
Suffering With Cerberus (Final)

And so, as the two heads slid off their necks, I awaited the next notifications that were bound to come. 


[You have beaten Stage Two of Three]

[Stage Three will commence]


Upon waking up, the obvious happened, and I was greeted by the sight of a three-headed dog now chained up by a metal collar linked around its neck. 

It growled and rumbled like an earthquake as it looked at me, but before I could even stand up, the darkness before me parted, and a sword as big as a mountain acme crashed down towards me. 

The size was unbelievable, and there was no way for me to dodge it, so just as I wrapped myself in my bloodlust, I set my hands out. 

I was going to catch this massive weapon even if it tore my body in half… but it was too much for me as the sword was so sharp that it cut straight through my hands, my arms, and then finally my torso and legs, splitting me completely in half. 
