

"Your Majesty, if we could talk."

The eldest of the wives of the Godking followed Ning on the way back to their room. 

The palace was created in such a way that it had open windows and missing walls, where anyone could see or hear anything from anywhere.

Indebiss seemed to have indulged quite a lot with the humans and had taken nearly 80 wives to himself, most of whom only got to see him a day or two at best. Not many of them even got to do anything beyond just fan him during the hot days and feed him while he enjoyed his time.

He was quite promiscuous it seemed, despite being a Constellation.

Ning was quite surprised to learn that.

Most of the wives weren't treated as more than just slaves, and only the most beautiful ones, namely the ones that had appeared in the meeting had even the permission to speak in his presence.

Ning turned to look at the woman who followed him and nodded. "Let us return back and we can talk," he said.
