
56. Consoling 'Him'

"Some people took her away." Finally Jack mustered the courage to speak.

"And what were you doing?" Markus shouted.

"We were not their match. Plus the ladyboss knows them. She went with them willingly." Alex spoke up.

"What do you mean she knows them? Does she know our enemy? And she went away with them?" Joel asked with confusion.

"No, not the enemy." Jack said.

After that both he and Alex recited the entire scene, from there fake kidnapping to ladyboss killing enemies with one shot and finally entry of a dangerous man when she was shot and how he saved them and left with her before berating them and leaving a message for Markus.

"Do you know the people who captured you?" Markus asked.

"No." All of them answered simultaneously.

"I have seen him once before this." Suddenly the driver replied.

"Who?" Markus asked.

"The man who had captured us." Driver replied.
