
Chapter 77: Epilogue: Four Months Later

I stood in front of the full-length mirror and smoothed down my skin-tight yellow dress that Alyssa had picked out for me. Both she and Kevin loved putting me in tight clothes, especially when I was working out.

Kevin and Alyssa had given me one of the greatest gifts anyone had ever given me.

My independence.

They gave me my gym back. I didn’t know how they had managed it. I had a feeling they had to pull a few major strings. But they had done it. Neither one would admit it, but I found it odd that Armando ran back to Mexico with his tail between his legs, and I suddenly had my place back.

I stopped questioning it, though as soon as Alyssa reminded me of one of their fantasies that I could play out often.

I still did my old routines as much as I could. But now, at least once a week, I would give them a private show after the doors were closed. Sometimes they let my pole routine play through, and sometimes they would lose control before I was even done.
