
Noble Auction (Final)

"AHAAHAHAHAAHA! WHAT AN IDIOT!" The merchant cried out, sinking his shadows into the ground and then arching them back up until they were right beneath me. I felt their dark properties tickle my feet, but before they could draw any drop of blood, the ice from my body exploded outwards. 

It was a shockwave that disrupted the shadows, giving the ice enough time to suck into my body and travel into my blade of black ice. It extended and extended and extended until a long sword had been formed, its frozen properties so cold that it began to nip at my hands. Any longer, and I might even lose my hand to the frostbite. 

As I let out a long breath of icy mist, the man took a step backward, feeling something wrong. But it was too late as I flash-stepped into his guard, breaking it and stabbing this sword right through his chest. Even the hundreds of layers of shadows he had gathered around his body couldn't stop the blade dripping with icy death. 

