
About Your Father

The director looked at Ning with half his body inside the door. "No, this is private," the old man said. "Please step out."

Ning looked at the director and then over to Shara. "Oh… Shara, do you want me to leave?"

"No, I want him to be here too," Shara said. 

Ning had taught her a few things yesterday, especially regarding the uniqueness of her situation and how whatever was happening to her may not just be a good thing.

He had repeated those words this morning before he left her, so she knew not to be alone with strangers. The gold she carried wasn't even the most precious thing about her anymore.

The old man looked at her with an awkward smile. "But this is important," he said. "This is about your father."

Shara's eyes widened. "My… father?"
