my new A cup bra reminded me of one of my more… clear memories happening about a year ago when I had woken up with the worst stomach cramp of my life and bleeding between my legs.

Thank god for my shinobi discipline enforcing itself, allowing me to get out of my bed and wake my mother without causing a massive ruckus, but I spent the entire time screaming my head off mentally… and vocally once I had an area sealed off with a silencing seal.

Thankfully, for professionalism sake, my period had just passed for the month, so I should be free and clear for another few weeks, not that I would have let it affect me anyways, thanks to some of the tricks mom showed me when helping me clean myself up. My outfit mostly remained the same, although I was wearing my chunin vest rather than my jacket for the extra protection and had added a pair of armguards with reinforcement seals for that same purpose.

Making some minute adjustments to my hair, my mother insisted I not cut it shorter than it was now since it looked good on me, I turned away from the window and approached my 'office'. Which really was just a bunk and desk in the medical ward with some privacy curtains hung up, I was basically second in command of the medics at this point, my mother being the only one actually outranking me as jonin medics were in short supply, and let me tell you something, nothing like being put into the hot plate to make you learn fast because half a year in I mastered [Mystical Palm] and was well versed in performing surgeries, both on and off the field.

"Hey mom, I'm getting redeployed," I informed as I entered the tent, getting my mom to look up from where she was doing an inventory check, we were never not busy in here. "Minato-san told me Sandaime-sama wants me a part of his escort."

The owlish blink from my mom look rather weird considering she had her sharingan active at the time - it was surprising how useful it was for doing inventory counts. "He wants you to be a part of the escort?" she questioned in the exact same tone I had when questioning my orders.

"That's what I asked, but apparently having Sword-Scalpel Yuriko around as their medic for the escort is a message of some kind," I replied as I headed for my office, stepping through the occupied beds, just like we were never not busy, the beds were never not full, the shinobi in the beds not even bothering to hide their eavesdropping of the conversation, we were all insatiable gossips. "We're deploying as soon as I'm ready."

My mother sighed as she passed her clipboard to the assistant medic helping her with the counts before joining me in my office. "Are you stocked up on kunai and shuriken?" she questioned as she helped me gather my pack together, allowing me to gear myself up, starting like always with sliding Tsuki no Usagi into the holster on my right leg.

"Plenty to spare," I assured with a grin as I pulled on my armguard, testing the fit to see if they needed to be adjusted again - three times in this past month alone - before grabbing my equipment pouch and sliding it into place. "I need more shampoo though, why won't you let me cut my hair shorter already?"

My mother gave me 'The Look' all mothers had. "Because you look best with long hair," she told me primly as she placed a new bottle of shampoo in the bag she was packing. "And Uchiha Kunoichi always look their best."

I sighed a rolled my eyes at her argument, one I heard a thousand time by now, before testing the draw on Tsuki no Usagi. "Fine fine, but you get to buy my shampoo from now on," I grumbled, glaring at her a bit as she smirked in victory.

"Oh don't lie to yourself dear, you like it as much as I do, I've seen how much extra time you spend on you hair when you can," she told me knowingly.

I blushed at being caught, in truth I actually did like my hair the length it was at, and spending the extra time I could get brushing it relaxed me more than simply sleeping could. "[Status]," I murmured, desperate to change the subject and put my sniggering mother out of mind.

Name: Yuriko

Level: 40

EXP: 18,762/21,000

Age: 9

Gender: Female

Title: Chunin (+25% to all Reputation gains)


HP - 1,781

CP - 5,910

STR - 41 (51)

INT - 83

DEX - 98 (122)

VIT - 41

WIS -70

LUK - 27

Ryo - 4,672,153

Nodding to myself I closed the window and double checked my skills and perks before letting out a sigh and rolling my shoulders, only to freeze as my mother put her hands on them kneading the tension out of my shoulders gently.

"It's alright," she whispered to me, placing her forehead on top of my scalp, even with my growth spurt, I was still only 4'8 to my mom's 5'4". "Your father would be so proud of you right now," she told me, her voice thick with emotion, my eyes prickling with tears at the memory of his brief funeral where his name was added to the memorial stone.

"I miss him," I admitted in a small voice, weaker than I cared to admit.

