
City 10

The man named Wultz looked at Ning, nearly dismissing him because of how thin and fragile he looked. If not for that, he would've assumed the man to be a worker of his.

"I was sent by the military, sir. I believe you sent a request for more Spark?" Ning asked.

The man's eyes widened. "Finally!" he shouted. "It only took you military people a week to get off your asses and do your job. Where's the Spark? My workers need it soon."

Ning shook his head. "I believe you may be mistaken," he said. "I am here to make sure that your claims of needing more Spark are valid before I go tell my superiors to send you some."

The old man grumbled. "Valid this and claim that. You people never get the job done. All you do is sit on your comfortable chairs and make the working man's life hard for no reason. Just get us the damn Spark so we can finish this job. We've been at it for months already. We want some break too."
