

Nalen's face produced the most magnificent smile when he heard that he could take Ning's sword for free.

"Really?" he asked with the same excited face, like a child who had been told that their parents were going to give them that one toy they had wanted for the longest time.

However, when the reality of the situation hit Nalen, his smile disappeared, turning into a frown that clearly held anger within it. 

Ning smiled a little when he saw that. "What's wrong? You don't want it?" he asked.

"You must be aware that I can't pick it up, aren't you?" Nalen asked. "That's why you tried to taunt me."

"Oh," Ning said. "Not only were you notified about my sword, but you also already went to take it, huh? I must say that's quite rude. Is that what the main branch of the Foreman family does?"

Nalen's anger only increased. "You dare talk about my family with your peasant's mouth?" he asked. "Do you want to die?"