"So do I, but he remains with us," my mother reminded me, patting my chest. "He always will be proud of you, so do your best and come back home, alright?"

"Yeah," I nodded, wiping my tear away with the back of my hands and straightened myself as mom pulled away. "I'll come back for sure."

My mother smirked the 'Uchiha Smirk™' - it really is trademarked, I checked - at me before patting my shoulder and handing my bag. "And I will be waiting, now go, don't keep Minato-san waiting."

Nodding I pulled the bag onto my back and shared another brief hug with my mom and left the tent to head back to the command post.

"Minato-san, I am ready," I announced as I stepped into the building at a parade rest, legs shoulder width apart and hands clasped at my lower back.

Minato looked up as I spoke, giving me a once over before nodding approvingly and stepped up. "Alright then," he announced, placing a hand on my shoulder, making me raise an eyebrow, why is he-? "As sensei would say, clench your butt."

The next thing I knew the world was turned upside down and became yellow.

I collapsed to my knees as my vision swam, my stomach rebelling as I tried to comprehend what just happened.

A deep laugh made me look up to see an apologetic looking Minato-san with an amused looking Sandaime-sama and a white haired man with two red trails under his eyes clutching his sides as he guffawed in laughter.

"Sorry about that," Minato-san said in sympathy. "It should pass soon, Hiraishin is hard on everyone the first time experiencing it."

"That was the Hirashin?" I questioned incredulously, voicing my shock. "I felt like I was just tossed out of a window buck naked!"

My words only made who could only be Jiraiya-sama laugh even harder as Sandaime-sama chuckled a bit. "Don't think I've heard someone describe it quite like that before," Minato admitted as he fought a grin of his own.

I grumbled a bit as my stomach settled and my vision returned to normal soon enough and I was back on my feet like it never happened. "I apologise for my… rude behavior, Hokage-sama," I said, addressing the village leader who merely waved it off.

"Quite alright, Yuriko-chan," he assured, smiling kindly at me. "Thank you for agreeing to come with me today."

'Not like I could say no to an order,' I snarked mentally. "Of course, Hokage-sama," I said vocally. "May I assume the idiot laughing over there is Jiraiya-sama?"

That got a snort from Minato as Jiraiya froze, a betrayed look on his face. "Indeed so, Yuriko-chan this is my student, Jiraiya," he said in introduction, amusement tinging his tone as he looked to Jiraiya. "Jiraiya, this is Yuriko Uchiha, our medic for the trip."

Jiraiya grumbled a bit in response as he righted himself, adjusting the older styled flak jacket he was wearing before facing me properly with an appraising eye. By Kami you just can't appreciate how large this man is until you're right beside him in real life. "Pleased to meet ya," he said finally as he extended a hand. "I hear you're toting an unusual skill set, fuuinjutsu, ninjutsu, iryojutsu and kenjutsu? Doesn't quite seem balanced on paper if you ask me."

I accepted his hand, marvelling as his seemed to engulf my own. "I make it work somehow, Jiraiya-sama," I said in response, shrugging off his comment, he was curious, not insulting like some I had met until they saw me in combat. "I guess all it takes is some ingenuity and thinking outside of the box."

Jiraiya let out a bark of laughter in response. "A shinobi after my own heart," he declared cheerfully.

"Now that introductions are out of the way," Sandaime-sama said, clearing his throat, the three of us coming to attention in an instant as he stood up from his desk, I blush a bit as I only just now realized he was clad in his combat uniform. "Shall we be on our way to Tetsu no Kuni?"

Huh, so the peace talks are being held by the samurai? Smart. "Of course, Hokage-sama," was all I said as I bowed, Jiraiya chuckling at my formality.

"Very well then," Sandaime-sama said as he headed for the door, the three of us falling into step beside him easily.

We left the village with very little fanfare, just a short conference with who could only be Homura-san and Koharu-san with Sandaime-sama giving them explicit instructions before we headed out the gate, quickly taking to the trees.

I got appreciative looks from them as I managed to keep pace with them through the trees, thankfully I didn't need to use the [Inaba Rabbit] jutsu like I had thought I would have to keep up with them. Soon enough chatter started up with Minato-san and Jiraiya-sama questioning me about my fuuinjutsu skills, with me admitting that I mostly used it in a support role with enhancing my clothing with seals to provide passive benefits.

