
This is My Plan, Will You Follow? (2)

"I want you to ask for a transfer."


"Heng Xing City."

Heng Xing City?

The word caused Zhang Dan Shui to be stunned. He naturally knew that Heng Xing City was one of the few underdeveloped cities. It was not close to any natural resources and the areas were a bit hard to access because there was only one main road. The development was slow since it used to be put in dispute with some people who were living nearby.

Nan Hua could see Zhang Dan Shui's hesitation. "I want you to become the governor there within 5 years. Whether you do it or not, it's all your choice. If you don't want, I'll search for someone else."

After saying all that, Nan Hua turned around and walked away in slow pace. She didn't give Zhang Dan Shui any time to digest all the information she thrown to him just now. There was no time in the slightest bit for him to answer her question.

Zhang Dan Shui was stunned. He blurted out, "Can I bring my mother?"
