

Ning stared at the woman in front of him for a while before giving a small smile. He produced the Book of Treasures and placed it on the table.

The woman looked at the book and quickly realized that was the Zurin Treasure she had read both of the other two captives talking about.

She reached out for it but Ning quickly took the book and pulled it away from her.

"This does not belong to you, so please do not touch it," Ning said.

"You are not allowed to have a treasure on you in the interrogation room. Hand it over," the woman said.

Ning took the book and made it vanish again, making the woman jump in surprise. "If you say we can't have a treasure here, then I won't."

"Where did you put it?" the woman asked.

"Away," Ning answered.

"I just told you that you're not allowed to have it in the interrogation room," she said.
