

" To understand what I'm about to tell you, you need to do something first…you need to believe in the impossible Can you do that? Good!"


" Man I love that show the flash aka Barry Allen the best and most honest hero…in my opinion!"

I mean like how can you not love the flash he is not only the fastest man alive but he is the best person alive he is the greatest I swear, but before we can continue on watching I need to run to the store real fast.

> Fifteen minutes later…

After getting what I needed I'm headed home when all of a sudden…


I'm not gunna lie I was tempted to just run home but then I remembered what my mom used to say ' Always be brave little one someone may need you to be someday' so I ran into the alley to help whoever yelled only to see a man pointing a gun at a couple about to kill them and it seems like he hasn't seen me yet!

' Well here goes nothing!'

I ran as fast as I could at the assailant and tackled him to the ground and after getting him on the ground I turn to the couple…


After saying that I go back to looking at the guy only to get punched dead center in the jaw which sends me tumbling off of him and I see him going for the gun on ground, so I get up and go for the gun as well and as we both start fighting for the gun there was a sudden

' BANG '

And I suddenly felt light but I couldn't think about that yet so I gathered what strength I had left and smashed the assailants head against the wall effectively knocking him out.

After seeing that the assailant was unconscious I leaned my back against the wall and looking at my wound and saw that I had a bullet hold in my gut and I was bleeding bad but before I could think anymore of it I saw the couple I just saved running towards only to realize it was best friends James and autumn!

" heyyy man are you….Sam is that you?" James said surprised at seeing me.

" hey buddy ' Cough Cough ' you ookay? Autumn are you okay?"

" Yes we're fine!" Autumn says with tears streaming down her face.

" That's good! ' Cough Cough ' "

" Hey man we need to get you to a doctor!" James says to me only to realize I'm no longer breathing

" Sam…hey cmon buddy..Sam!" James says frantically while holding to his chest while crying.

After seeing James holding my dead body there was this blinding light which forced me to close my eyes only to reopen them the next second and find myself in a great royal hall filled with what looks like different warrior statues along the corridor.

As I'm walking down the corridor suddenly these double doors opened and this great hall was shown with what I assume are three being sitting in the middle almost like judges I assume.

When I make it to the front of these beings I finally make out two male being and one female who smiles proudly at me.

" Hello young one I'm sorry to tell you but you died!" Female being said to me sadly

" I know and I would do it again if it meant saving my friends!"

" Well I never thought I would here that!" Male 1 said while smiling proudly.

" you have the spirit of a warrior young one!" Male 2 said which seemed to surprise the other two beings guess he doesn't usually talk huh.

" thank you so am I going to heaven or something?"

" Well that is all up to you Sam but we believe you are chosen to have a second chance!… you should feel honored not many get this chance!" Female being says proudly

" Wow I am very honored thank you for this chance!"

" You do not need to thank us it was your good heart and warrior spirit that gave you this chance!" Male 1 says proudly

" Okay then so how does this work then?"

" you get three wishes with your choosing of world and personality and background creation!"

" Wow okay then…let's get started!"

> Twenty minutes later…

" okay I want to be reborn in the flash tv show as Bart Allen son of Barry Allen and iris west from the future but make me a set point in time so no matter what changes I can't disappear!"

" And it shall be done" Male 1 Says

" Okay I want a goofy but good heart type of personality and I want my background that I ran back in time during crisis and I ended up coming back in time a couple of months before season two started and that I am a detective for the CCPD!"

" Good Choice!" Male two days

" Now my wishes I want a gamer system with just the stats and a storage space and can you make it to where I have house with a secret temporary bunker just until I join team flash! For my second wish I want god like looks and senses! And my final wish can you just give it to my fiends James and autumn when they pass on!"

" You are a true friend Sam and you will be a great hero… now you must be off have a wonderful Second life!" Female being says with a kind smile

As I start to fade I say a thank you to them and then I feel myself being sucked away which is a really weird feeling!

After what feels like a two year nap I open my eyes only to find myself looking a red wall of energy getting really close to burning me alive, but before I can make move I get this skull breaking headache filled with all of my bodies memories and feelings.

