
Chapter 7 , pervert

i then decided to change into new clothes that hades brought for me . i started to remove my jacket and i felt someone staring at me . i then realized that hades was staring at me with lustful eyes . maybe it was because i had turned into a girl but i couldn't help but scream . now , i understood what the word pervert meant to the girls . i screamed and said " PERVERT !!" and manifested a spell of illusion to block hades from seeing anything . " Shamerea " and the whole area was covered with thick mist . maybe due to this they came running here . i who was familiar with these clothes . WHY ? cause someone used to get me crossdress as a girl when i was young . sigh . i quickly removed my clothes and wore the new ones which was followed by removing the mist . they came . hades asked " what are those !!??" i replied " That's the crusaidier banneret . it is is a part of the dukedom and also a knighthood directly under the duke " hades then asked " no , what are those robots ?" i replied " i don't know what you are calling a robot but those are droidcavelier . in short dolier . it must be your first time seeing one . those are the machines we use to fight during wars . very few people know about their mechanisms . only the emperor and the future emperor and the duke's sucessor are allowed to know . this a top secret of our country and also one of the reasons why the country is calm for now at the very least . i already have remembered all the parts and etc of the dolier as , i was already the duke's sucessor the day i was born "" while putting on my cloak . i can't let them see my eye color. then a knight came out of the dolier and asked me " lady , why did you scream ?" i replied " a pervert appeared out of nowhere . i was so scared that i used a magic spell . if i ever get to meet that bastard i would beat him up till he dies " another man came and joined the first man . the another man said " lady , can you tell us how he looked like ?" i replied " silver hair . that's all i could see " the first man then said " jacob , it must be the young master if he has silver hair " followed by the another man " yeah , you are right michal . young lady where did he go ?" i replied " i think north-east " then the man named michal came and kissed my hands . i was flustered due to his sudden endeavor . i who was used to being a gentleman knew that kissing a lady's hand was an act of etiquette still i wasn't good at receiving it !! after all i am a boy at heart . michal then said " young lady thank you for your help and you look extremely gorgeous mind if we hang out tonight ?" i replied " i have somewhere to go !" the man named jacob them pinched michal's ear and said " mind you ways ! just look at the lady , she was put on a spot because of you . apologize " michal replied " i am sorry but you are indeed very beautiful " after hearing that sentence my face got even redder . i replied " i accept your apology " ( i then heard hades voice " hahaha... see i wasn't the only one who found you beautiful . it seems every man who will see you is going to fall in love with you " i replied " shut up " ) the two man had left in there dolier . i started walking towards the town .
