
System's Advices

The group flew toward the center of the forest, toward the mountain range, at the center of which was a small pool of pure white Essence gathered at the center.

The Essence there was so thick that it took actual physical form, becoming a liquid for all to see.

Ning walked up close and touched the pure Essence. 

His hands burned immediately from the overwhelming amount of Energy they came in contact with, but that sort of pain was nothing more than a tingle to Ning.

"Doesn't look much different from the one where we live," Emma said. "I wonder if I can touch it."

"Shouldn't be much of a problem," Ning said and let his daughter do what she wanted to.

Emma walked up to the pool and submerged her hand in the pure Essence. She sloshed it around and even pulled out a bit in her cupped fingers. 

However, it very quickly disappeared after coming out of the pool.