After what feels like forever the headache finally disappears and I take off running, but not before watching as I see my mother iris my sister Nora everyone from my memories burning from the energy wall and I can't help but start to tear up but I don't stop I just run and I finally the speed force opens up and run as fast as I can and then I jump out of the speed force only to end up hitting a wall.

' Groan '

" Okay that hurt…note to self learn how to stop!"

" Who are you?"

That's all I hear before looking up only to see the flash and the rest of team flash and I now realize where I jumped out of the speed force right in the middle of Star labs Flash room.

" uummm…sorry my bad really haven't gotten brakes down yet, but hi…dad!"

After hearing what I said everyone in the room is slack jawed more so my parents then everyone else!"

" dad?" I hear iris my mom say.

" hi mom hehehe!" I say as I nervously chuckle while unknowingly tearing up at the sight of my mom which everyone notices.

" why are you crying" Iris asks worryingly

" huh…ohh sorry no reason just glad I made it that's all!"

I could tell that no one believed that more so papa joe curse his instincts.

" umm so I guess you have questions so go ahead ask I'll be honest as possible!"

After I say that everyone nods and Barry brings me chair encouraging me to sit while Caitlin starts running test on me.

" okay so what's your name and why are you here!"

" oh sorry about that was kinda wrapped in the moment but my name is Bart Allen I have your name but instead of being called Barry I'm called Bart and I'm here because I was running from crisis!" I say then I realize what I say and I say

" please tell me you know about the crisis newspaper please tell me you do!"

" okay yes we know about it we have seen the newspaper!"

" hoooh…. That's a relief!"

" wait is crisis really that bad that you needed to run all the way back here!" Cisco says worried about the future.

I cant help but look at my mom with sad eyes and hang my head low while clenching my fist.

" Yeah it is next question please!" As I say this I feel a soft hand on my shoulder and I just know that it is irises hand.

" What do you plan to do now?" I hear iris ask

" I'm gonna go back to being a cop and get myself situated in this time!"

" Wait you cant do that this isn't your time!" I just knew my dad would say that.

" It is now!" I say while glaring at my dad before super speeding away to this forest somewhere outside Central City.

Star Labs

" Barry!" Iris says towards Barry

" What's this isn't his time!"

" dude are you really that dumb you didn't see everything we saw!" Cisco says glaring at Barry

" What are you guys talking about?" Barry asks confused

" Barry think about it he ran here from crisis and the whole time we talked about he looked like he was on the verge of tears while looking at all of us especially iris now out the clues together and tell us why he doesn't want to go back!" Caitlin says angrily.

After a couple of minutes of thinking Barry finally figured out and hangs his head low and clenches his fist tightly angry with himself for what he said to Bart.

" We all died during crisis but he probably saw iris die before running here!" Barry says before rushing away to find Bart only to find Bart at a surprising and heart crushing place.

> Barry's childhood home

If you look closely and you know what your looking for you'll see lightning all around the house of Barry's old home and in that lightning you'll find Bart fixing up the place and adding his personal touch.

After finishing up the house he turns only to see Barry in the door way just standing there looking at him confused.

" What?"

" Why are you in this house… if you are my son you should know about this house?"

" I do know about this house and I owned this house in the future as well so I bought it in this time too!"

" Wait you owned this…why?" Barry asks angrily

" Because it makes me feel like I'm close to them…your parents!" I answer honestly

" but don't you know what happened in this house?" Barry ass less angry after hearing my answer.

" yes I know that grandma was killed here but it's more than that this is where you grew for the first part of your life this house doesn't just hold the memory of that night it holds a whole lot more good than bad dad that's why I bought it!"

After thinking for a few minutes Barry chuckles and then smiles at Bart before turning and running back to star labs.

" So no goodbye…okay then!" I say before going to the bases meant to check out my bunker which looks like Oliver's bunker except instead of green arrows and stuff it's all flash stuff.

After getting everything set up and having Gideon call Captain Singh about my ' transfer ' to CCPD ,which went through perfectly, I'm dead tired and I can't wait for tomorrow.

Please leave comments and opinions or help you can give in the comments below thank you!

Sam_Naborscreators' thoughts