
Task for Stillwater

As soon as Ning took away the woman's necklace, there was a visible change around her that everyone in the room could feel, including Ning.

All of a sudden, she appeared far less beautiful and charming than she initially was. There were zero changes to her overall appearance, and her face looked the same as before, and yet the overall attraction from her that everyone felt was suddenly gone.

Ning looked at the necklace in his hand and raised an eyebrow in surprise. It took him not even a second to realize it was the necklace that had given her the attraction that he had felt when he entered the room.

He couldn't help but wonder if this was how she managed to gain her followers as a pirate captain.

Stillwater felt naked without her necklace, feeling threatened all of a sudden. She couldn't tell just what she was to do without her necklace aiding her.
