
First Combat

The rules of the combat competitions were both simple and complicated at the same time. 

Each of the 10 schools registered a set number of students that would take part in the competitions. In this instance, there were 5 from each school.

When the competition starts, one of the schools that were predetermined to start would send out a fighter for the competition. The school that sat to their right would then send out a fighter of their own.

Whoever of the two won would stay on the stage and wait for the next school to send their students to participate.

The participants would go up in a counter-clockwise rotation and the competition would go on until there was but just a single person remaining.

Points were handed in the order of when you lost. If you were the first one to lose, you got 1 point, and if you were the last one to stand, you got more than 45 points, depending on how many of your team had lost.
