
Why A Clerk Again?

A day has pass and tomorrow will be the first day Nova Initia blacksmith will be open for business.

The first batch of ores Ogz's team has already arrived early in the morning.

Ogz and his group were lost at first when they did not see any blacksmith in the direction their client gave. Fortunately for them, Brian just finished his morning routine and immediately saw them when he went out.

The exterior appearance of his blacksmith always gets a surprising reaction to the point that Brian has gotten used to it. So when they dropped off the heavy ores inside the shop, Brian cared little for the popping eyes of Ogz when they saw the interior.

It took a little bit of time explaining his aesthetic taste but they soon went back to their delivery.

Just like what they have negotiated, 2 gold coins for the worth of what they have discussed.

There was no problem with the iron ores. For the gold coin worth of random ones, there was a lot of cheap copper mix into it. Brian did not really care about that because he did say they can put anything on it.

Steel was the most common material in all blacksmiths, but it is also the most purchased type of equipment. Brian decided it was the safest way to test the water first before they add more variety.

The group of goblins happily left after receiving their gold. If their client is that rich to waste money in designing his blacksmith, then they will not need to worry about their payment in the future.

Now the matter concerning the supplier is done, it was time for the progress of his employee.

Richi went inside the workshop first thing the morning. This would be the third day of his apprenticeship.

After a day of creating different types of weapons with the same materials on the first day, Richi then focused on defensive equipment like shields and helmets the next day.

Today which is supposed to be the last day of the trial period, Brian has assigned him to practice using different ores for his creations especially the rarer ones because the System is good enough to provide it to them for free.

30 days of worth of non-stop hammering. Brian was confident that the novice blacksmith three days ago will be one of the best in the city with the help of the System.

Brian and Richi have an agreement that Brian will be paid 30% of what they earn for the day.

He wanted to give Richi 50% at first but the System that has been quiet for a while now suddenly suggested that he should only give 20%. But after a brief negotiation and mocking one another, Brian was able to raise it up to thirty.

Studying how business is conducted in a blacksmith by going around few more blacksmiths during the past two days, Brian understood that if it was not for him providing the materials and facilities, all profit will go to the one forging the goods.

Brian felt bad when he told Richi how much he would be paying him but to his surprise, his blacksmith replied, "I'm already happy Boss Bry gave me the best place to forge my creation. Even if you don't pay me, I will still be glade to work here."

As tempting as free labor sounds, Brian of course will never accept it. It was then his time to force Richi to accept the 30% agreement.

'Still no signs of the flower girl. If she won't be coming this morning, I have no choice but to find another… I can't delay opening my shop any further.'

The last person that should complete his ongoing System quest did not come yesterday. Brian really thought he gave a good impression for someone who is hiring.

Her absence made Brian really worried because little did he know, he might be waiting for nothing. He even got the foolish idea to let Paia handle the role of being a clerk.

Thankfully that did not happen. Because as soon as he was about to visit Paia in Raine's care, he met her.

"You want to join me and grab something to eat?" Brian was planning to buy some fried pancakes from the nearby food cart before checking his daughter.

Like how he met her, a red hood was still covering her face. But Brian could tell she would follow him.

"I have not introduced myself yet. I'm Brian but I hope you call me Boss for formality purposes."

"Hm… My sister calls me Lucy. A nickname for Lucillia. You can address me however you want."

"Looking forward to working with you then, Lucy."

Brian gave her a strawberry-filled pancake just like how Paia wanted it to be. He did not forget to purchase some for his daughter and her friends.

Munching on his plain hot snack relief him from all his worries.

"I'll just bring this to my daughter before we go to my blacksmith."

A bag filled with those pancakes will be enjoyed by little kids later. Making sure he dropped it by first, Brian then led Lucy to her workplace.

He was a bit disappointed when Lucy did not give much of a reaction when she saw the blacksmith. Nova Blacksmith is already his pride although it will not matter because customers will give him the reaction he wants in the near future.

The more important thing for now is letting Lucy join Nova. Before she would be an official member and be counted on his quest, Brian needs to let her sign the contract.

Brian can only sigh in relief when the System did not force his suppliers to initiate a contract with him. However, it cannot say the same on the people working under him.

Lucy dropped her hood when she saw that the store was empty. Her face was finally bare for Brian to observe while she was moving timidly on the seat Brain offered.

He already knows Lucy has a petite figure but he does not know if it was because of her age or genes. The face has the western beauty feel on it with her hazel brown eyes and hair. If it was not for the weird paleness of her skin like she lacks blood, then she might be considered the princess of a strong kingdom.

Feeling a bit nervous, he gave her a paper and a small needle.

Lucy might have not the best life currently, but she was still able to read what was written on the contract. It was intentional that she did make any noise even after she read everything.

"What illegal things are you doing here?" Lucy raised her brows as she looked at the man who she thought has a good character.

"… It's just a normal blacksmith. We are lacking someone who can work as a clerk." Brian explained with a wry smile.

"Clerk? Why do you need a clerk in a blacksmith?"

Lucy was becoming more cautious about what she will be dealing with. It also did not help the silence Brian gave when she asked him.

"Now that she mentions it… System, why do we need a clerk again?"

<System: It is simple if the User just gives a minute to think about it. The blacksmith's job is to create the goods and make sure the supply meets the demands. The clerk's job is to handle accounts while convincing visiting customers. And for the owner's role, User only needs to collect the profit and invest in other opportunities>

"You make it sound so convincing but this is the first time I heard a blacksmith needing a clerk."

<System: If the User will limit himself to just staying on the blacksmith, then this Amazing System won't require a clerk. But our goal is to make money so I hope the User remembers that>

The System's words told him that he will not be handling the blacksmith directly for long. Brian feels like he is becoming more of a CEO rather than a merchant. Maybe because there were no CEOs in the world, the System shamelessly named itself the Merchant System.

But back to the topic, Lucy was still waiting for the response of Brian. She really did not want to decline the opportunity. But if the man in front of him is conducting unspeakable business, then she will not hesitate to leave.

"Our trade secret is the backbone of our shop so I need to do everything to not let it fall under the wrong hands… You can resign whether you like, and I will not stop it. But of course, any memory concerning our secret will be erased."

"There's only a handful of people that knows memory manipulating magic in the whole continent… Who are you, really?"

"I'm just a normal merchant. And if you sign, then I'll be your boss."

There were a lot of questions being left unanswered. However, Lucy felt the man in front can be trusted. She already met a lot of deceiving people in her short life, but Brian was not one of them.

She then remembered the face of her sister. Unless it is killing, she can do everything to give her sister a chance to lead a normal life. Even if she needs to give her life in exchange for the benefit of her sister, then she will do it ten times out of ten.

Noticing the small needle that was also given to her, she poked her index finger and stamping the droplet of blood on the open clause underneath the contract.
