

(A few days later)

(Alacrya - central domain)

"Hahahaha" Laughing like a mad man, Agrona sat on his throne and looked at the five figures that were kneeling in front of him.

"Well, that took quite the wrong turn than I predicted. I've lost all of my leading figures in this war. Not to mention all the soldiers that died in the hands of Madara

Hahaha, this quite interesting"

The five sovereigns looked at each in confusion. The just lost all the Scythes and retainers, yet, Agrona was laughing like it was nothing.

"My lord, we just lost a lot of soldiers up till now, and we haven't made single progress. Don't you think we should just end this war?" Said one of the Sovereigns.

"Stop the war?? How can we do that when things have gotten this far"

"What do you mean by that, my Lord?"

"I'm sure the Epheotus Asuras have been observing our situation up till now, and if I'm correct, they might be thinking of a way to use this opportunity to strike us

And this is where things get interesting, while they are planning to strike us. We'll use that boy to strike them"


"Don't worry, I got a plan. Hehe, it's called a reverse card…I'll make him crumble to dust for flaming me" Said Agrona as the throne he was sitting on turned to dust.





(Dicathen- The floating castle)

"So far everything is going well, we have somehow managed to defeat the enemies thanks to the first preparation we made

It seems like the enemies didn't have another method to get here other than using the ocean, but due to Madara placing us all over the Cities that were close to the ocean

We were able to stop the invasion. Also, on my side it was Madara who stopped them".

"Well, on my side I was able to stop those Alacrya soldiers thanks to the effort of my soldiers. Although we lost some of our soldiers, but we were able to kill them all"

Listening to Varay and Bairon talking, Virion turned his head around to look at the three figure incased inside the ice coffin. He couldn't help but sighed.

"So those are the Scythes. Even though they're dead, their horns still release powerful mana presences" Said Virion as he looked at Director Goodsky who was sitting beside him.

"Just one of them is enough to conquer this continent…but he killed all three of them. You should be grateful that he's doing all of this" Said Goodsky.

Over the past few days, Things have calmed down in Dicathen, but all the soldiers were still on their post ready for anything. As for the Lances, currently they were having a meeting with Virion, director Goodsky and the rulers of Dicathen.

"Where is he?" Said Varay while looking at Virion.

"He's been sleeping for the whole two days"

'He must be exhausted ' thought Varay as she looked at the bodies of the Scythes that were placed for display.

"So, what move will our enemies make now? We have blocked their entrance to Dicathen and even defeated them this time. We need to know in order to prepare ourselves for what's coming next". Said Bairon as he looked at Director Goodsky.

"All the leading figures of the Alacrya have been killed by Madara till now, the only option left for them to send the real army …"

"To put it simple, the Asuras are going to be involved from now on. They will either lead the Alacrya soldiers or fight. And we can all pictured what will happen if they decided to fight us" Stated Virion.

"Hmm, what should we do then"" Said Blaine.


Everyone turned their heads around to see the person who said that. It was Madara leaning on the door with his shirtless body.

"Your war is over, none of you will survive if you fought an Asura. You'll be dead, your soldiers will be dead and so is this continent

Withdraw all the soldiers stationed at the coast side, this incoming war is not something they can just fight and win"

"What?! Then how are we going to win this war? Or are we going to surrender?".

"Don't be stupid and don't let that dumb head of yours be the caused of the death of your friends and soldiers. I told you, didn't I ? I have personal business with the Vritra so I'll take care of them" Said Madara as he opened the door and walked out of the room.

'The question is when will they make a move?' Thought Madara as he walked inside his room and sat on the sofa.

Madara stayed there for a whole minute thinking of what should he do, but then an idea comes to his mind.

Madara placed one hand to the floor and used the other one to do a hand seal,

[Summoning: Reanimation jutsu ]

It didn't take long for a coffin to emerged from the floor and opened up to reveal Aldir who walked outside the coffin as the coffin sunk into the ground.

Aldir looked at his hands and seeing that he have full control over his body, he looked at Madara who was sitting on the sofa right in front of him.

"Again with your powers, just how much do you want to make me suffer this humiliation? Why can't you let me die in peace" said the Aldir.

"I got a job for you…go to Epheotus"

At first, Aldir was excited that he could finally tell his Lord about Madara's existence and power, but his excitement died down after having a second thought.

"What are you planning?"

"Let's just say I want to know how Epheotus looks like…now opened a portal to Epheotus"

Aldir did like what he was told. He wanted to refuse, but his body moved on its own and opened a portal that lead to Epheotus.

"Perfect. Now, how about a little link connection"

Before Aldir could figure out what did Madara meant by link connection, he lost conscious.

"That was easy"

Madara's voice came from both Aldir and his original body.

This was the reanimation link, where Madara as the user can take control of the reanimated body by possessing them.

Right now, I can see what Aldir eyes see, he can use Aldir's mouth to speak and even use Aldir's power.

Quite an op jutsu don't you think?

Aldir's body that was now being possessed by Madara as he walked inside the portal that lead to Epheotus.

'Let's see how things play out ' Thought Madara while looking at the portal that was closing.
