
Chapter 39 Understanding

Arriving home after her experience meeting Kielsie Hylden. Leinea was not pleased with the situation at all. Not being told that something like this was going to happen

Made her anger even greater as she made her way to her rooms.

'That idiot, he tells me nothing even though I see him every day.' {Leinea}

Lanthim had moved from his mother's estate. To live with both Leinea and Mynrea immediately after he returned. At this hour, he would most likely be meditating in one of the gardens. So after getting changed out of her uniform. Into something more comfortable Leinea went in search of Lanthim.

The biggest problem when looking for that man. Was since no one could sense where he was. One would have to spend time actually looking for him. Which for leinea who was already frustrated even more so.

'Where is he!! I have checked all of the gardens as well as the meditation rooms.' {Leinea}

Lanthim was always somewhere when she needed to find him but today not a single sighting of him. Changing tactic Leinea made her way to Mynrea's study to enquire as to Lanthim's location. The halls that lead to where Mynrea was. Looked as if they had been stripped of all of their fineries. Everything looked like it had all been moved elsewhere.

Reaching the door to the study Leinea saw Mynrea talking with someone. A young man maybe two years older than herself dressed in the same fashion as Kielsie had been.

"Grandmother what is happening here and who is this?" [Leinea]

Mynrea looked towards Leinea as she entered with an annoyed look on her face. Making Leinea feel like she had intruded on something important.

"Well for starters, we are starting to move our things to our new home in Legrcstim. Our friend here is a student of, Lanthim's. Beiren Soultin sent to oversee that everything is moved in an efficient manner." [Mynrea]

Looking extremely uncomfortable standing beside this other person Mynrea turned to look out the window having finished her conversation with Beiren who was now making his way out.

"Are you templar like the others that protect syrelia now?" [Leinea]

"No, my lady I am a high templar, please remember in the future." [Beiren]

Leaving the room without any other gesture leinea's anger returned.

"Who are these people grandmother? Why are we being treated like we are lower than they are?" [Leinea]

"Leinea we are not recognized as Lanthim's wives until he turns seventeen. Ss such it is only natural." [Mynrea]

Shocked by the answer, she received Leinea moved closer to the desk in the center of the room.

"I don't understand, even if the templar that are at the academy can be believed to be of some higher order. That changes nothing they would be equal to us but this Beiren treats us both like we are nothing." [Leinea]

Mynrea did not turn from the window Leinea could sense fear in her grandmother. For the first time ever in her life, leinea saw fear in her mynrea's eyes.

"An apprentice is first order templar is second what do you think a high templar is leinea?" [Mynrea]

The question did not immediately register with Leinea who still felt anger from what had just happened. Suddenly though as she thought the question through an answer that like mynrea frightened her to death came to her mind.

"He is third order." [leinea]

Her face paled instantly as she reached for a place to sit. Never had such a being been seen or heard of in five thousand years. To just have such a person walk past her the very thought made her want to cry.

"I felt the same way when Lanthim introduced Beiren to me two hours ago. We can no longer hold ourselves as being superior in the face of such power." [Myrnea]

"What is Lanthim then? If he is their master what order is he?" [leinea]

Sitting on a seat that was close enough for her to find before her legs gave Leinea was finding it hard to take all of what was happening in. Long had she prepared for Lanthim's inevitable return. Only to find that he was far more than she had ever thought he would be.

"When he left for Legrcstim Beiren addressed Lanthim as Grand Master. With everything I know now I feel that we are in for a very long and secure marriage." [Mynrea]

While there was a smile on her face Mynrea could not get passed the thought of being together with such a powerful being. A personage so far beyond their comprehension that neither could bring word to describe what they felt.

"We must not speak of this to anyone doing so will only cause more unwanted trouble." [Leinea]

"Indeed, we must say nothing of this." [Mynrea]

Litralia's estate

"Do I have to go, mother?" [Syrelia]

While Mynrea and Leinea were busy preparing to relocate to a new home so was Syrelia as well.

"Your brother is having you live with him for a while Syrelia. I don't know for how long but he feels it will be safer." [Litralia]

Having left instruction for Syrelia to remain with Mynrea until she was fully relocated. It was clear that Lanthim was not going to give his grandmother. The chance to have his sister taken while he could avoid it.

"What about Melryn and Aldain they are to stay here. But they have been acting strangely since brother came last night I have not seen them in hours." [Syrelia]

What the girl had said was true. Neither of her brothers had come out of their rooms in some time. However, Litralia knew what was happening. Lanthim had released the seal that makes human males unable to manipulate mana and had ordered both of them to meditate until they felt some degree of control.

"Your brothers are doing as their master has instructed of them Syrelia. As you are also a student of his you must obey your brothers decision to have you leave." [Litralia]

Strangely Litralia felt no real unease in letting syrelia go with Lanthim. He would keep her safe at all cost and would ensure she maintained her education which was always a thing of importance for Litralia.

"My lady everything is prepared."

A maid came to the door of Syrelia's room with the news that everything that was the child's had been moved.

"Okay, all that is left is for you to go." [Litralia]

"I will take her mother." [Lanthim]

Appearing outside of the room Lanthim was waiting.

"I thought there would be more time." [Litralia]

"We have no more time, there have been four attempts on this house in the last hour. So I can't take chances syrelia come quickly." [Lanthim]

Holding out his hand the little girl did not hesitate to obey. Taking lanthim's hand while drawing closer to him.

"The kidnappers will be disposed of soon. So don't feel in danger sleeping tonight mother. Also don't think of this as goodbye between the two of you." [lanthim]

Smiling as they both disappeared litralia felt a tear fall from her face.

'You will return my baby to me lanthim.'

Reappearing in Mynrea's study both Leinea and Mynrea looked to see who it was that just arrived.

"Not being able to sense you lanthim. Makes it really infuriating when you just appear like that." [Leinea]

Mynrea smiled as Leinea voiced her annoyance at his lack of presence. While the both of them still felt a drained by the knowledge they had uncovered about Lanthim. They both tried to put on a genuine smile as he walked syrelia to an open seat.

"Why is Syrelia here if we are leaving this estate does that mean she will be coming with us?" [Leinea]

"Yes, Leinea until things stabilize here. Between my mother, and grandmother I will have syrelia live with us." [Lanthim]

Mynrea looked to Syrelia who looked a little surprised by the speed that everything was happening.

"It will be good to have her live with us. Keeping her abilities a secret, will be easier if she is further away from these unstable elements." [Mynrea]

Referring to his grandmother Mynrea had no more interest in being part of this family. While true Lanthim was still a Frenost. His home was so far away, that no one would care if he did nothing in the name of the clan.

"I don't know who they are but there were a few attacks on my mother's estate earlier. People trying to kidnap Syrelia they are likely all dead now." [Lanthim]

"We will not be fully out of this place till tomorrow." [Mynrea]

The likelihood of other attempts even against a dragons home to kidnap Syrelia was likely.

"She will sleep with me tonight. If anything happens I'm sure you could deal with the rest Lanthim." [Leinea]

However, such precautions were not required there would be no further attacks that night. A master level barrier had been established around the mountain keeping anyone from coming close.
