
The Royal Wedding

"Do I look good?" 

Yei Lin, who barely arrived for the royal wedding, rolled his eyes before he turned around and gifted the sweating emperor with an over-the-top grin. "You asked me that question for the nth time already, Your Majesty the great Sun."

"And you answered me for the nth time with that awfully fake grin!" Emperor Corean Shuia Eckrett whined like a spoiled child on the brink of his hussy fit.

Yei Lin had enough of it. In one quick stride he held the emperor's shoulders and shook him as if he was waking him up. "Your Majesty, for the love of gods, if you don't stop this then you will not be able to marry her because no woman would like to arrive first without a single shadow of her fiance! You can't have the grand procession without you so snap out of it and off you go!"

A pair of golden eyes were widened upon Yei Lin's outburst. But this outburst did help the young emperor to snap from his fear-filled trance.