My Chakra Control seal seemed to really catch the interest of Jiraiya as he asked to see it when we stopped for the night, apparently the seal, while referenced, was really hard to come by.

We ended up stopping an hour before dusk, giving us plenty of time to set out camp up and get our meal cooking. "Yuriko-san, would you mind having a spar with me?" Minato-san questioned politely once our tents were set up and a fire was going.

"Ah… with me Minato-san?" I questioned, looking lost. "I don't think I would be much of a challenge for you…"

Minato-san shook his head in response, an encouraging smile on his face in response. "Nothing like that," he informed me. "I just wish to see your skill set in combat, it's one thing to talk and read about it, another thing entirely to see it in person."


Spar with Minato Namikaze and last for 1:00 minute(s).


+5,000 EXP, +1,000 Reputation with Minato Namikaze, Jiraiya and Hiruzen Sarutobi.


Last 1:30 minute(s)

Last 2:00 minute(s)

Last 2:30 minute(s)


+5,000 EXP, +1,000 Reputation with Minato Namikaze, Jiraiya and Hiruzen Sarutobi for each objective met.

Swallowing tightly I nodded, prompting the mission acceptance. "Right then… let's do this I guess?" I said nervously as I stood up and moved a few feet away from Minato-san and got myself into a ready position, my kodachi in hand as my [Chakra Flow: Chakra Scalpel] activated sealessly and voicelessly. No way in hell will I be able to survive a minute with the Yellow Flash if I held back.

"Alright, this match will be over when one hits the ground with both shoulders or I call it over," Jiraiya-sama announced in a serious tone as he pulled out a kunai. "You may begin when this kunai hits the ground."

Taking a breath I calmed myself as the Toad Sannin threw the kunai into the air lazily. I got into my modified stance of the Uchiha Kenjutsu, my kodachi held in a reverse grip while held behind me, my knees bent bringing me low to the ground and ready to leap in any direction.

Minato-san meanwhile stood in a relaxed pose, one of his signature tri-pronged kunai in his hand held in a reverse-grip.

My sharingan activated as the kunai hit the ground, granting me just enough perception to see Minato-san as he blurred forward. Even without Hirashin the man was blindingly fast! Chakra rushed to my legs as I activated the five handsealed [Inaba Rabbit] jutsu without a single one or voicing it to rush myself back.

Minato-san was certainly not expecting me to come close to matching his speed if his widened eyes were any indication as I rebounded off of a tree, tearing a good chunk of it off from the tree as I launched towards Minato-san with a slash of my kodachi.

Just as I was about to hit his flak vest with the tip of my blade he vanished with only a few yellow spots being any indication that he had even been there.

My instincts flared a warning at me, forcing me to grab the ground to adjust my position just enough to allow a tri-pronged kunai to sail past me from above. The next second Minato-san was right in front of me, gripping the kunai in his hand with what could only be a rasengan in his free hand.

Reacting I threw my foot at the wrist of the hand holding the rasengan, knocking it out of the way while my own free hand reached to grab his jacket only for my hand to close on empty air as he vanished again.

I rolled myself mid air out of desperation to try and spot Minato-san than out of any instinctual feeling, barely avoiding a trio of Minato-san's kunai in the process as my feet touched the ground. Taking advantage of it I threw myself forward in an [Inaba Rabbit] powered sprint, a small explosion behind me told me that was the best move I could have made in that moment. Coming to a stop I spun around as I planted my back against a tree, spotting Minato-san watching me as a cloud of dust cleared away from the small indent in the ground that could have only been made by a Rasengan.

Sweat dripped down my face as I panted, how long has it been since we started? Is this what facing a kage-level opponent felt like? I hope didn't crap my pants…

Gritting my teeth I froze my thoughts in their place and focused on Minato-san as he retook his position. I can't let myself get distracted now, do or be in pain time.

I acted, a tiger seal in front of my face as I inhaled before releasing a [Fire Release: Great Fireball] without warning, not the best one I've released, but still 4 feet in diameter easily. I didn't wait to see if it hit or not, I simply began charging after the fireball, and swung my kodachi. My first technique created with [Chakra Flow: Chakra Scalpel]. [Chakra Flow: Chakra Scalpel - Straight Cut].

