
The Conversion Shop

"Emma, do you want to learn about Conversion too?" Ning asked. 

"Conversion? What is that again? The one where you make swords?" she asked.

"Swords, shields, armors, anything," Ning siad. "But yeah, people mostly just make swords."

"I'm fine," Emma said. "I don't plan on learning those. You can have fun with that."

"Alright, you can go around the city then. Enjoy some alone time, see what you want to do," Ning said.

Emma nodded. "I will," she said. "Let's go, Umbra."

Emma, Umbra and the two kids made their away away from the warehouse, leaving Ning behind.

Ning looked at sun outside and realized it was close to 10 in the morning. 'His shop should be open by now,' Ning thought and made his way out of the warehouse as well.

He walked back in the direction of his hotel and quickly made it to the Trobble Conversion shop. He entered the shop and found quite a few types of weapons and artifacts in display.
