
Chapter 31 Small Steps

Dragon Lands Falinryd Province

On the continent of Dracovath far to the west lay the dragon lands. The ancient ancestral home of all dragons. For as long as their kind had roamed the world it was here that all would return to live, breed, and die. Having survived the world's destruction four times these lands while much the same as they were in the past held many scars.

Jagged peaks claimed all of the useable land endless in scope for thousands of mile. All one would see from the Pracothien sea to the east as far as the Great abyss in the west was the unending mountains. It was deep in the interior that Eldra Nyrotral had made his home. As  powerful as he was it was not surprising when one saw the great house he had built for the many females that lived with him.

While marriage was practiced amongst dragons most of the time a female would move from male to male after a few thousand years or so. Meaning that all a male would have to do is keeps his female interested.

"What he lost an arm? Living for so long must be dulling Eldra's senses."

Inside the compound that made up eldra's estate which had been built upon the face of one of the many mountains in the area. Six females sat together in a large open courtyard that was situated directly atop of the mountain. Unlike the many that would come and go as they pleased these six had remained intensely loyal to Eldra.

"There must be something being overlooked here a human can't defeat a dragon. The two races being on two different levels of mana purity mean it is impossible for such a thing to be done and yet Mynrea happily excepts this contradiction as fact."

All nodded together in agreement of this fact. In their minds, such a thing was impossible and yet eldra remained with his mother continuing to recover from his wounds. The thought that such a powerful individual could be wounded to the extreme in which eldra had been made the six of them tremble.

"Eldra has called for leinea to live with her grandmother for a time. I don't think this decision is up for debate he was adamant that she be moved quickly."

"We will have to watch for a time Mynrea seems to have more planned than even eldra knows."

Mount Gretalros Mynrea's Estate

"I hope you don't think I have called you here to antagonize you Litralia. With Milty's return, it is a foregone conclusion that Lanthim has likely begun to cross the ocean to the south-east we will be unable to stop him now." [Mynrea]

Both women sat together in one of many parlors that did not have a view of the outside. There was a need to talk and not have unneeded distractions.

"I am most thankful for the assistance you have rendered in trying to bring Lanthim home Mynrea. I must say though that I find it strange that you would do so much for a single human boy." [Litralia]

Alway being suspicious of anyone who had any interest in any of her children. Litralia was not going to simply listen to this dragonness. Comfort someone that she should view as below herself. Taking a sip of tea, that had been prepared Litralia looked to her counterpart waiting for her to say something.

"Would it scare you if I was interested in the boy? It is not like anything would happen until he turned seventeen but I will not lie. It is only because you are his mother that I treat you better than any human deserves." [mynrea]

The harsh certainty was what Litralia had thought. All the dragon wanted was her son while not a complete surprise. The idea of having better treatment only because of her son gave Litralia a feeling of objection to the idea, however, a dragon will do as she pleases.

"No matter, I have another candidate for Lanthim for when he returns. I have asked you here to allow you to meet this person be thankful Litralia." [Mynrea]

"A candidate!! you take to much upon yourself Mynrea this is for me to decide not you." [Litralia]

Infuriated by what she was hearing Litralia slammed her cup on the table shattering bot the cup and the plate underneath. Pushing the chair from under her litralia began to make her way out of the parlor.

"Do you think Arielia and the elf bitch will happily allow him to return home. And not tie him down with a disastrously damaging marriage. He will be put in some house held down by tedious things not able to grow do you want that." [Mynrea]

With her hand on the door, Litralia thought about what Mynrea was saying. The chance of Lanthim returning and not having to deal with his grandmother in some way was unavoidable. That being said there was always a chance. That moving before Arielia could that there was a chance that lanthim would not be restricted.

"A girl from your family I suppose?" [Litralia]

Angry as all hell with her hand still on the door litralia looked to mynrea who had moved next to her.

"Her name is Leinea, the youngest child of Eldra the best choice being the same age as Lanthim as well her attitude towards humans is not that bad."[Mynrea]

Taking Litralia's hand in her own Mynrea gave a yielding expression trying to seem less than she was. Pulling her hand away the human woman looked back to the table her cup had been repaired as if nothing had happened.

"While I will not object to the arrangemen. She can have no interaction with any other of nedral's wives. We must avoid any chance of poison enter the girls mind before Lanthim's return." [Litralia]

"I agree, it is for that reason the Leinea will be living with me while in these lands. Since none of the others ever dare enter my domain without permission." [Mynrea]

Still feeling angered by the situation Litralia was not going to give in and just have mynrea pull her along.

"I will have her stay in my estate for a time, as well should be a good experience for a young dragonness to learn about humans by living amongst them." [Litralia]

"I can see trouble with such an arrangement, however, I will not argue with you. If having Leinea live with you and your children for a time will help you feel more secure than I see no problem." [Mynrea]


"Enter" [Mynrea]

The sudden sound of someone at the door did not frighten either of them the door being well within both of their range they could feel the presence of the people on the other side. As the door began to open three people could be seen on the other side. Delphrin the head maid in this estate followed by Eldra and a small girl.

The horns on her head much like her fathers looked almost as black as many of Litralia's children's hair. With beautiful blond silver hair of her own Leinea Nyrotal looked like the perfect little child. Wearing a blue dress that could put any other child her age to shame.

"Grandmother I am happy to see you." [Leinea]

"As am I to see you leinea, you have grown since last I saw you." [Mynrea]

Both embraced each other with enormous smiles on their faces. Not to intrude on the reunion of these to litralia remained seated saying nothing.

"It took longer for you to get here than I expected did something happen?" [Mynrea]

"Just Rydrel being overprotective that aside all her things have been moved to the rooms you designated." [Eldra]

Eldra now able to move about freely only remained to see his daughter safely into his mother's care. Feeling no concern with the plan to have her marry lanthim eldra was to return to the dragon lands now that his purpose had been fulfilled.

Returning to the door eldra looked back to see leinea talking with mynrea with a face of smiles.

"Don't worry eldra she will be safe here." [Litralia]

Seeing his apprehension towards leaving his daughter at such a tender age. The confidence in Litralia's voice was something that surprised everyone else in the room.

"What Litralia says is true, go now there are more important things for you to do then remain here." [Mynrea]

With everyone looking in his direction as if he were a nuisance Eldra just smiled and departed. Everything was as it should be all that was needed now was for the boy to return.