The premise was simple, extend the flow of chakra with the swing, working on the same principle as Asuma Sarutobi's [Hien] technique to extend the range with his knives, I did the same for a single swing. At five feet.

My slash cut through my own fireball, dispersing the flames as the form was disrupted, only on problem. Minato-san wasn't there any more.

I did the only thing I could think of and threw myself to the side, not once did I let up on sending chakra to the [Inaba Rabbit] jutsu, which quite honestly saved me, as had I been one second slower I was quite certain whatever jutsu Minato-san fired off that sent a lightning bolt tearing through the clearing would've hurt badly.

I traced the jutsu back to it's origin point only to find no one there, catching a flash in the corner of my eye I blinked in confusion as Minato-san teleported directly in front of his own jutsu. My eyes widened as I saw him complete a set of seals and held his tri-pronged kunai before him just as his jutsu reach him, and vanished.

I paled as a crackling was heard behind me, turning my head I barely caught sight of the jutsu behind me before it slammed into me, my mind blanking out a bit as electricity surged within in before collapsing as it ended.

"It's over!" Jiraiya-sama shouted, ending the match as I blinked several times, twitching a bit I tried to process what just happened.

"Holy fuck," I said finally as I regained control of my body.

Jiraiya-sama chuckled in response as he helped me sit up, patting my back. "That's exactly what I said when we sparred after he learned the Hiraishin," he admitted. "All said and done though, good hustle out there, how were you moving so quickly?"

"A-ah… I had found a scroll for the [Inaba Rabbit] jutsu a couple of years ago," I admitted with a blush. "I practiced with it until I could do it without using seals."

"Oho, haven't heard that jutsu name in quite a few years," Sandaime-sama said with a nostalgic look. "Where did you find it if I may ask?"

"The [Blackwoods Training Ground]," I admitted. "Found it on the demonic rabbit that was in there."

"Demonic rabbit?" Minato-san questioned with a raise eyebrow.

"Ah, it was in the center of the field," I explained with flush. "I managed to kill it… but it was a nasty little beast and I think it somehow learned the jutsu itself because he was moving as fast as I do when using it."

Sandaime-sama hummed in response as he nodded in contemplation. "Ah yes… the chakra mutations," he said after a few moments. "Have you been into any of the other ones?"

"Haven't had the chance with being deployed," I admitted with a blush as I began healing up the damage I accrued during our short fight. "Plus I wanted to get more experience before going into the next one."

"Commendable," Minato-san said approvingly a smile on his face. "I must say though, your skills are impressive for one your age."

"Ah, I'm not much," I denied reflexively, trying to his my darkening blush in the collar of my chunin vest, getting chuckles from the three men around the fire, glancing at the Quest completion alert from the corner of my eye. Holy crap that was only a minute and a half?

"What are you looking at, Yuriko-san?" Minato-san prompted gently, his blue eye kind as he looked at me observantly.

I froze in place, unsure on what to say to hide the answer without arousing their suspicion.

"She was definitely reading something earlier as well," Jiraiya-sama pitched in easily, his entire body relaxed, my stomach twisted in fear.

"It's alright, Yuriko-chan," Sandaime-sama's voice cut through my approaching panic attack like a knife. "You can tell us."

Turning my head towards them, I shyly glanced at their welcoming faces before letting out a heavy sigh. "Um… might be easier just to show you," I said finally. "Invite Minato Namikaze, Jiraiya and Hiruzen Sarutobi to party."

All three blinked as the boxes appeared in front of them, questioning them if they wanted to accept my invite, glancing at each other they confirmed they each had one in front of them. "My power… I call it 'The Gamer' because… well… it makes things look like they were a game to me," I explained in a small voice. "I get quest pop ups when things happen sometimes, like when Minato-san asked me to spar with him, the condition was that I had to last a minute against him with a bonus reward for every extra thirty seconds I lasted."

I swallowed as I chanced another look at the trio of the most powerful Konoha ninja seated near me and found them examining the boxes with a curious look.

