
Chapter 102 - Instant Necklace?

After everything around her stopped turning, Mi Young came to realize she was in another room. Gone was the room where she found the purple book, replaced with a room with iron bars, the black haired girl noticed.

Mi Young also realized she was lying on the cold hard floor. When she roams her eyes, she sees Kwang Soo sitting on the corner of the cell and he looks like he was playing with something.

The black haired girl groans as she slowly gets up from where she was laying down. She sees Kwang Soo out of the corner of her eyes looking up at her with a look of relief.

The senior lets out a sigh before he sits down on the floor, shoulders finally slumped. "Oh good, you're awake. I thought you're dead, you weren't breathing already."

"Where are we?" Mi Young asks, disoriented as she tries to adjust her eyesight.

"Some sort of a cell where they keep all their prisoners I think." Kwang Soo answers while his eyes were focused on something ahead of them.
