

Daniel barely stopped at the curb long enough for me to jump out. His tires squealed as he peeled away - my tardiness having robbed him of his grand entrance. What few students remained were like me - head down, running up the stairs, anxious to get to class before the doors locked. Of course, once I’d made it in and through security, I had to stand in the hallway like a complete idiot while I tried to guess which direction I’d find administration.

One of the security guards, a tubby middle-aged man, his face etched with weariness, approached me. “Miss?” he said, his hand on his Billy club. “The head office is that way, first door on your left.” He stepped back and I nodded, surprised by even the smallest of kindnesses. I felt as wary as I did walking the corridors of Hell - like danger lurked in every shadowed recess, behind every friendly face.
