
Emma's Interest

Emma wàlked along the streets of the city, not sure what she really wanted to do. She knew that she wanted something to pass her time, to feel a sense of adventure that didn't come from her own planet.

But how was she going to do that? By joining a jewelry shop? By going to the fish market?

She held tightly onto Lory as she looked through the streets. As she did so, she came across a shop that was less a shop and more a place to do random job to find work for some money.

She found a place that would be equivalent to guilds back on earth.

It was a place that was simply called 'Farque's Daily Mission Shop', and there were quite a few people that went in and out of the shop.

Emma finally found a place that intrigued her. She read the sign that read that beasts weren't allowed inside.

Sadly, she had to let Umbra right outside and go in.