"And you are able to relate this power to others by inviting them?" Sandaime-sama questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Only in part…" I elaborated, biting my lip. "I experimented with my mom while we were deployed together, when we're in a party, I can track their position health and chakra pool as well as their current status, but while I get stat points to distribute as I wish upon levelling up, others don't, instead theirs is distributed automatically, I'm not quite sure how they are distributed though, but it will allow you to take a look at your own stats, perks and skills."

"How would I do that?" Minato-san questioned as he accepted the invite, his name appearing in the corner of my eye with a level beside his name along with his HP and CP totals. Holy crap he is level 89!

"Just say Status, Skills or Perks respectively," I answered, slowly feeling more confident as I spoke with them.

Sandaime-sama's and Jiraiya-sama's names appeared alongside his shortly after, their levels being 90 and 88 respectively, my god, these three were monsters.

"Fascinating," Sandaime-sama mused as he began looking through what must have been a massive skill page. "I take it these 'levels' would relate to our level of mastery with a jutsu?"

I nodded in confirmation. "Yes, and I recently learned I couldn't start dropping seals for my jutsus until around level 50 with the option to drop another seal every ten levels after that, but it would reduce the power of the jutsu if I do that," I rambled a bit as I talked. "I only maxed out a few like [Chakra Scalpel] because I used them so much and am really comfortable with them-"

"Relax, kid," Jiraiya-sama rumbled comfortingly, smiling at me reassuringly. "What else is it capable of doing with a… party, was it?"

"Oh! I can set up a communication network with anyone in the party," I informed, relaxing a bit. "It only has a range up to about two and half miles though, and it would look like you're talking to yourself."

"Still handy," Minato-san said approvingly. "I can see why you would be nervous about revealing this, the possibilities are almost endless."

I blush as I nodded slowly. "I… didn't want to be put into a room or something," I mumbled out, shrinking in on myself a bit. "I was afraid that people would try and get the power for themselves somehow, or try and breed me to get more people with access… I'm not even sure if any kids I have would get it, I… I don't even know where it came from… well… not for certain anyways."

"You have a theory?" Minato-san questioned gently, raising an eyebrow.

"Well… when I had gotten I had a dream? Vision? I'm not sure, but something was talking to me through the boxes," I told them, using a partial truth - reincarnation was one can of worms I didn't want to open. "From the tone of it, I guess I'm just amusement for them or something."

The three adults shared a serious look. "Danzo would do a lot to try and get his hands on her if he knew," Jiraiya-sama commented with a grim tone, making Sandaime-sama flinch a bit in response.

"He would… unfortunately," he sighed heavily. "Minato, Jiraiya, this is an S-class secret," he announced after a moment, making me blink as I looked up. "Never say a word of this to anyone else, I will not either, to everyone else, Yuriko-chan here is just another splendid shinobi of Konohagakure."

I stared, slack jawed at Sandaime-sama as the other two shinobi nodded in agreement. "Y-you would do that, for me?" I asked quietly, still in shock.

"Of course," Sandaime-sama assured me with a warm smile. "You are a member of Konohagakure's shinobi corps, and one with such potential, I will protect your freedom as I would any other."

I sniffled as I tried to stem the tears welling up in my eyes, trying to wipe them away with the palm of my hands. "Th-thank you, Hokage-sama," I managed to choke out, an arm dropping around my shoulders comfortingly as Minato-san sat down beside me.

"Of course, Yuriko-chan," it was all he needed to say in order for the tears to start flowing freely in relief.


Spar with Minato Namikaze and last for 1:00 minute(s).


+5,000 EXP, +1,000 Reputation with Minato Namikaze, Jiraiya and Hiruzen Sarutobi.


Last 1:30 minute(s) - COMPLETED

Last 2:00 minute(s) - INCOMPLETE

Last 2:30 minute(s) - INCOMPLETE


+5,000 EXP, +1,000 Reputation with Minato Namikaze, Jiraiya and Hiruzen Sarutobi for each objective met.

You have gained a level!

Your Reputation with Jiraiya has reached [Friendly] Status!

Your Reputation with Minato Namikaze has reached [Friendly] Status!

Your Reputation with Hiruzen Sarutobi has reached [Friendly] Status!


AN: Damn… emotional man, as usual thanks to SeerKing and one out to Takeshi Yamato for betaing and letting me bounce ideas off of them!
